
The Billionaire C.E.O in love

Love is a beautiful thing, but when one among the both can't really define their want and reason for love. That alone will end in tears and cause heartbreak. Olivia and Charles are raised in Alabama in the United States, where they were brought up by their rich parents. Oliva, Charles Fiancee loved him not until she betrayed the love she had shared with him for her political career to fulfill the promise she made to her father, who was murdered a month after resuming the office of Alabama Governor under the Republican Party. Her career as a young politician could only be successful by going into agreement with Governor Hudson, the incumbent Governor of the state, if she could get married to Jonathan, his son, since he refuses to follow his footstep in order to have Alabama governed by the family. Getting married to Jonathan seems possible because Jonathan has long loved her and needed an opportunity where he will make her his wife. Breaking up with her billionaire lover, Charles the CEO, leaving him with pain and the reflection the juicy time they have spent together while still together. Charles then vow not to give his heart to anyone, or getting married, he became rude to every ladies that tried getting his attention. Moreover, keep ready to get the aftermath of the both character. But at the end, Charles got to fall in love with his secretary, Deborah, whom he slept with while drunk in a club, sometimes in California on his personal assignment trying to expand his oil and gas company beyond Alabama. He knew neither who Deborah was nor that he had a son with her, Kingston, whom she had after the one night stand she had with him, as she was attracted by his handsomeness and fell in love with him on the first date.

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Olivia get hurt and Monitor Harper movement

She returned from Hudson house and met Jonathan and Harper dancing together on a melodious song. With wines around the table and the sound of the music so lovely, she entered surprisely and saw how Jonathan had been dancing around with Harper. Olivia became more hurt. And with Jonathan and Harper noticing her presence, they went further with the dancing and increased the volume. She realized that she couldn't control the sound of the music, so she went in and turn off.

This got Harpee and Jonathan angry. Jonathan is enjoying the song, he shouted. " What? How can you turn off the music? I was seriously enjoying it."

"When did you and your so-called Harper turn the whole house into a party hall? dancing around with a husband snatcher, Yes she is a husband snatcher because if she wasn't, she wouldn't be here doing this with you and breaking my heart on regular basis." She complained.

Now that she said how hurt she is becoming with the attitude displayed by Harper , Harper responded to her. "Point of correction: I am not a husband snatcher, but rather a beautiful, sound lady used to console your husband for the pains you have been putting him through. And as you can see, he is having fun with me. So if you don't mind, excuse us."

Olivia made an attempt to grab her by the hands and hit her face against the wall, but she held onto her anger. "You are lucky; I have planned to disfigure your face but need to hold my peace; bet me, you will regret this. And for you, Jonathan, you will hear from me.Keep dancing with this harlot." She said.

"Olivia, Harperis not a harlot, but rather an angel used to console me for your wickedness and selfish attitude.So stop referring to her as a harlot or husband snatcher. The next time you try that, I will not take it likely with you." He warned her.

The warning took away the little believe she had that he might still return back to her. " Do you mean you are done with me.? And to furthermore, where and how do you developed the courage to speak to me in such manner. Samuel I know is a calm and gentle man, what have come over him.?she asked with surprised.

"Because I am gentle and calm, you think of using me as a rag. As you can see, I have developed what you haven't thought of me developing, am not yet done, and when I am through you will peacefully packed from my house." He told her.

"You are going beyond your limit. Yes, I have offended you, I have caused you pain, and I even went to the point of attempting divorce, But I have apologized and promised to right my wrong. For God's sake, isn't it enough? What else do you want me to do? She sounded so hurt, and there were tears around her face.

"I believe in your next world, you will be kind to your husband." He answered and continued. "Go and ask your shadow what to do actually."

"You heard him," Harper told her.

Olivia, moved into her room, kept wiping, dropping tears of regret. "I don't know it will result in this; my life is in a mess; Jonathan , now speak to me in this manner. The worse is that I am scared of taking action against Harper, and even if I do, it will worsen the situation. He loves her and will nearly kill me when I try hurting her." She places her face on the wall, wiping.

