
An unordinary Awakening

"kimley dont go that way its dangerous" shouted my mother as i was running towards the woods.It was the last word i ever heard from my mother. I think i was 7 years back then after which i ended up in this orphanage full of misery and hardship.I dont know how i ended up here and i dont want to remember it either.I was getting beaten to a pulp day after day ,night after night and the food i got was mostly leftover and when i was lucky i was given nothing to eat. I am going to be 12 years old today and as you have guessed i dont have any friends to celebrate it with." Why am i still alive?" i asked that to myself as i look at the moon night after night. The moon is the only friend i have it helps me keep my calm. "I guess the beating was not enough today, eh kid?"The warden said as he entered the roof. i stared at him with anger as he was coming towards me."Answer when someone ask you something you little dipshit" warden punched me while saying."I heared you are going to be 12 years old soon i guess i should give you a special birthday lesson today, kid be grateful" "oh no 5 minutes to go till your birthday i better get your birthday present" The warden ran down stair to get the present.I knew what he was going to bring with him and as i thought he brought his trusted companion the leather belt to the scene.This isn't the way i wanted to live my life, I want to break free from this hell and the only option i got was to kill him."Are you feeling satisfied beating a kid younger than you, you bastard ?" I shouted being frustrated."Now you are asking for it you little punk" he brought out his worn out belt towards me. "I wont let you get your way with me ever again you bastard" i tried a last desperate attempt to beat the shit out of him.But a boy with a half empty stomach cant match a strength of a lazy bum who only knows to fight and eat.I was beaten to a pulp yet again as i was going to be unconcious the warden said"know your place, it's your destiny to be a slave" the last thing i remember before blacking out was the sound of the bell."oh so i am 12 years old now,not that it matters much" i thought as i was blacking out.After i blacked out little flashback of the time when i got into the wood came running back."you,who are you? get away from me you monster" i heard the voice of the warden, i dont know how though.When i woke up i saw something that changed my life, the warden was dead and blood was all over the place. But i was not scared ,i was happy. I was finally free a sense of satisfaction flowed through my whole body.I thought some external force was helping me but as to no ones surprise my happiness lasted not for long. I saw the reflection of something inhumane in the blood with long teeth and nails.It was simply a monster , i know you all have guessed it until now. That monster was me.

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