
On One Condition!


Father please! Please, father..I ...I will go to him"

"No, my baby...you can't! Don't worry...father will work hard and pay off all our debts!"

"No father! You can't pay…I'll be fine, I promise…"


"If I don't go now, the bank is going to come for our home...and…*sniffs*...and we won't have anywhere to go to.

Please, father...allow me to go to him. He is the only solution we have right now…"

"What am I going to do, baby?

He might...he might do something to you in there…"

"I... I'll be fine, father.

He won't do anything bad to me. Please, stay here and don't worry about me, hm?"

"My baby! Oh, my sweet child.

Please, forgive this father for punishing his precious baby like this"

"Stop that, father! You didn't punish me. You gave me everything that any child would ever think of in life!

How many people could afford Harvard's tuition, hm?

Though I didn't finish there, you gave me that opportunity and I came out this way. You take care of me and I heard you also took very good care of mother too when she was still alive. And how I wish I had met her…"

"My baby?

I'm sorry I said those things to you. Please, don't cry, hm?

My beautiful baby!"

"I'm not crying, father. I'm ok. I will go to his office now and...you know, work things out"

"Mhm. But be careful, alright?"

"Yes father, I will"

"Oh, my poor baby girl.

How did all this happen?

I was extremely careful with those documents.

What really happened to them?

This is really strange"


"Sir Dane?"


"A young lady is here to see you. She says you are expecting her"

"A young lady?"

"Yes, sir Dane"

"How did she come through to the vvip floor?"

"She used a pass. She said her father gave her"

"And the name of that father?"

"Mr. Philips Smith"

"Oh, ok! You can let her in!"

"Yes, sir Dane!"


"Miss, you can go in now"

"Alright, thank you"

"You are welcome"


"Good day, sir Dane"

"Mhm...good day.

"You said you are Mr. Philips Smith's daughter?"

"Yes, sir Dane. I am his daughter"

"Is that so?

I never knew he had such a beautiful daughter"

"Thank you, sir Dane"

"Please, sit down."

"Thank you sir"

"And you can call me Diam!

"I'm sorry sir, I can't! Please, let me call you sir Diam instead"

"Ok! For now?"

"Thank you sir…"


What do I offer you?"

"Um...thank you sir, I am ok"




"It's... it's about my father's debt. Please, help us. We will pay you back.

I promise!"


Pay me back?

With what exactly?"

"I...we will work very hard and pay! I swear, sir Diam!"

"Oh, my dear. You don't need to swear. I have heard those lines before!"

"We will pay sir. Please…"

"What is your name again?

"I... I am Phillips Baby"

"Sorry, what?"

"My name is Phillips Baby"

"Ok…! That's quite odd. It's really one weird combination. I've never heard anyone bear such a name before. Is that your real name?"

"Yes sir. It's my real name"



Oh, my!

Haha! I'm sorry. Your name just sounds a little...you know, sweet!"

"Thank you sir"


"8.5 million dollars is no small amount. I've worked with your father for a very long time now and I respect him a lot. But seeing what he put me through, I just can't say anything more.

If I should add all the damages he had caused me, then, that amount would be just a change!"

"I'm...I'm so sorry...sir. Thank you for not summing it up. We will work really hard to pay back"

"You know, I still can't understand what is happening here. Am I not the one who is supposed to ask for money from you?

Why are you then asking me for money now?"

"I know sir. And I'm sorry. We just don't have any other place to go to.

Please,help us sir"



I will speak with the bank in question and work things out"

"Oh my God!

Thank you so much sir, Diam!"

"But on one condition!"


"Mhm! Condition?"

"What kind sir?"

"Oh, the very special kind?"

"Alright sir. What is the... condition, sir?"

"You will work as a maid in my house and obey every single thing I ask you for!"

"A maid?

I can do that sir!

Thank you sir!"

"That's not all!"



"You will be my s*x partner! You quench my libido anytime I'm in heat and you will never refuse me for once!

When I call, you answer immediately. Even if you are answering to any other person at that minute!"



I don't have time for that. It's either you are ready to do it or bear the consequences of your refusal!

We are through here, baby!

You have just today to decide. If you are ok with my terms, then come back here tomorrow evening with your luggage to start "the job!

You can use the door when you are able to stand... properly!"

Good day, baby!"

Oh, yes! Dane Diam, a sweet and kind man but also very dangerous! He smiled in front of the crowd and killed all the girls with his handsome face each time. A tall man with an average height. Fair and smooth skin, with a billion dollar face.

He had green eyes with fairly curly hair. And also with the perfect dimples.

He was the first child of the Dane family, with a younger sibling.

He was a top billionaire who was known by all in the whole world! There was none who didn't know who he was. Diam was the CEO of the Green Grass company. A production company with different branches that is scattered all over the world. With his headquarters right in the United States Of America.

His father was Japanese, from Tokyo and his mother was an American. They stayed there in America more than other countries they had been to. The family travelled a lot but decided to stay longer in America.

"Sir Diam?"


"Please, can I...start today?"

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