
The Archdragon Of Domination (resumed)

Two magnificent beings faced eachother, one was a large dragon and the other a being bearing two pairs of golden wings, he stood noticeably taller than the dragons head, obviously not a human nor human sized. "Are you so threatened by my existence that you forget the fact you currently face a 12 year old child with such killing intent" said the smug huge red dragon with deep crimson flames all over it's body. On one of his fingers spun an orb like object, but if one were to observe even further you'd come to realise what spun atop his finger was creation itself. "Forgive me, but on this day I shall erase the greatest mistake in Creation......and my shame along with it" The Winged being opposite the dragon took in a deep breath as he suppressed the incredible ocean of guilt dwelling inside his heart and shakily pulled his sword from it's sheath. "For as The Lord God commands it, so shall it be done" he spoke underneath his breath as the words gave him a newfound determination and his sword was set ablaze by the purest golden flame in all of existence. . . . . . . . . . . . "What a joke". –The Archangel Michael had just made the greatest mistake in creation, a being so unnatural it threatens the plan itself. Given one final chance by God he is forced to take his sword against his creation and bring it down before it fully matures and becomes nigh-unstoppable. And so the Great beast of domination and Heavens greatest warrior clashed. Authors note: A little bit of a small introduction to my story and what to expect. This is a very daring story which mixes multiple universes of power. Cultivation, Sci-fi, Magic, Super powers and gods. Also expect some faithful to canon Religious and mythological references here but I will take some liberties as what I write is not the original canon itself after all. This is just the story of an author who loves these concepts and prays that he's able to not mess up badly. So I do hope you enjoy the story I'm about to write, and I really do hope I'm good enough to keep you hooked to the end, god willing I have the determination, skills and inspiration to do so. Thanks for reading my slightly longer than intended little summary.

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17 Chs

Chapter 1: The great betrayal.

Inside the highest layer of heaven was the throne room, and at the highest point was the throne of the Lord God, his face was hidden under a blinding light of glory and power. On the left side beneath his throne was the Ophanim, their appearance was like that of a flaming set of intertwined wheels with eyes all over every last one of them, wherever they turned one wheel would turn in response to the direction faced.

And on the right side of the throne was the Cherubim, a being possessing a human like stature but also four faces and four large wings, the forward face was like that of a beautiful human, the right side was like that of a lion, the left side like that of an ox and the back was like that of an eagle. Their feet were that of a calf and sparkled like shiny bronze, one set of wing was outstretched over their heads with and the other pair covered their body and feet

Meanwhile right above and around the throne were the fiery beings called Seraphims, they too possessing a human like stature but with the most divinely sculpted human like face and six wings. The smallest pair covered their faces, the last two pairs covered their feet and the last pair they used in flight.

They constantly sang in unison, songs of praises brought up from the very depths of their soul, their voices were the most beautiful of all yet so terrifying in how much power was carried in every word they spoke. The highest layer of heaven was almost always in a stormy like state due to this, yet it brought nothing but terrifyingly good feeling of calm to the every last part of the soul.

Far beneath the throne of the Lord was another throne, and on it sat a peculiar being. But kneeling before the throne of the Lord was one man, his head facing downwards as he received the message meant for him directly from the mouth of a single Seraphim.

"mīḵāʾēl, the Lord giveth thee a chance to erase your shame and restore thy pride as the right hand of heaven" a Seraphim declared to Micheal.

"As your heart was not in a place of malice but of duty, your punishment shall not be a severe one" another Seraphim said immediately after the other.

"This is the declaration of the Lord unto thee! Ready your heart, for in three earthly measured days you shall take up your sword and go against the Arch-Dragon of Domination in battle".

Michaels fist visibly clenched as the divine order he was expecting rang in his ears like a thundering roar, but one person in this room found something a bit off about the order bestowed unto Michael although he kept his peace.

"Have you any reservations you would like to share, archangel" asked a Seraphim.

Micheal bowed his head further down"no, for as the Lord God commands it, so shall it be done" he answered in a blunt and unwavering voice.

"Then your audience is dismissed".

He stood up and turned around to leave, in an instant he was gone from the throne room and the Seraphims went back to their choir.