Jonathan and Harper continue with the dancing. Three hours later, when it was time for dinner, Harper served Jonathan rice and chicken. He was eating it before Olivia at the dining table with Harper be there eating also. Harper and Jonathan got more excitement. He speaks of how Harper cooks.

"Wooo, you cook nice and your food tastes nice. I will like you to reserve more of this for me to eat tomorrow, or you can prepare a fresh one. "It is my favorite, and I don't mind eating it all the time." He said and fetch a spoon of rice into his mouth, then said to Olivia. "Do you care for it?"

Olivia looked at him; she felt more pain and had dropped tears. The tears he saw in her made him stop eating, and when Harper noticed he had stopped eating due to Olivia tears, she gave him a sign to keep eating and pretend not to have seen it. Jonathan did as she had said, looking at the benefit of the mission at last. In addition, Jonathan said more about the food. "I must confuse by saying that you are a good cook and cook the best." He appreciates Harper food just to get Olivia annoyed.

"She also cooked more than your mother." Olivia angrily said to him.

He heard it and didn't say a word.

"Why not say something now? You are not ashamed of yourself for saying such things before me." She dropped the fruit in her hand, and said "Jonathan you get me hurt the more."

To Harper and Jonathan , they both agreed that Olivia hasn't learned her lesson through her manner of answering and challenging Jonathan

"Young lady, I don't think you will get to learn your lesson." Hear the sounds of your words and the way you speak to me. Have you forgotten you are the same person who had said to be a change person, why not behave like one?" Jonathan asked her.

"You expect me to stand here watching you intimate me more before her. No, I can't, Jonathan." She replied.

"Then you still need to kill your ego and work more on yourself. Nonsense." He hissed at her and took the food to the sitting room with Harper, where he kept eating.

Olivia beats her head and said to herself loudly, "Olivia, what is wrong with you? When will you learn to be calm?This isn't what I have to say to him. My God, the more I tried to settle things, the more I kept causing more harm with my hands."

"Keep doing it until you see it result." Jonathan sounded.

At first, Olivia present have made him so happy, he got to develop more joy, he was also becoming more healthier and good looking. To him, if Harper wasn't his cousin, he would have made her his wife; nevertheless, he believes that with the attitude he has put alongside Harper assistance, Olivia will surely be a changed person.

While Harper has developed a strong relationship with Deborah, she sometimes pays her a visit, especially when Olivia has brought up her troublesome act and Jonathan is not at home. Although, there have been records of Harper challenging her in various areas; but this time needs to have some peace as she talks with Jonathan .

Prior to that, Olivia had noticed how often Harper had been going out whenever Jonathan wasn't at home. She thought Harper would have been flirting around; to her, it will be a great opportunity if what she think is true.

"The same Harper who has snatched my husband from me in this manner should also be flirting around. Elsewhere, where has she been going whenever Jonathan overstays at work or is not around? She always uses this to get herself out of my fight. Isn't it right that I monitor her move and get to know whom she always visits? I believe it should be a man, and when I find out, I will take a snap of it and present to Jonathan . I believe he will throw her out of the house once he notices she flirts around." Olivia thinks of doing this.

She began her mission, always monitoring Harper movements, at this time. Harper has called Deborah to inform her of her visit, and Deborah has agreed to welcome her as usual. She got ready, picked up the car key, and, not knowing that Olivia , who had noticed she would be going out at that moment, was already outside, not with her car, she boarded a taxi and then followed her slowly. While driving, Harper notices a car following her. She drives slowly, expecting the car to pass her, but it couldn't, so she thought to herself that she is not safe, and she then quickly drives to save her life. As she got to the Charles house, she drove into the compound.

She looked around at her back and noticed that the car wasn't after her again.

Deborah saw the way she drove into the compound so fearful; she came out to know what had gone wrong with Harper. She explained how the car had followed her. Olivia, noticing it was at Charles house where Harper had entered, and asked the taxi driver to drive her back home, becoming more disappointed with everyone. Thinking Charles also has a hand in what she is passing through.

