
Chapter Twenty-One(V3)

(Highly recommend you listen to this song on repeat while reading this chapter: Song - Jefferson Friedman - Please Don't Go.)

(Gotham City - 10:11 pm)

Batman prowled through the dimly lit alleyways of Gotham City, his keen eyes scanning for any sign of criminal activity.

His mind was consumed by the ongoing investigation, each lead meticulously followed and each clue meticulously analyzed.

The scent of deceit lingered in the air, fueling his relentless pursuit of justice.

As he delved deeper into the case, a faint but distinct sound reached Batman's ears.

A loud explosion reverberated in the distance, its echo slicing through the night. Instinctively, he turned his gaze towards the direction of the chaos. But before he could rush to the scene, an unexpected hurdle presented itself.

A group of shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, clad in unknown attire that concealed their identities.

Their movements were swift, their intent ominous. Without a word, they attacked, striking with calculated precision. Batman, ever prepared, engaged in a swift and deadly dance, countering their every move.

The assailants fought with a proficiency that suggested training, their coordinated strikes and evasive manoeuvres testing Batman's unparalleled skill.

Yet, the Dark Knight refused to yield. The clash between Batman and the unknown group unfolded in a flurry of punches, kicks, and grapples.

The intensity of the battle heightened as each combatant sought to gain the upper hand. Batman's mind raced, analyzing their tactics, searching for any clue that might shed light on their true identity and purpose.

Amidst the chaos, the sound of another explosion reached Batman's ears, a stark reminder of the imminent danger lurking elsewhere. 'I don't have time to play games,' he thought.

He realized that he could not afford to be drawn into this confrontation for too long. With a calculated manoeuvre, he seized an opportunity to disengage from the battle, employing smoke pellets to create a temporary cover.

Using the element of surprise, Batman swiftly vanished into the shadows, leaving his assailants disoriented and temporarily thwarted. He knew he needed to reach the scene of the explosion before further harm could befall innocent lives.

With determined resolve, Batman raced through the city streets, his cape billowing behind him.

The weight of his responsibility pressed upon his shoulders, his mind racing with the possibility of the chaos that awaited him at Comic-Con.

Arriving at the scene, Batman surveyed the aftermath of the explosions. Smoke billowed into the night sky, obscuring his vision.

The acrid smell of burnt debris and flesh lingered in the air, mingling with the faint scent of fear and desperation. People scattered in disarray, their panic palpable.

Amongst the chaos, Batman's keen eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any clues that might reveal the true nature of the attack.

It was clear that the explosion had been orchestrated to create a diversion, to draw attention away from a far more sinister plot.

'And those fighters, they weren't ordinary thugs, they were trained...organized. It wasn't a coincidence that right as the bombs went off, so too did I get attacked.'

While lost in thought, Batman quickly made his way inside the centre. People needed his help, and that was what he was going to do.

But before he could even begin rescuing, a brilliant flash of light engulfed him and everyone in the vicinity.

(Midtown - Gotham City Convention Centre: Annual Comic-Con Event)

Earlier that night, everything had been normal.

Jayden and Lola had been enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of Comic Con, immersing themselves in the world of superheroes and comic book legends.

They had laughed, marvelled at the cosplayers, and indulged in the excitement of being surrounded by fellow enthusiasts.

Jayden had insisted on getting them a couple of drinks, wanting to enhance their experience.

They had found a quiet corner, away from the bustling crowds, where they could savour the moment together.

They clinked their glasses, their eyes filled with anticipation and joy. Little did they know that their peaceful evening would soon be shattered.

Returning to the present moment, Jayden's mind raced as he desperately manoeuvred through the chaos of the explosions. "Lola... I need to get to Lola NOW." he muttered, his voice choked with fear.

Smoke filled the air, obscuring his vision, but he pressed on, his heart pounding with every step, his breaths ragged with worry.

Panic surged through his veins, urging him forward, as each passing moment felt like an eternity.

Finally, through the dissipating smoke, Jayden caught a glimpse of Lola's figure. "LOLA!" he shouted, hoping she could hear him above the chaos.

"I'm okay, Jayden." Lola's voice reached his ears, but it was strained, carrying a hint of pain. She emerged from the debris, climbing over rubble, her face covered in dirt and streaked with tears.

Relief washed over him, momentarily overshadowed by the heart-wrenching scene unfolding before his eyes.

"Mommy, Mommy, where are you... Lily's scared." A little girl, no more than eight years old, cried out in the middle of the room, clutching her bloodied stuffed bear.

What the girl hadn't noticed was the crumbling roof that would give out at any moment. It hung precariously above her, threatening to unleash its deadly weight.

"Hey, kid, get out of there now!" Lola's voice rang out, filled with urgency and desperation. But the little girl, lost in her own terror, failed to understand, let alone listen to Lola's pleas.

"No, no, no! The kid's gonna die!" Lola's voice cracked, her heart pounding in her chest.