Descending down into the third tier of heaven Micheal sat down on his throne located in the war room as the supreme general of heavens army, his angels stood around and watched in silence. They were well aware of what the situation currently was and knew that right now their commander needed his peace.

"So it really was as I feared after all" a physically transmitted voice broke the eery silence in the room and the angels immediately recognised who it was, a bright gold rift was created in the room which split apart as someone stepped out of it.

It was a man donning a white robe which radiated with power, on the helm of garment were strange writings presented in gold and his feet was bare. His facial features were so immensely divine it overshadowed everyone else in this room but Michael, his slightly curly hair was of shoulder length and it's texture like that of an almond.

And his iris was of a piercing gold, for anyone powerful enough to bear looking into those eyes one would find that in those golden eyes were a constant but slow and steady spinning sea of power which seemed to produce sparkles ever so often.

This man was Gabriel, the first messenger of heaven and Micheal's closest acquaintance. His voice had a natural ability to ease almost anyone and anything, even the archangel himself wasn't protected from this effect.

Every angel instantly without having to be told got the hint that they all should leave and so instantly complied as every last one of them were gone in an instant.

Gabriel came forward and stood right besides Micheals throne, "how long" he inquired.

"3 earthly measured days to prepare my heart" he answered after an initial moment of silence.

"And then you shall have to take up your sword against that child's throat" Gabriel verbally completed the part Micheal couldn't bring himself to say out loud.

More silence ensued between them as Micheal got lost in his thoughts, this was in fact very rare as Micheal was quite simple and straightforward even though one might think otherwise. He almost never needed to be lost in thought over something because he almost always already knew the answer and so found it wasteful to continue pondering over something he already understood.

With Gabriel being the complete polar opposite of his closest acquaintance in this aspect, he always found it quite relaxing to keep pondering and being filled with a renewed sense of wonder and awe at most things he already knew about no matter how big or small it was.

"Gabriel" Micheal called out to his acquaintance and looked up. "What do you think our Father meant when he said we were made perfect and without faults" he questioned, a tone of loss present in his words.

Gabriel was silent for a good while, this was definitely one of the few questions he was afraid to say he understood perfectly well because there was just way too many meanings behind it. As the number one messenger of heaven he was to have the highest skills when it came to verbally translating the words of the Father.

But if even he was finding it hard to verbally translate the real meaning behind their Father's words although created specifically for this purpose by him, would that not be a contradiction to the Lord's words.

"No, the true meaning eludes me as of present" Gabriel answered honestly to Micheals question to which he slightly chuckled, smiling a little for the first time since this situation began.

"If even you with the highest interpretative skills amongst all of creation can't give an answer, what hope is there for a simple minded being like me" said Micheal in a light-hearted tone.

Gabriel smiled in response although wanting to correct a little error in Micheal's words, but he was satisfied if this was what it took to force a smile out of him. Because the heaviness of the task Micheal was about to carry out was the equivalent of a 'father' slaying his own child, it really is the greatest mercy that he was given such time to prepare.

"I shall be taking my leave now Micheal, I still have so many of the Lord's messages left to relay." A rift opened up right next to Gabriel as he gave his farewells to the archangel whom was now by himself in the war room, his thoughts wandered once more for sometime until he decided it was time to leave such matters for now.

The war between heaven and all the forces of evil in creation was still ongoing and he as the supreme general of heaven couldn't allow himself falter lest he be forced to pay a price, the archangel Michael has never lost a war nor direct combat and that shall remain as so for all of eternity.

And so Micheal went back to being as he could be while waiting for the equivalent of three earthly days to pass, the third heavens were a little in this time period, almost everyone could see what Micheal was trying to do here but who would possibly speak up about it.

Even though they knew Micheal as the gentle soul he was at heart wouldn't take their concerns in a bad way they all still chose to willingly be, perhaps a conversation about this is the last thing the archangel needs now, only when the task is finished may Micheal really get all the time in the world to recover.

Then came the final day, Micheal was nowhere to be found, not even the guardians of heaven could tell when the archangel had left, all knew what was about to ensue now and it wasn't going to be a pretty sight.

Somewhere in the boundless heavens was a peculiar realm, and it was peculiar because it didn't look or feel anything like what a realm was supposed to be from the outside or even from the perspective of primordial beings, In fact all the gods themselves would mistake it for a creature in particular, the snake that will keep on devouring itself over and over again for all of eternity.

