
The Billionaire's Little Angel

Ever heard of a Gentle dove?, An angel in human form??, the most kindest being ever??, If you have heard of such, then that's the perfect way to define him. And he is no other person than, Gerardo Steinfeld, the youngest Billionaire in France, He is 28 years old and you can call him a fallen Angel cause of his dashing looks. He is the real definition of a Gentleman, the number 1 philanthropist in France, He is the CEO of KINGS IMPORTS one of the most biggest Wine Company in Europe. Money is not his problem, just one word from him and everything is settled the way he wants. His Father President Marcelo is One of the most Richest man in Europe and also the current president of France, so that alone defines how powerful he is. Despite being rich Gerardo suffers from sicknesses he don't know how to cure, he's Asthmatic, suffers from insomnia and Lastly he is allergic to anything made of flour, or citrus fruit. But everything changed after he met her. Who is she??, and How did he met her??.

RoyalPraiz · perkotaan
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51 Chs

Checking the Camera

Chelina walk out of the house and met Jeffery sitting with Winny beside the pool.

"Hey" she called and sat beside them.

"Hey Cheryl, why is your face like that?" Winny asked.

"It's Camellia again" she said.

"What happened now?" Jeffery asked.

"She is calling me boyfriend snatcher again" she said.

"Why don't you just slap some sense into her, she is becoming annoying already" Winny said.

"Not like you can do that" Jeffery said and she slap his back.

"Stop insulting me, you know I can do that" she said and Jeffery smiled.

"I trust you" he said and they laughed.

"Nothing is funny here, I didn't fight her cause she is boss betrothal, if not she won't have liked what I will do to her" Chelina said.

"Am waiting for the day she will get on my nerves, I swear I will wound her" Winny Said and Jeffrey scoffed.

"Roman Reigns superwoman" Jeffery said and she smiled.

"Don't worry Cheryl, if she tries that next time I will deal with her for you" Jeffrey said and Chelina smiled.

"Boss will be coming back tomorrow" Winny said.

"I know babe" Jeffery said.

"Am talking to Cheryl not you" Winny said.

"But yet I Know" he said.

"You are not normal Jeffery" Winny said.

"It's all because of you" he said and she hissed.

Chelina stood and they Faced her.

"Where to Cheryl?" Winny asked.

"Am going to check what am cooking" she said and they nodded.

"Ok we are waiting" they said and she smiled before walking out of there, Jeffrey and Winny continue chatting.


Everybody is sitting down on their seats as the presenter prepares to call the results.

"Okay students it's time for the results, please if you did not hear your name don't be angry, your performance is what will give you the honor your deserve" he said and the students chuckled.

"We have best dressed couples and the best performed couples and as you know, it starts from the 2nd run up" he said and pick the result paper from the podium.

"In this best dressed, the 2nd run up is Vivian and Mario" he called and an Indian couples walk out of their seats their face filled with smiles, they collect their gifts and walk out of the stage.

"And the 1st run up is...

"Me and Reign!!!" Phil screamed from his seat and Reign glared at him.

"Stop being stup!d" she said and he pouted.

"Well the 1st run up is Lyena and Avalon" he called and Avalon smiled at Lyena who smirked at him.

They stood and walk to the stage to collect their gifts, well packed iPhone 13 plus.

"I will deal with you for disgracing me" Lyena glared at him and they walk down the stage.

"And our best dressed couples is...

Barbie and Pierce!!!!!!!!!!

The students screamed and Barbie smiled where she is sitting.

They stood and walk to the stage where they received their gifts too.

2 iPhone 14 pro Max and they also signed a 1 year ambassadorial deal with a soap brand company.

Awww am Jealous!

jeezzz the iPhone for me?!

I wish I am Barbie!

Students murmured and Barbie smiled more before hugging Pierce tightly.

"I love you"she said and he smiled.

"It's all your idea" he said and kissed her neck.

"And also we have our best couples for today, everything they did was perfect both their performance, dressing and cooperation" the pressnter said, Barbie is still standing on the state with Pierce.

"Okay everybody take a deep breath" he said and they did.

"Our best couples award goes to ..." He stopped and look at the audience.

"Barbie and Ken" he said and Barbie feel like fainting.

What? Again?!

Why only them!

They deserve it, it really suits them!

Awwwww I love you both!

Barbie looked at Pierce and he smiled widely.

"Ok we have a little gift for you" the presenter said to them, Barbie is already crying.

"You gift is a plane ticket to Lebanon, during the holiday" he said and Barbie's eyes widened.

"What?!, My dream country!" Barbie said.

"Yeah, it's been sponsored by Lady Carolyn Newman, all thanks to her" he said and Barbie went down immediately fainting straight.



Luke walk into the kitchen and met Jolene cooking with his mother.

"Hey Mom!" He called and kissed her.

"Son" she smiled and kiss him back.

"How are you doing?" She asked?

"Am feeling good" he said and she smiled.

"You are not greeting your wife?" She asked.

"We are having issues" he said.

"Oh right, I heard you arguing in your room earlier what's the reason?' she asked.

"Mother is about Jewel" Jolene said.

"What about her?" Carolyn asked.

"Actually Mom, we are having a problem with Jewel still sucking at age 2, don't you think she is old to stop" Luke said.

"Stop she is still a baby!, After all the breast are mine not yours" Jolene said and they start arguing.

"Ok ok!, I got where you are going Luke, you are obviously Jealous" Carolyn said.

"No am not Mom, this is the right thing to do" he said and Carolyn looked at Jolene.

"Jolene what do you have to say?" She asked.

