
The Angel of Heartless Heaven

They said that heaven is a headless place, everyone thought that heaven is a place were you can find endless happiness but not. They thought god is the strongest being that can save anyone but where's the god when someone need his help, is god is sleeping, busy or God never actually care about our prayers. If it is, then a young man who choose to believe to a name God embark into a journey as apostle to make a true God who can listen to our prayers. But take not, this God is not a benevolent then the boy will create one even the God it self is Goddess of Pleasure. Disclaimer: Book Cover is not mine.

LittleApple · Komik
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55 Chs

The Truth

When Xin come back he saw Ai playing with her children while standing still, everything is stop moving right now because of Xin's ability.

Ai is holding her son's face while playing with it changing different shape, pinching and kissing, she look happy as she play without care in the world.


"?" Ai turn around and see Xin's floating while watching her, she can't help but to embarrass as she slowly put down Aqua and start arranging his clothes.

"So what happen?"

Xin look at her and said." Done, but I discover something amazing from that man."


"Your ex-boyfriend is crazy, and a killer too."

Ai's face turn pale, she can't understand how Xin said that, how can a celebrity be a killer without getting caught?

Xin told her what he discovered today.

Hikaru is a sadistic and possibly insane murderer who enjoys watching the life fade from his victims, who are primarily actresses at the top of their career, claiming that it makes him "feel the weight of his own life".

It is implied that he was molested by a married adult actress when he was just 11 years old, which could be what warped him to be the twisted man he is today.

As a former aspiring actor, he can skillfully hide his true nature in public by taking on the guise of a rather casual and dependable individual who others can lean on. He also has a habit of sending white flowers to up-and-coming actresses, though this could just be a method to draw of his newest victims.

"What! White flowers!?" Ai can still remember how that man get close to her, it was same flowers he gave to her before their first meeting.

"Is that means I'm also a victim?!"

"No, your not, he don't just pick anyone to be his victim, his target is mature woman or some married adult as they are more fun to watch as he thought."

"Then.... Those missing actress..."

"They are all dead."

Ai can't help but to run to the bathroom and vomit, Xin can hear her from outside while waiting, she come back after she vomited with pale looking face.

"And the most shocking is that all the news comes from him and the address of your house is send to that man outside."

".... But why?"

"Did you forget? He is killer, he only do the crime in clean manner that's why he still in large."

"... What did you do to him?"

"To that twisted man? Well he is done tomorrow for sure, all of his crime that did is save on his personal computer with those evidence and the video I take from the place of the crime it's enough for him to be imprisoned for life."

Ai can't still recover, she did not expect that man hides dark thing, it so dark that even the law can't take his actions.

"Wait, isn't he still a minor?"

"Minor? There's no minor on murder crime, and his victim is so much that even the law for minor can't be use for his own advantage."

"Not only that, some of his victim comes from powerful family and famous people, I'm sure with this huge scandal no one will try to help him."

Ai understand, with the status of the people he kill, he can't escape for sure.

"So what's your plan next?" Xin ask.

"... I don't know .... If the huge scandal come out tomorrow I'm sure I'm also going to be implicate, I think I will quit being idol and find new job." Ai said.

Xin look at her eyes and see the six pointed star change color to gold one.

No need to ask, for the first time she did not lie in fron of Xin.


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