Ouroboros, or more particularly known to it's inhabitants as just...home, that's what it simply was to them whom were the most powerful beast race in all of creation, dragons.

And one dragon in particular was having what he would call the worst day of his life, school. It was amazing that even a being such as him took classes and it definitely annoyed him in every possible way.

A small flick to head brought him back to reality "Focus Raizel, this is quite important" said his teacher, a supremely beautiful woman who looked to be in her early thirties. Possessing both a body and charm capable of causing even a lower buddha to lose himself involuntarily, that's just how potent her aura of divinity was.

But to him right now she was the equivalent of a thousand year old pain in the behind, time may be quite meaningless to a god let alone a god-beast but it doesn't mean they couldn't keep track of it.

And so in earthly years she would be a thousand years old, also one of the youngest dragon in their entire clan but more than old enough to teach him who was only 12 years old in comparison. Raizel, the youngest dragon in the clan and also possibly the most powerful being in all the heavens as of current.

Or at least even if possibly false, that's for sure where his potential places him to be and also much further beyond.

But this is the heavens one might ask, if a being with such potential exists then there's no way those greedy bastards at the top of the hierarchy would let him roam free instead of eliminating or absorbing that power for themselves.

And you would be right, those beings are in fact not comfortable with letting Raizel live freely, but two things make them stay put.

One being the fact they themselves are not sure of where his current power lies, the statement only a god can 'kill' a god is in fact all too true here, but it wasn't so straightforward too.

When two gods at the who are the same realm of power or close enough to eachother kills the other, what happens is the slain god just temporarily loses form for about a few million or billion years and then regenerates.

The reason it was this way is due to the fact two gods rivaling eachother in power aren't anywhere near powerful enough to completely dominate and outright ignore or destroy the others authority entirely, only slightly suppress them is all.

But it becomes a different matter when two gods at an entirely different level of power and authority interact with one another, the much weaker god if killed or harmed is permanently erased from the entirety of existence and soon replaced by a new god.

For primordial beings this type of interaction happened in a sort of reverse manner, the reason was all too simple, there was no god capable of harming a primordial except with the power of another primordial.

They stood at the absolute top of the hierarchy in godhood and so any primordial who manages to 'kill' another primordial only causes them to lose form for a bit, hence why nothing really scares them except for those very few and exceptional beings powerful enough to make it permanent, even for them.

And there in lies the second reason, the boy is protected by a being known as the single most powerful combatant in all of creation and beyond. The Archangel Michael himself, no matter how insanely powerful those beings might be, nothing will ever make them crazy enough to stand against the archangel.

"So as I was saying, a dragon is to be the epitome of elegance and supreme pride that comes from our overwhelming power" his teacher instructed.

She picked up a small teacup and with gracious movements lifted it to her lips as she took a sip from it, her pinky was the only finger in an uncurled position.

The current picture although so simple, yet it felt like the most captivating thing one could possibly lay their eyes on.

"Although tea isn't a particularly popular beverage amongst both dragons and most gods, it's still useful as an example" she said, omitting the fact tea was her favourite beverage as she gently dropped the tea cup back into place and rest both hands atop her lap.

"Now, give me a demonstration" she instructed.

And Raizel with perfectly emulated movement reached out and gracefully picked the tea cup right before him and took a small sup, there was not one single error in his movements whatsoever.

Instant comprehension and perfect copy, an ability all heavenly beings possessed but in varying levels. But Raizel hadn't used that ability in fact, it would be degrading, this was done by his sheer instinct alone.

The only reason why Raizel hadn't done this sooner was for one single reason, he doesn't get to whine about the injustice of school if he was a good student who enjoyed his classes.

His teacher sighed as she knew he could have done this a lot sooner, but she was also incredibly patient so she didn't find much of a problem to bear. It was a given after all that she'd have to at least have this level of patience as someone who practically qualifies as ancient, it was also a lucky thing the one whom she dealt with was someone she had the biggest soft spot for.

So she just smiled at him for finally complying with her for once and Raizel almost immediately looked away, folding his hands and puffing his cheeks up a bit.

