
The love.

I loved him, with all my heart.

I didn't care, what people were saying.

The love which I had for him,

Could not be measured with any weighing machine.

I loved like a mad person.

My beloved, where are you.?

I have never imagined that I could live without you.

Where can I get you again? now that you are gone.

Will I ever love again.

I loved like a mad person.

I could do anything for you.

I could not listen to my friends because of you.

Where are now..?

Whare can I get you.?

I loved you like a mad man.

The love,

Where is it,

Where did it go,

My love was all yours,

I loved like a mad man.

You were....


That I wanted.

I still love you.

I still value you.

Dear, deaaaar.....

I loved him with all my heart but I can't tell what happened between us.

Continue reading for you to get the answer.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Mary_Paul_5983creators' thoughts