Harper spent all her time with Charles; they had a little conversation in which Deborah asked her how her mission is going. "It is going as planned; at least she has started regretting and wishing to right her wrong." Harper responded. " I pray she should." My reason is that she has been a problem to herself and her family, and the ego she exhibits won't allow her to learn from her mistakes earlier." Deborah told her.

"The same ego is what I will break from her before leaving; I will make sure she gets to know that she have encountered someone more tough and harder than her. Don't worry, you will hear the end of the story." Harper promised Deborah.

"Jonathan is a calm and nice guy; he doesn't deserve such a human being as a wife. In fact, you need to save the young man; I believe his mother is doing this because of him, or else she would have suggested he divorce Olivia ," she said, speaking like one who knows how the plan has be set from the upset.

They were done talking, it already was time for Harper to leave, she became scared. "Don't you think the same car will still go after me?" She askes Deborah, "I made a mistake; I should have noticed who was in that car. Nevertheless, I will take my leave and believe that I am more than whoever in that car, since I have done no one wrong, am save." She entered her car and drove home. As she got home, she found Olivia ready to pour anger on her.

" Where are you coming from," she asked Harper. Harper look around, to know if it was Olivia asking, she didn't expect such from her. " When did my way about become your business. Please I don't want your trouble,let me be, unless you want to end up be in hospital." She said and made a step to move inside her room, Olivia draw her back. " So you are now part of the Charles family, you now goes to meet them whenever you wish. Look here young lady, I have come to believe that you are not doing this alone, Charles aside from Isabella have hands in what you are doing to me. And trust me, soon, your cup will be filled." She pointed at her, and stand watching.

" Oooooh! Norah exclaimed, "So you were the one following me on a taxi, Olivia, when suddenly have you become a monitoring spirit? Harper turned and spoke to her face to face. "You should be lucky that I didn't step down from the car and that I am not in a bad mood; I would have gotten you arrested."

Olivia remained calm, expecting more words from Harper. "In case you forget, I am new here and I have been hearing about Charles and Deborah, the man you broke up with simply because of your political pursue that have failed you. Being new and as one who want who want to see her old friend, Deborah, I decided to pay her a visit." She explained, not because she was scared of Olivia, instead to make her feel more bad.

"You are paying my enemies a visit so as to gain more strength on how to torment me the more." She paused for a breath and continued, "Look, you haven't said clearly told me what you want, but I believe you have come to break my home, which I won't watch you do."

Harper looked at her and drew closer, saying, "My dear, I am Harper, the only daughter that fears no one and a peacemaker; I only fight for peace. If you need your man, then make amendments, with your display, you are not ready to change; it shows around you. When you fail, then expect to see me have you throw out of this house, which is automatically mine." she said to her.

"Never will I watch you do this; I will get my husband back to myself." She shouted at Harper, who was already making her way to the bedroom.

Harper turned and said to her, "It is not by violence, young lady. Learn manners." And went to her.

Olivia roared like a lion; she opened her hands and, with her teeth held together like a wounded lion, She thought of devouring Harper, but just beating around the bush.

Jonathan returns, and Olivia told him how she saw Harper entering into Charles house. Jonathan ignored her and wanted to hear from Harper.

Luckily, Harper was there, she narrated to him how she got to know about Deborah and how Deborah had saved her life once in California. Seeing her here and hearing of her lucky marriage, she went to see her and to congratulate her more.

"Olivia, the fact that you once had an issue with Charles doesn't mean both I and Harper should partake your pain or fight him.You should do that alone; Charles didn't offend me, nor did his wife Deborah; what you are passing through is the reward of a selfish and arrogant human. So bear your cross and keep us out of this." He warned her. Olivia felt so disappointed. "Is that all you have to say?" She asked him.

"What else do you expect him to say if not this?" Harper replied to her.

"Don't worry, you both will hear from me." She moved out.

"I should be seeing changes in her, not more violence like this." Jonathan complain to Harper.

"Don't worry, she will change with time. She is just frustrated, and when we are done frustrating her, she will bow." Harper promised him.

"I pray so," he answered.