He really couldn't dislike this woman after all even if he tried, as one of the two people who raised and also one of the closest to his heart, her being happy with him made him feel good even though his stubborn self would never admit it to her face lest he inflate her ego and affection even further.

And she herself as all too aware of this but never teased him for at all, it was always a welcome sight when Raizel acted exactly like the child he was.

A new presence suddenly appeared in the room, he was a tall lean and well defined man who looked to be in his early fifties although his face had a charm above most other young men, his hair was slicked back and almost fully white with only one mixed bang falling at the left side of his face.

His beard fully grown and well trimmed, on his hands were white gloves with some blood red rune drawings inscripted onto it. From his attire alone it was almost certainly easy to make a guess that this man was a butler, and also one of Raizel's guardians.

He was bowed at a 30° angle with one hand some distance below his chest and the other behind his back, "Pardon my intrusion Lady Batsheva, it's time for the young lord to begin his combat lessons" the butler spoke in a polite but blunt way.

"He's all yours Idris" She smiled and willfully obliged knowing this was the one class Raizel never saw fit to complain about, combat ran in his blood after all in both a literal and figurative sense.

Raizel felt his core thump loudly for a second at the mention of combat and in an instant he was already besides Idris who was decently shorter than him, if the three of them were brought down to a much better and scalable human height, Raizel would be 6'3 and Idris 6'1 while Batsheva would be a 6'0.

The both of them left and Sheva sighed as she took another sip of her tea, "what's this uneasy feeling I've been having" she whispered to herself and got up to look out the window of her tower, staring out into the never ending realm before her.

Meanwhile Raizel who had changed into a different set of attires stood before a mirror admiring himself, he truly deserved to be called the only being nearly on par with the Fallen who was the most beautiful being in all of creation.

He was fair, had crimson red dragon pupils with a dark sclera which seemed like it could devour anything, white brows and lashes along a long straight silvery white hair lined with golden strands which reached all the way to his waist level with a bang falling over half his right eye and reaching just a bit above his jawline in length.

There truly was no words capable of describing the level of transcendent beauty beauty he possessed, none whatsoever "Well, I do have his 'blood' after all" he shrugged.

But the good thing is he still had room to grow, he was a child after all and perhaps once he reaches the age of maturity for a dragon he'd either surpass that being entirely or match him perfectly well.

"Young lord" called Idris from behind him which woke him up from his self admiration mode as he faked a cough. When it came to dragons, vanity was one of the highest quality they possessed. And Raizel had the qualifications to be the most vain of them all, as was his birthright.

"The arena has been prepared, do join me as quickly as you can" Idris's form faded away after his reminder. Raizel was a bit punctual this time and joined Idris at the arena soon after, he was met with him adjusting his gloves a bit.

"A small change has been made Young lord" Idris announced, prompting Raizel to raise a brow as to what he meant.

"Today you shall engage me in direct combat, although the arena has been super fortified to survive our spar, I urge you to still be conscious of your power young lord". And almost immediately a smile graced Raizel's face, he almost couldn't hear what next came after the first sentence.

"What are the rules of engagement Idris" he got straight to the point, his excitement grew by the second and he wanted to release it as soon as possible.

Idris who understood the current state of his master didn't tally "close quarters only, weapons allowed, no Killing me and no destruction caused beyond what the arena can handle, use of Domination is also prohibited" the he brought his left hand up to his eye level.

Raizel brought his left hand to the same level and rest the back of it against that of Idris's hand, then both of them shifted space and moved some distance away from each other.

And to Raizel's surprise Idris was the one who made a move first, the fingers on his right arm were closely squeezed together to imitate the form of a spearhead and were covered in a thin blue aura which seemed to converge into a sharp tip at all edge of his fingers.

In an instant he was right before him, his hands made an diagonal slash motion of which Raizel dodged by making use of a simple sidestep followed by a well timed and precise punch to Idris's outstretched wrist.

But at the last moment Idris's hand moved a little higher and with a small shift he let his hand glide over Raizel's fist and grabbed his wrist directly directly cancelling out the punch, while at the same time using his free hand to give a direct a super quick uppercut to Raizel's jaw which was directly blocked by him grabbing onto his fist.

