In a world where magic once thrived and kingdoms flourished, the land of Eldoria now lies in ruins, consumed by darkness and ruled by the dreaded shadow King. The prophecy foretold of a chosen one an heir to the fallen kingdom who would rise and restore balance, but that savior has yet to be found. Aelric, a boy with no past, has lived a quiet life in the remote village of Rivenwood, never knowing his origins. But when mysterious travelers reveal that he carries the lost royal seal of Eldoria, Aelric is thrust into a destiny he never asked for. With dark forces looming and a kingdom in peril, Aelric must leave behind the only home he's ever known and embrace his role as the lost heir. Alongside a band of unlikely allies, mages, warriors, and creatures of legend, Aelric embarks on a dangerous journey to the ancient city of Elanor, the last bastion of hope against the growing threat of the Shadow King. But as shadows close in and betrayal lurks around every corner, Aelric must learn to harness the mysterious powers within him before it's too late.