

Returning to the room with the tray seeing the jeans resting on a chair and she was already dress.

Thinking at that moment, 'If when he goes to work, is this how she dresses mingling among the men?

Placing the tray on top of her lap, then went and attend to her foot. But the nagging thought bothers him.

Diandra notices how quiet he was, wondering, 'What was bothering him? And why were he so determining that I wear the jeans?'

When he did speak, "Diandra, the doctor said you have to get an x-ray today or tomorrow, and remember you have to take one of each tablet after meal?"

Seeing he stood up in a haste, he still seems bothered about something, 'Alex, have you spoken to Johnny?"


"Then I will need to see him, when the room is prepared."

"Okay, try and get some rest and I will let him know so he will inform you when it is ready.

Now I will have to run a few errands, try and rest and Melissa will be here with lunch.

And we have some work to complete before the meeting this evening."

"Alex, I am so sorry for causing so many problems for you."

"Aye, you are not causing any problem, it was an accident."

Kissing her forehead then hurried out the room closing the door.

Alex collected her prescription first, then went to the supermarket.

Getting a few items and snacks for her, and for the meeting, also some sodas, juice and water.

Seeing the roasted ground nuts recalling how mom and Diandra used to nibble on those.

Taking a large pack and a chocolate ice-cream. Taking all the bags to his van, then hurried home.

Reaching the driveway, unable to drive inside the garage Alex parked at the side of the pavement little way pass the house.

Seeing the men were setting up the scaffold. They just have two days again and the front needs to be completed.

Calling out to them to secure the planks so it won't touch the window glass.

Securing the groceries in bags as her take them out the van and walk inside the house.

Going straight to the kitchen and placing the drinks to cold, the cheese and butter in the fridge, and the ice-cream in the freezer.

Johnny came as him when he finishes storing away all the grocery items, to inform him that the room was ready.

"Thanks Mr. Alvin, and will the work be completed by tomorrow?"

"Hopefully, the men will be working late this evening."

Alex was glad to hear that, as he takes her medication upstairs to her.

He thought maybe he could help her to shift into the other room before Melissa comes so she could settle down.

Reaching the veranda, Alex looks down seeing one hanging up the painting, while another was cleaning out where the meeting will be held.

"Mr. Alvin get the men together, and ensure that the entrance is neaten and clean, I will be having a meeting here for five."

"Okay Sir, I will get to it immediately."

"One other thing Mr. Alvin, the madam has made arrangement for lunch for all of you tomorrow."

"But Sir, that was not necessary."

"I know but she can be persistent and very stubborn at times."

Hearing Mr. Alvin said, "Let us check the room to make sure it will be to her liking?"

Following him seeing how beautiful the room looks with the curtain, it was breath taking. "You don't have to worry she will like it."

"I hope so Sir, she made lovely choices."

"You know Mr. Alvin I have never told much people this and you might be thinking it's strange that the madam is in my room?"

"Boss, please that is none of my business."

"You are right but I don't want you to leave with any misconception in your mind, Mr. Alvin Diandra is my wife."

Seeing how shock he looks, covering his mouth, when he did speak, "But Sir, she said that she will be returning to her home."

"Yes, we are separated but it is not her fault. Did you listen to the whole story broadcast?"

"Yes Sir."

"That is our life story."

"Good Lord, do you mean that she really cannot read or write?"

"Yes, but yesterday when she damages her foot, she was able to make a call to my office, but I am afraid so."

"I don't believe you Sir, when I listen to her speak, it is very educational and fluently without any flaws."

"That Mr. Alvin is because she has a very good memory, she remembers stories, and words well, but she fumbles a lot with numbers, it confuses her."

"Boss, she blends in all the colors and it is spectaculars.

And Boss, from the way she carry about herself I would never have guess, I now see why she gives me permission to asked you about her life. She says you knows everything."

"Mr. Alvin, I was the one responsible for the separation, it was not her fault, she is here not because of me, but because she loves my mom very much."

"I know she loves you Sir, and she is very talented."

"I know that now, when you told me I had to get someone to stay in the house while the work is being done.

I had to go and get her, you see Mr. Alvin my mom only trusted Diandra with her belongings.

My arrogance and foolish attitude had hurt her badly. Now I am so ashamed of my behavior towards her.

I never realized how stupid I was then, and all she wanted was someone to be patience and understanding with her.

I know she would have learned to read and write today if only I had some patient with her."

Mr. Alvin notices as he brushes the tears away, realizing he is still hurting from the way he had treated her.

Seeing him take some deep breath then said, "I was young and at that time, very proud and haughty.

When we would go out to any dinner engagement or functions, I always used to leave embarrassed and disappointed because of her."

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