
Chapter 1

I giggled as Mom came closer with the make shift cake. She set it in front of me. The holographic 6 and a flame above it. I blew and it went out. Mom clapped her hands. Dad then came in,breathing heavily.

He slammed the door so hard it jammed. He then gave me a small sack in his hands. I opened the small sack. Inside was a necklace. It was made out of blue. I said, "Daddy,this is expensive. How did you get it?"

Dad just looked away. I understood. I looked at it. It was the most expensive metal in Venia. I smile at him. He walked up and planted a kiss on the top of my head. He then walked off with a small limp. He must have gotten hurt getting this. Mom tucking a strand of my bright green hair behind my ears. She kissed my head and said, "I am extremely tired honey. Mommy is going to take a nap."

I nodded. I got down and helped her. Dad was already asleep. I helped her lay down. She laid there for a few seconds before I could hear her breathing relax. I left and went to clean up the mess.

There was a knock on the door. I put the dish away that was in my hand. I went and opened the door. A black knight was standing in front of me. He said, "Is Leif Nyx and Lora Nyx here?"

I said, "What do you need with them?"

He snarled at me. He said, "You do not ask questions girl."

I replied, "But what do you need with them?"

He then smacked me. I fell down with the force of the smack. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. He then came in. He then went into Mommy and Daddy's room. I could hear a swish. I walk in.

I made a huge mistake. I saw the knights sword covered in black blood. No! Who is bleeding? He then takes the sword and brings it down at a certain angle. It was in a curved swipe. He hooked it under Moms neck and lifted up. Her head stayed where he left it. Hd then swiped the sword down her collar bone all the way down to her heart. He withdrew the sword.

He then walked off. I then went and held Mommy's hand. I heard nothing. No! I began to cry. My tears dripped to the floor. Sizzling against the hard concrete floor.

The knight then grabbed me. I squirmed with all my might. He dragged me out of the house. I screamed and kicked. I was thrown into a wagon. The inside was covered in metal. He closed up the back. There was small holes at the top for air.

I ran to the door of the wagoon.I banged my little hands on the door. We started to move and I tumbled to the ground. My tears only leaving faint marks on the metal floor. There was nothing for me to hold onto. I got thrown around in the metal wagon.

We drove for a moon and a sun. We stopped and the door came down. I was covered in my blood and bruises. A knight grabbed me out and threw me to the ground. I wiped the ground off my face. I was then lifted up.

Someone put shackles on my ankles and wrists. The snapped on and adjusted their size. I was then shoved to move forward. I did as they wanted me to.

I looked and saw the castle. This was not good. The castle was never good. If you went there, you would never been seen again. I stumbled up the giant steps. The big blue gates opened. I was then blindfolded and forced to walk.They shoved me in the direction I was supposed to go. I got stopped and someone took the blindfold off. Sitting on her throne was the queen. Her icy blue eyes and white skin. Her purple hair was curled and shaped her face.She had on a blue crown. And that metal is expensive. But she was the queen. No one can say no to her. She looked down on me with those icy blue eyes. She said, "What brings you here in front of me."

Her booming voice echoed across the hall. I could feel a shiver run all over my body. The knight bent on one knee. He bent his head low and said, "She is a code purple."

She nods.She then motions to a door The door opens instantly. Another woman walked in. She had white gray hair and teal eyes. She had pale skin. She was dressed in a long dress.She had a controller in her hands. She hit a button on the controler.

Sharp pain shot through my wrists and ankles. I screamed in pain. My tears ruining her rug. The pain stops.She then walked up to me. She grabbed me by the shirt and dragged me away. I wanted to flail. But I was still in the after shock of the pain. We walked through the door she entered.

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