

I'm on my way to Martha's bookshop to help her look after it for a while, something I find myself doing a lot recently due to unemployment and lack of a social life. She is my Aunt's good friend whom I am very fond of, so I help her and her husband Tom out from time to time.

My phone starts ringing after I reach the shop, perfect timing. I quickly park my truck and pick up the phone answering it. 'Hello?'

'Hello, am I speaking with Miss James? A deep male voice asks from the other side.

'Yes you are, how can I help you?'

'My name is James Parker, and I'm calling from Black Industries. You applied for a job with us a few weeks ago'. Oh, yes I hope I get an interview because I need the job. Martha's husband Tom told me about the vacancy and encouraged me to apply. I wasn't and still am not confident I will get it, but I have nothing to lose.

'I am calling to inform you that you have gotten the job, you should expect an email about the job details. Congratulations and have a nice day.' *click*

'Wait, what? Hello? He hung up on me, did he just say I have gotten the job? But I didn't have any interview. Does that even happen?  Anyway, who cares! I got the job! Aunt Lee will be happy to hear this; I'll call her and share the good news after I'm done at Martha's. I pick up my purse and head into the bookshop, this maybe the last time i am helping Martha out.


And so it begins....

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