She could see the imminent danger, the roof on the verge of collapsing, ready to crush the innocent child beneath it. In an act of selfless bravery, Lola sprung into action, fueled by a surge of adrenaline and worry.

Ignoring her own safety, Lola darted towards the little girl, pushing past debris and racing against time. With every step, her heart thumped louder, the weight of the situation bearing down upon her. She reached the girl just as the roof crackled, on the brink of unleashing its deadly payload.

In one final push, Lola pulled the girl away from the crumbling roof, shielding her fragile body from certain doom.









But she couldn't escape the falling debris entirely. As the concrete crashed down upon her, Lola's world was engulfed in pain and darkness.

Time seemed to freeze as Jayden witnessed the horror unfolding before him. His feet moved of their own accord, carrying him towards Lola, his mind screaming in denial.

Jayden rushed and jumped from the third floor to the ground floor before rushing towards Lola.

He reached her side, his eyes wide with a mixture of shock and anguish. He saw her blood-stained clothes, her body battered and broken, lying motionless amidst the wreckage.

With trembling hands, Jayden lifted a concrete beam off her, desperation fueling his every move. Tears streamed down his face, his voice quivered with raw emotion as he called out her name. "No, no, Lola! You can't leave me, please, don't leave me!"

Lola's gaze met his, her pain-filled eyes searching for solace amidst the chaos.

Her touch, feeble yet comforting, caressed his cheek. Weakly, she spoke, her voice barely audible but resolute.

"Jayden, listen to me. I need you to be strong. You have the power to change this. Please...save others." Lola's voice trailed off, her breaths growing fainter with each word.

Jayden's heart shattered into a million pieces as he realized the gravity of Lola's condition.

His hands shook as he tried to apply pressure to her wounds, his mind racing with desperation. "No, stay with me, Lola. Everything's going to be okay." he pleaded, his voice choked with sorrow and helplessness.

But Lola's body remained motionless, her vibrant spirit fading away. Her once sparkling eyes now gazed emptily into the void.

Jayden's sobs filled the air, echoing through the wreckage, blending with the cacophony of destruction surrounding them.

Memories of their time together flooded his mind—their laughter, their shared dreams, the way her smile could light up the darkest room.

Now, all he had left were fragments of a love he never fully expressed, a future stolen away in an instant.

"Lola..." he called out, his voice trembling, but there was no response. The weight of grief pressed upon him, threatening to consume his very being.

The world around him seemed to fade into an abyss as he held Lola's lifeless body, his tears mingling with the dust and debris.

Her words pierced Jayden's heart, threading love and agony together.

Within him, a searing anger ignited, fueled by the injustice of the situation. It felt as if his very being would erupt, obliterating everything in its path.

" No, stay with me Lola, everything going to be okay...okay..."

Her body was battered and broken, blood staining her clothes. Her vibrant blonde hair, now matted with dirt and sweat, framed her pale face.

Jayden's hands trembled as he gently cradled her in his arms, the weight of her lifelessness crushing his spirit.

He pressed his lips to her forehead, desperately hoping for any sign of life.






"Lola...Lola speak to me...Lo-!!"

Jayden froze completely...Lola...sh-she wasn't breathing anymore.

Jayden kneeled there, Lola's lifeless body in his arms, tears streamed down his face while he hugged her as tightly as he could.

He held her fragile body close, his sobs echoing through the wreckage.

"Lola..." He called out but received no response.

"Lola..." He choked out her name, but again no response was given.

Jayden's body trembled, and his eyes which were once closed tightly...slowly opened.

Suddenly, an unexpected sensation coursed through Jayden's veins.

A surge of power, raw and unyielding, pulsed within him. He felt a burning rage rise from the depths of his being, fueled by the injustice of the situation. It was as if a dormant force had awakened within him, ready to unleash itself upon the world.

His eyes, once as dark as the void, now blazed with an intense light, reflecting the fury of ten thousand suns.

Jayden's breathing became erratic, his vision blurred as the power surged through his every cell. He clenched his fists, feeling the energy course through his veins.

"Mr... Mr. are you okay?" The little girl who Lola had saved approached cautiously, her tear-streaked face filled with fear and remorse.

" Mr...lily is sorry...I'm sorry." She apologised while tears streamed down her face...but as she was apologising, she noticed something strange.

Jayden who had been cradling Lola's body suddenly glowed, his body began pulsing with light, but as time went on that light began to increase in luminosity.

Jayden's gaze turned towards her, his eyes still ablaze with an otherworldly radiance.

The girl took a step back, sensing the immense power emanating from him. But it was already too late to escape the inevitable.

It cascaded outward, enveloping everything in its path, consuming the wreckage and chaos.

The brilliance of the light could be seen from every corner of Gotham City, piercing through the darkness like a beacon of hope.











































"...So it has begun."

Don't drop until you read the next chapter...and who's cutting onions( Author says while wiping sweat from his eyes!)

John_Len_2493creators' thoughts
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