

Ken notices when Margret covers her mouth, wondering, 'What happens?' when she said, "Oh, my goodness, how could I be so forgetful, mom will become angry with me if those pastries spoil?"

"Big sister what is the matter?"

"Ken I completely forgotten to put the pastries I brought in the fridge; it is still in my suitcase. Will you please check on Dee and Natalia, as I get those for my room, if it spoil she will be very disappointed?"

Ken looks at her knowing she was lying to him flat on his face, suspecting as he said Alex name, she thought up something, but then as he stood at Dee room door, she was carrying a box of pastries. 'My goodness, I can't believe I misjudge her?'

Margret rest the box on the fridge tray mom leave available and hurried to dad room. "Okay dad, I want to know what mischief you are up to? Do you want to give the child a heart attack?"

"Margret my child, who are you talking about?"

"Dad, I am talking about Champ father, that is what I am talking about?"

"Sh…sh….sh…., will you please speak softly, is Dee ready?"

"I supposed she is by now."

"Then my child give me five minutes and then we will start."

"Okay dad, let me go to her."

"Margret my child, you know the real purpose for this reunion, right?"

"Yes dad, I haven't forgotten what we had discussed."

"I could still change my mind."

"What is wrong with you, are you getting cold feet now? Dee and Ken work hard and earn those award, if you don't do it now, you may never get another chance?

And dad you are doing the right thing, you may not know this but Natalia and I are very proud of you and mom."

"Thank you honey, by you saying that you have put my mind at rest." Hurrying to see what they were doing, Margret notice Alex once more. 'Boy, Dee will trip if she only knew what dad is up to?'

Alex thought as he enters the house, today my prayer will be answered. Seeing so many elderly people and it have chairs with names of persons reserved for them. The entire front row was for their special guest.

Taking in a few deep breath admiring the decoration, it was breathtaking and the atmosphere seems very welcoming.

I haven't seen anyone I know except Maria at the far side so caught up in the final touches. They seems to be running late but this is plenty work.

There were a few people in uniform arranging things with Maria by the tables at one corner, and they were very busy.

Many guest has arrived already, and some was sitting on the reserved chairs while others was scattered around in small groups.

No one seems to notice I came, looking around it was already six forty-five, 'So where is Diandra?

I haven't seen Ken, I hope he reach on time for her to change. He left very late from my home and said he had to return home before coming here.

The package came late and I haven't gotten the chance to see the dress that Melissa order, due to my busy schedule, and the other attack on another location.'

Looking around the place, it looks so huge with tables set up at one side with food. The visitors and special guess were in one area.

So after the function the chairs could be easily move to where the dinner tables were.

Alex observing two tables to the extreme left with trophies and awards, wondering whose were they?' Will Sam be giving out awards to special friends or are those his?'

Thinking when they move all the chairs the floor will become available for everyone to move freely. Even if they want to dance and enjoy themselves.

The music was lovely and soft for romancing the night away.' Wondering whose idea was it, but it was my first thought when I had visited last week and look at this place.

I was thinking it will hold about fifty to sixty people comfortably. It already have about thirty-five people and some chairs are still empty

Looking at Maria who look radiant in her lilac gown,'

Recalling Malissa saying it was a beautiful red she selected for Diandra.

Noticing Maria looks at her time as everything seems to be to her satisfaction.

'Was Diandra here helping her with the preparations? I can't wait to see her, well Alex it won't be long again, then you can feast your eyes on her.'

Taking a seat at the back, away from all eyes, sitting quietly.

Maria was greeting and welcoming her guest, that was seated but then Ken and two very beautiful ladies walk along side Sam.

One must be his daughter but who is the other one. Maria stops suddenly and went to his side along the others, but where is Diandra?

Looking at his time once more, 'It is seven and she is nowhere in sight, Lord, am I wasting my time here?'

When Ken pushes the chair in front and turn Sam to face the crowd. When out of no where the child came running and hold on to Maria's hand.

Looking around knowing Diandra must be somewhere nearby. Reminiscing in his mind of these sort of functions when Mom and I were invited.

When Mom would take Diandra along with her, she always makes such a fuss of how lengthy the program used to be. Mom used to have a hard time convincing her.

Closing his eyes recalling when mom used to dress her, how beautiful she used to look. Feeling like any moment the tears will began to flow as the disappointment seeping into his heart

Ignoring his feeling returning his attention to what was being said, only catching a piece of the prayer.

Half-heartedly Alex listens to what was being said, but his eyes were looking towards the door hoping she will walk through any minute.

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