"Leave my baby for me, I will stop breastfeeding her when I get pregnant" she said.


"Yes Luke you heard me right" Jolene said.

"Then watch as I get you pregnant" he said and she scoffed.

"Empty threat" she said and Carolyn chuckled.

"Don't you think, you should stop she is getting old" Carolyn said.

"She is still a baby" she said and Luke hissed.

"That's my problem with you" Luke said and she crackled.

"You?, You will die of Jealously" she said.

"Jolene stop...

"Mommy!" Jewel called walking into the kitchen.

"Look at this old woman that can talk freely, she is still sucking" Luke said.

"Leave her for me" Jolene said and carried Jewel.

"Priceless" she called.

"I want milk" she said.

"You mean you want to suck?" Jolene asked and she nodded.

"It's all yours, I will always give it to you when you want it" Jolene said and start unbuttoning her shirt, Luke fold his fist immediately.

"Are you seeing it Mom?" Luke asked as Jolene start breastfeeding Jewel in front of them.

"Luke you should.....

"Am out of here" he said obviously angry and walk out of the kitchen.

Jolene start laughing and Carolyn turned to her cooking.


Gerardo's car drove into the island and all the maids run out to welcome him.

The door of a black car opened and Kingsley run out of it, he walk to a blue car and opened the door.

Gerardo came out of it with Nellie who is dressed in all Pink.

Welcome boss!

How was your trip!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Welcome young miss!

The maids greeted and he smiled at them.

"Thank you all" he smiled.

"Ellie!" Chelina called from where she is standing by the door and Nellie run to her happily.

"Nanny!!" She called and hug her tightly.

"Pink fairy" she smiled stroking her hair.

They broke the hug and she squat infront of her.

"How was your you stay in Canada?" Chelina asked.

"It was fine, aunty Lizzie was taking care of me" she said.

"And I will love to see her" Chelina said and she smiled.

"She is my Mommy's cousin" Nellie said sadly.

"So any sad memories?" Chelina asked and she nodded.

"Yes, Daddy took me to my Mommy's grave, it wasn't so easy for me but I have to endure it, I can't believe she died without taking care of me" she said crying already and Chelina start wiping her tears.

"Stop crying, it's for weak people" Chelina said and she sniffed.

"That means you are among the weak?" Nellie asked and she laughed.

"What can I say, I am weak but you don't have to be like me, it won't suit you ok" Chelina said and she nodded with a smile.

"You are a strong girl" Chelina said and hugged her, Gerardo smiled smiled from where he is watching.

"Hey Gerry!" Camellia called walking out of the house and Gerardo's face changed to an angry one.

"Camellia!" He called and Nellie looked up.

"What?!!....Camellia?.... What are you doing here?" Nellie asked and broke the hug, she drop her bag and start walking to her.

"What are you doing here?' she asked.

"Is that even a question, am in my husband's house for your information" she said.

"In your dreams camel, in your dreams" Nellie said.


"Yes Camellia you behave like a Camel, that if your owner doesn't lead you, you won't know where to go, you act so stupid and dump, I don't know what's your problem, are you mentally deranged?, Or you are doing this knowingly?" She asked and she fold her fist.

"Shut up!!!

"Are you attending a stupidity class or you are just born like this, let me ask you, did you tell my daddy before coming here?, Obviously your answer is no but being someone with fish brain, you just carry your things and come here without telling my daddy!!" She yelled.

"I have promised my Mommy not to allow the wrong lady close to my daddy and obviously you are the wrong lady, nonsense!" She said and walk into the house, Chelina went after her.

"Gerry!" Camellia called walking to Gerardo, they maids already went back to their quarters.

"Welcome back" she said and hugged him, Kingsley looked away hurtfully.

"You didn't tell me you are here?" Gerardo asked.

"I have no means to inform you.....

"But we chat on Instagram last night!" He yelled.


"Stop getting me angry Camellia" Gerardo said and walk into the house.

"Gerard!!!" She called going after him.

Nova scoffed from where she is watching and her phone pinged, a message from her boss.


Nova smiled after reading the message then she pocket her phone and walk out of there.


"Hey Julian!" Cathy called walking to him.

"Hey" he smiled typing so fast.

"I need your help on something" she said.

"What's that?" He asked finally looking up.

"Can you help me type this, I need it today it's so important" she said dropping a paper in front of him.

"Urrmmmm sure!, But I need to finish boss work first" he said and Goldie walk to him instantly.

"Mr Steinfeld said you should get these ready before tomorrow noon" Goldie said dropping the files in front of him.

"Oh ok" he smiled.

"You will help me Julian right?" Cathy asked.

"Sure I will, you should come take it tomorrow" he said.

"Oh thank you" she giggled and kiss his cheek before running out of there, Goldie fold her fist immediately.

"So Goldie I.....

"Don't talk to me" she rolled eyes and walk out of there leaving him surprise.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked.


Gerardo walk into the power house and sighed.

After Chelina saved him from Asthmatic, he can't help but become curious to know how she saved him.

"Did she use magic or she did things her way for real?

"Did she gave him a drug or what?

"Gosh" he murmured and walk to the computer in the room.

He scroll back to the footage from that night and luckily he saw the video.

"Let's see how she did that" he said and played the video.

From when she came into the house and how she run to him and lift his head up and when she placed his head on her laps.

He saw everything and when it start getting to the part Chelina kissed him he became curious, taking heavy breath every passing Minute.

He watched as Chelina bend her head to his face and captured his lips softly.

His eyes widened and he stood.

"What the fuck" he said with wide eyes.

"Is she this bad?" He asked with a smile.

He is very happy and he don't know why.