the beasts of the earth that lived and dwelled in it's Rocky pits in he beginning that have failed to awaken to the call long deep underground waiting for something or someone to meet it's sleeping body
The skies have housed many creatures ranging from those who glide in the wind to those that command the forces of the sky like lightning and storms. Though there are so many some have unfortunately become one with the sky and others have been killed by the foreign beasts not of this world.
The wind beast is a large beast with wings the size on mountains and wig a flap of it's wings it can make a storm of wind and water that can send anything flying. Unfortunately it sacrificed itself to balance the winds and to make the inhabitants alive.
The storm beast is a beast that commands the storms to regulate the life and to continue the cycle of rain. This beast is considered as the wrath of the watcher because the beast creates strong and brutal storms to instill fear into the inhabitants.
The sky beast is the largest of them all and commands the storms and others. Because of his immense size he would only reside in the mountains away from the inhabitants. For his role he checks the other beasts for conflict of any matter and is responsible for anything that happens there. And will also be the last line of defence if the threat is deemed to strong for the others to handle.
The Sun beast resides high in the skies and gives light to the earth as well and is responsible for the day and night cycle partnered with the twilight beast. This beast remains dormant on the sun and will only become active once a foreign beast comes.
The twilight beast or lunar beast is a dark skinned beast that resides in the moon's dark side. This beast is responsible for the dark nights that follow after the hot rays of the sun.
The Heavens beast is a supernatural beast that only appears when a massive population is killed. Currently it has shiny light skin and is seen attacking any hostile persons that dare oppose it and judges an inhabitant if they are good or bad. They will also be the barrier or shield in an event of an attack.
The the cloud beast is a beast that creates clouds for rain or for shelter from the heat that the sun beast emits. They are also punishers for the misdeeds of the people. Though now it resides in bugger clouds and is rumored to be as big as a continent.
The Guardians are an army of smaller beasts that have the powers of all beasts but are very limited. They are tasked to be the first line of defence whenever a foreign beast has arrived.
Next are the Aurora beasts and as the name implies create Aurora's but that isn't their task. Their task is to protect the north, south, east, and west of the earth from outside threats or threats caused by the people.
The lightning Beast is the sister of the storm beast and creates lightning strikes that can create electricity or fire. Because of this she was only limited to appear during powerful storms but lays dormant with her brother the storm beast.
Though these beasts may be menacing remember that they are what makes your sky alive and without them there would be no sky. Many beasts have been birthed but many more will grow and it is a matter of time before we discover the next one.