The both of them were now stuck in deadlock as each has neutralised the others hand, a ripple of energy travelled around the arena the moment the both of them came to a stop. That small and casual exchange had happened in moments beyond what all levels of time could possibly record, although such a concept didn't quite exist to even one of the lowest layers of heaven let alone the layer they currently reside in.

Raizel's hand suddenly disconnected from his wrist and almost immediately he whipped his now regenerated arm towards Idris's face which sent him flying hard into the walls of the arena, the next thing he saw was his young lord's hand directly grabbing onto his face and ready to smash him into the walls.

Idris acted quick and grabbed onto his wrist while using his leg to perform a push kick to the gut, but he was a bit too slow as a quick and precise punch got him in the chest before he could complete the kick followed by Raizel completing the head slam, and doing so over and over again.

Raizel's grip on his head got even tighter and he could feel cracks all over his outward form, this was bad and he knew it. He felt his body getting lifted higher as he got thrown like a cannonball straight to the other side of the arena again.

Another flurry of attacks were about to commence but Raizel suddenly felt something grab onto hair and pull him into the ground with a loud bang followed by a sudden kick to the head which he managed to avoid by lifting himself off the ground in time, but then he felt something grab his leg and directly slam him into the ground again.

This time causing a small crack, a deep and primal growl escaped his vocals as the hand lifted him again but this time Raizel would use his other leg to make a sweeping kick to what he expected would be a body but he was surprisingly met with nothing but the stump of a floating arm which he managed to catch a glimpse of before being forced to meet the ground with his face once again.

The hand tried to fling him once more but was met with an immovable object so it let go of him, Raizel got up and effortlessly caught the void blade thrown at his neck, breaking it in half with two fingers as his eyes searched for what realm exactly Idris had hidden his body while dodging and destroying whatever Idris threw at him in the meantime.

Normally it mattered not what the concept of distance was, how hidden a realm may be, how powerful it may be or how how inaccessible it's made to be, even if it was specifically woven and strengthened by the hands of a primordial he would easily ignore and suppress it, even without the use of Domination.

But now his existence had been suppressed to near zero of what he originally was and domination too was off limits, he was having some problems. Idris as the sneaky and seasoned veteran he was had prepared all this before he too suppressed his existence, he shouldn't be able to access a realm this fortified and hidden in his current state but as he wrote the rules he could control it as he wanted even if suppressed as he was.

*Found it* almost instantly he cut the infinitely woven and reinforced distance between them and broke through the realm almost grabbing Idris by the throat, luckily he managed to duck in time and remove his body from the hidden realm, but not without preparing a final gift.


Raizel stopped the mighty huge gold and black god suppression hammer with one hand which sunk into it as he remained unmoved from the same spot, then he freed his hands and flipped the hammer, grabbing onto it's handle. In an instant the hammer was engulfed in crimson red flames, then he swung.

<{I forfeit}> Idris transmitted his intent to Raizel while heaving a sigh of relief internally that he didn't prepare anything crazier than a simple hide and seek game, else he'd have died if his young lord had been excited any further than this.

"That's a bit unfair is it not" Raizel said clearly dissatisfied at having the battle end so soon, he was just getting started too.

"Anymore than this young lord and you'd have burned the arena down, in our suppressed state just by the presence of the outside we'd have been erased to nothing. Although while you may survive it I won't be having the same outcome" Idris healed the cracks on his outward form and looked his master in the eyes "and what if by some miracle you don't survive it also, then I'd have cost the clan it's greatest powerhouse and the archangel his 'son', I can't imagine what he'd do to me after forcibly bringing me back from extinction".

Raizel tsked in annoyance "the next lesson better be much longer and interesting than this one" then he turned around and left.

Idris sighed, it was like everything he said just now came in one ear and out the other which made him feel a bit helpless.

But he began reflecting a bit *seems I truly underestimated the young lord's strength even in his current state, I expected to be found sooner or later, but ignoring the effects of the god suppression hammer was a true surprise for me* his young lord's body had grown to an even more absurd level and his ability to not let the same thing work more than once or twice was super absurd considering the level he had suppressed himself to.

It shouldn't have been useable at all when considering the fact this was only awakened by gods at a much higher level and even then it wasn't an omnipotent ability, in truth the way this ability worked was to just make it more difficult than usual to try the same thing twice.

