
The Avianwolf

In a world partially dominated by Ravens, Phoenixes (Avian) and werewolf, A Child was born. He had the blood of a Raven, Phoenix and Werewolf; he was an Avianwolf. He was hated amongst all the species, because they never saw eye to eye. The three species were pure Rivals. With the help of his witch friend, he laid a curse on them to never be able to mate with other species so they couldn't get an Avianwolf. A phoenix was surprisingly mated to a Raven, And then Emily was born. When she found out what she was, life became hard for her. She was being attacked by both Ravens and Phoenixes, as she was partly their enemy. She falls in love with a werewolf and then they had a son (An avianwolf) , she knew her son would face more challenges than she had, so with the help of a witch, she locked his powers in a cave far away and gave him up for adoption. Read the book to know what happened after then. Book cover by Jabo graphics.

Emzest_Inale · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Chapter 9

Micheal rushed to Chris, who was kneeling on the ground with his face bowed.

"Chris, relax," Michael said as he stroked his back. "Take it easy."

"Don't tell me to calm down. Why does it have to be this painful? Please, "he groaned. "Make it stop."

Chris's bones were fracturing and rearranging into new forms, and he felt like he was being butchered. He would do anything to stop this unbearable pain. 


He looked down at his hands; hideous claws were stretching out of his fingers. Inside his mouth, his canines ached, like a child growing its first tooth, and he felt an overwhelming urge to bite flesh. When he closed his eyes tightly, and when he opened them, they glowed gold.

With force, Chris pushed Michael off of him, and Michael flew across the room, hitting his head against the back wall and crumbling to the floor. Michael reached to touch the back of his head, and his fingers returned covered in blood. His eyes shut as he swam in the ocean of pain.

Chris growled, and Micheal opened his eyes to see an actual wolf standing in Chris's spot. 


Stumbling to stand up, Michael's hand stayed against the back of his head. He tried to move towards Chris, but his head spun, and he stumbled against the room's wardrobe, feeling dizzy. He called out to Chris, but Chris was too fast and escaped out of the room before Michael could stop him.

"What happened?" Rachael asked Michael in the hallway. Although he appeared alright, Rachael noticed the blood and knew he was injured. Michael wasn't the type to show weakness.

"Chris transformed, but it didn't go well. " Michael answered.

Rachael raised her brows, "Where's he? "

"He ran out, about five minutes ago. "

"I'll look for Chris," Rachael turned to leave, "Go to a clinic, your head is broken. "

"No," Michael grabbed her arm. "It'll heal. And I'll look for him myself. "

"How about you look for Emily and I look for Chris? I couldn't find her. " Rachael said and Micheal frowned, He pushed her aside, and ran towards the outdoor pool. Emily wasn't there; he made his way back inside, checking the room he'd asked to meet her in, but it, too, was empty. When he called Emily's phone, it went straight to voicemail.

He walked out of the mansion and ran his fingers through his hair, ruffling it out of frustration. He stretched his neck, wrestling to keep his wolf inside him still; it fought for release.

Michael had always struggled to control the wolf, especially when he became angry or over excited.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated on his powers. First, He tried catching a scent, but couldn't remember Emily's smell; Instead he used his advanced hearing until he heard a scream. within a blink of an eye, he'd already traveled to the location of the scream.


"What are you?" The werewolf asked, dragging Emily by the hair. His body was covered in black fur patches, his claws and fangs were out, and his eyes glowed blue.

I'm human and I don't know what you're talking about. " Emily trembled at the sight of him.




A second werewolf, the one holding Giselle by the arm, scoffed, "Are you telling me that my nose is lying?" He was in the same form as his friend, with identical glowing blue eyes.


 "If you don't tell us what you are, I'm going to bite your little friend over here," he grinned, revealing sharp fangs. And I'm sure you know what will happen after the bite. Emily closed her eyes with hot tears running down her cheeks.

"You're not biting anyone." Emily looked up to see who spoke, but tears blurred her vision. She said she only saw the silhouette of a man.

"Try minding your business." The werewolf released his grip on Emily, turning to face Micheal.

Free from capture, Emily staggered, scrambling to Giselle's side. She looked at the man in the shadows; his eyes glowed bright green.

Michael let out a deep growl, "She is my business." 

The werewolves growled and attacked. The two werewolves fought Michael, but he was much stronger than his opponents. He was faster and effortlessly dodged the werewolf attacks before striking.


