
Stella and Tai-Chi part:1

"Ugh, my body feels so heavy."

"Where am I?"

Stella wondered as she slowly sat up in the soft, comfortable bed. It wasn't her room that was for sure. It was so incredibly luxurious and shiny, that it was blinding to her eyes.

" Bright!"

She shouted as she blocked out the light using her hand. She wanted to use both her hands but her other hand was occupied. She tried to pull her hand and in return heard—


Soft mumbling came from the right of her. She shifted her head and saw,

"A MAN!?"

She shouted out mentally as she covered her mouth as thus not to wake him. He sat on a chair with his head lying on the bed. He was fast asleep but was lovingly holding onto her hand.

"Who is this man?"

She pondered as she quietly sat and stared at the stranger in the same position because if she had moved, she might have woken him up. Upon her quick observation, she noticed that his ears were pointed.

"What's up with those ears of his?"

" Is he cosplaying?... I know I really should be getting out of here. But,"

She thought as she stared at his ears. She couldn't hold her curiosity anymore. She wanted to find out if his ears were real or fake so she slowly reached her hand out to tug on them but before she could get any closer, she halted at the sight of the ring that was placed upon her finger.

"What's a ring doing on my finger?"

She questioned. Then, she noticed a few strands of long lavender-colored hair on the side of her eyes.

"Is this my hair?"

She questioned holding the strands in her hand. The entire situation was very strange to her that it felt dreamlike.

"Am I dreaming right now?"

She pinched her cheek.


"If this is not a dream then..."

She looked at Tai-chi while slowly and carefully shifting his blond-brownish bangs out of the way.

"I at least need to know the face of this stranger just in case."

Wow! His face looked so nice. He looked like an angel of the heavens was what she thought.


She mistakenly blurted out. And of course, Tai-,chi woke up. She watched as he tiredly opened his eyes. They were a beautiful amethyst color. Then those beautiful eyes soon looked up and were locked directly onto Stella's. His eyes immediately lit up with joy.


He shouted as he immediately jumped onto the bed and hugged his beloved wife.

"Stella you're Awake!"

"You don't know how glad I am that you've finally opened your eyes!"

Surprised and extremely confused, Stella sat there in Tai-chi's arms processing the situation at hand.

"Why is this crazy man suddenly hugging me?.. it's so weird. It almost feels like I know him somehow."

" I don't feel hostile towards him more like a huge sense of déjà vu. It kind of feels, nice in a sense. "

Stella was calm in his embrace but soon got irritated at the event of a sudden hug from a stranger.

"Get off!"

She told him.

"I'm sorry honey, I got too excited."

Tai-chi replied with a super happy smile across his face. Stella was once more confused and just stared at him.

"...hm? Is something the matter honey?"

He asked.

"again with the 'honey'." She thought feeling disgusted with his words.

"Answer me! who are you?! Where am I and why is my hair blue?!

She angrily shouted as she shot up and stood on the bed. As soon as she got up, she felt strange.  Her sudden sharp movement, made her newly sized bust bounce around. She was tremendously shocked at the sight. Upon waking up, she was suddenly an F cup.

Moreover, her legs tingled. She felt like her legs were exposed. When she looked down, what she was wearing was a short translucent dress that was revealing undergarments. Even so, didn't help to see that Tai-chi was sitting right beneath her.


Flustered, she immediately took the cover of the bed and quickly retreated to the corner of the room covering up herself at once.




"Stella, calm down."

He got up off the chair and slowly walked towards her.




"Stella, please calm down."

"No! I will, not calm down! What did you do to me!?" She cried.

Tai-chi walked up to her and tried to comfort her but she resisted by throwing her hands and putting up a fight.

"Leave Me Alone! Stay Away From Me!"


Tai-chi got hit across his face during Stella's tantrum. She continued her resistance until,


Both her hands were stopped by Tai-chi. He looked into her tear-filled eyes and told her,

"Darling listen to me. I know all of this is new and quite strange but, I promise if you listen to me, I'll tell you everything you want to know and more. All I need you to do is listen to me ok?"

He offered as he gently wiped her tears away. While he did, she noticed that he had a similar ring to the one on her finger. She was curious about that as well so after being hesitant, she accepted his request under one condition. In a cracked voice, she croaked,

" ...Fine! But only if you stay far."

She ordered. Tai-chi just smiled softly at her statement and sat on the floor one metre away from her in order to respect her wishes. When she was ready to listen, he began.

"Well to start, I'm your newlywed Husband."

"My name is Tai-chi Oliver Rovell Verniel but since we're married, you call me hubby♡."

"Cringe! He actually expects me to call him hubby? He must be delusional! And what's this talk about marriage?"

She wondered.

"I know what you're thinking but we are in fact married."

"...what are you talking about?" She frowned.

" I'd hate to ask this of you but, can you remember the last thing that happened before you woke up here?"

"...The last thing?... Hm, that was..."


A shiver ran down her spine. She remembered the scene of when the rubble was about to cash upon her. She held her chest and gasped for air as her body trembled with fear. Tai-chi quickly ran to her and tightly embraced her.

"It's alright. You're safe now."

He comforted her patting her head as she gripped onto him.

"You're fine now there's nothing to be afraid of when you're with me."

"I told you everything would be alright, didn't I? Everything is fine now."

Hearing his words made her remember another thing.

"There was a person who was there at that time when I was about to die... Could it be?"

She looked up at Tai-chi still in his embrace.

"You? Where you the one who saved me?"

Tai-chi nodded.

"That right! But, you were the one who saved me first."


"Some months before that day, you saved me in the storm and nursed me back to health. I'm really thankful to you for that you know."

"What are you say..? " she paused.

...Don't tell me, you're...?"

"Yep! It's exactly what you think. I was that canary you saved a couple of months ago."

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