But Raizel's was at a level where it granted him immunity on the spot once it kicked in, perhaps if he had used the god suppression on him before this then he may have moved him quite a bit at least, but he'd never know so it was pointless to think it any further.

He released himself back to his full power state and with a snap healed the damage done the arena while taking the destroyed weapons lying around "perhaps I can craft some better ones using them" he thought out loud, along with being the butler of his young lord, Idris was also the one who guarded the treasured weapons of the dragon clan and even was the second best Smith amongst them also.

And his final occupation was as the guardian of the this realm, he was always aware of whatever or whomever may approach their home either as a visitor or just as a passerby. Speaking of visitors one was currently here now "speak of the angel and he shall come" he mused to himself and left to go attend his other duties.

Raizel on one of the many floating mountains around the realm messing around with his flames, he had four types of flames, all of them the most powerful type in all of creation.

His first flames was called flames of the Seraphim and the second being his crimson flames, he still had no idea where the second flame originates from or what aspect was attached to it.

He wasn't the only one with crimson flames either, Asura for example was one being whose flames were crimson but at least it's well known Asuras flames were an epitome of destruction itself due to how high his affinity was with the original concept. It was so high in fact that his affinity with destruction can only be confidently said to be surpassed by the Mahadeva himself, Lord Shiva who is the owner of the very concept and the one who surpasses it in so many ways.

"I must be the only flame user amongst all the gods with an empty nature attached to his flames, and also the one flame user whose flames actively rebelled against him and even burned him too" he heaved a sigh of defeat. Thankfully it could still burn whomever or whatever he wanted, with time he will figure out the nature of his crimson flames out.

For now he's not lacking anything with his Seraphim fire which was a mixture of white and gold, Hellfire which was a mixture of black and red with a core of purple. But this only applied to his flames alone as usually hellfire was just absolutely dark in color, and it's nature was of course it's affinity was of course the ability to devour.

Then there was his dragon fire which was purely white in colour, it's affinity was something ironic. Creation, but in the most brutal and painful way possible for whichever being had tasted these flames.

"Heh, truly ironic indeed" Raizel smirked and looked up as he felt a familiar presence "ah man, so stupid. I got too absorbed in my own world" he chided himself but the undeniable smile or joy on his face couldn't be hidden

He immediately moved to the spot where he felt his presence, already letting loose his inner child the moment he arrived and saw the back of the being whom would be the equivalent of a 9'6 inches tall human in scalable terms. "Michael Micheal Micheal, you wouldn't believe it. I finally got to have my first real taste...or well my first real spar, and it was against Idris" he flew around the angel.

"Oh and then guess what, I actually won too. It was so satisfying getting to having my fists smash into someone's face, and then–

Raizel paused as his eyes finally caught sight of what, no. Whom lay Infront on the ground before Micheal, he had a look of pure confusion on his face as he struggled to process what was happening.

He looked at Micheal who hadn't made a single movement whatsoever, then looked at the sword in Micheals hand which was painted by the 'blood' of Batsheva and then looked at his aunt on the floor.

"Did you.... what did you- why would you-" Raizel couldn't keep his composure and fell to his knees, holding her body in his hands as his mind began working on overtime on what he could do to possibly revive her but he couldn't find any that would work against the power of an Archangel.

"This was the surest way I could send a clear message of my intent to you" Micheal spoke up for the first time and with a small wave of his hand the body burst into thousands of light prompting Raizel to realise this had been nothing but a fake.

"I see, so heaven has sent you for my head" he turned towards Micheal, his eyes had a blank look in them "what about the clan, I want to confirm there's really no other target than me right now".

"No" he answered. "There is n o one else I've been tasked to eliminate in the clan other than you".

And with that Raizel smiled, his heart relieved as he began expanding in size, reaching Micheals height and then suddenly fading away. Chills were felt by every god and primordial to exist in creation because for a slight moment they felt presence of a beast so powerful it felt like they were having their very understanding of the word power being absolutely crushed.

Micheal too followed suit and right there beyond the heavens itself, into the void of absolute nothingness were two beings conceptually larger and greater than all of creation itself

And then, they clashed.


First real chapter, oh boy it's long.

I fear I might have to cut back on my habit of writing 3, 4, or 5,000 words per page.

SOLACEcreators' thoughts