He punctured his right hand into one of the werewolf's left chests and grabbed.

"If you take another step," Michael threatened, "I'll take his heart and feed it to you."


 "Cease! He heard Rachael's voice. She was running towards them. "Stop it right now!" 

Michael knew the werewolf he held was a member of Rachael's pack, and if he killed him, she would never forgive him. He slipped his hand out of the werewolf's chest.The werewolf groaned, collapsing to his knees. 

Micheal pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket, "Did you find Chris?" He inquired, wiping the blood from his hand.

"No," Racheal helped the werewolf off the ground. "I couldn't find him."


With an arm around the werewolf's shoulder, they headed back towards the mansion. The other werewolf trailed.


Micheal turned to face the girls. He walked towards them, and they took some steps backwards. Emily held tightly to Giselle's arm and they both turned around to run, but they saw Micheal standing in front of them. They looked back at the place where he was standing before and nobody was there.

"What are you? " Emily asked with a frown.

At this point, he was perplexed. He did not know if he should just admit that he was a werewolf or if he should hypnotize them so they wouldn't remember anything that had just happened.

"They took Jacob. They took my brother. " Giselle said, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Who? And where'd they take him? " Michael was relieved that he had managed to avoid Emily's question.

"I don't know." Giselle burst into tears.

"Go home. I'll find him. " Micheal said before leaving them.

He was so frustrated; finding Jacob was going to be difficult because he hadn't even seen Jacob before.

He ran inside the mansion, searching all the rooms, but the search was futile. He didn't find anything apart from people drinking and making out in separate rooms.


He came out of the mansion and was heading to the woods.

He stripped off his clothes and kept them on a rock. He closed his eyes and anticipated the insufferable pain. His eyes glowed green and his bones cracked over and over again. He threw himself to the ground as he turned into a wolf. He dived into the woods and sped past the trees in search of Jacob and Chris, who he could see clearly in the dark. 

He perceived a faint smell of blood and sensed pain. He slowed down and traced the scent, and it led him deep into the woods. The further he went, the more he smelled blood. 

From afar; he saw a wolf with gold eyes standing next to a human lying on the ground. He raced to the place and quickly recognized the wolf; it was Chris. He growled, unintentionally scaring Chris away. He had wanted to chase after Chris but then he looked at the unconscious guy on the ground and realized that he was bitten, and his forehead was bleeding.

'This must be the Jacob. ' He thought.

He transitioned back to human and carried the guy to where he had kept his clothes, he laid him down there and wore his clothes, before carrying him again and racing to the mansion.

"What happened to him? " Giselle and Emily rushed to Micheal as he entered the mansion.

"Didn't I tell the both of you to go home? Here's not safe. " Micheal laid Jacob on the couch.

"What... Happened to him? " Giselle asked again, wearing an exasperated look on her face.

"He was bitten. " Micheal spat, Checking his temperature.

"What? " Giselle screamed. Emily placed her right hand on her mouth to suppress the holler that was about to escape it.

"How does the bite works? Is he going to turn? " Emily asked, immediately her hand left her mouth.

"There's every possiblity that he's going to turn, but... His body might reject it and he'll possibly die. "

Giselle opened her mouth to talk, but was interrupted by Jacob as he opened his eyes and gasped loudly.

They rushed to him and helped him up.

"What happened out there? Who took you to the woods? How are you feeling? " Micheal asked, as soon as Jacob sat up. He had seen Chris there and hoped he wasn't the one who had done this.

"I was dragged to the woods by a hideous monstrous beast. " Jacob answered after he had caught his breath.

"A werewolf. It's called a werewolf. " Micheal corrected, he wasn't comfortable with the names Jacob was mentioning.

She took a piece of cloth and placed it on Jacob's bleeding forehead. She couldn't believe she was actually doing this; she had called him her brother earlier. She gave him the piece of cloth and stood up.

"Whatever. He dragged me to the woods, bit me, and pushed me to the ground. " Jacob frowned, slightly cleaning the blood that had dropped to his brows. "He said I was... something, but I passed out, and didn't hear his last words." He raised his eyes to Michael.

"What colour were his eyes?" Micheal hoped it wasn't Chris who had done this to him.

"His eyes glowed gold. " Jacob said.

Michael's shoulders dropped. He thought of what would happen if they found out that Chris was the one behind everything that happened to Jacob.