
The Angel of Heartless Heaven

They said that heaven is a headless place, everyone thought that heaven is a place were you can find endless happiness but not. They thought god is the strongest being that can save anyone but where's the god when someone need his help, is god is sleeping, busy or God never actually care about our prayers. If it is, then a young man who choose to believe to a name God embark into a journey as apostle to make a true God who can listen to our prayers. But take not, this God is not a benevolent then the boy will create one even the God it self is Goddess of Pleasure. Disclaimer: Book Cover is not mine.

LittleApple · Komik
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55 Chs

Injustice in the World

Looking down from the window a boy with pale face helpless sigh, because of the unknown illness that punish him he can't have a normal life.

He come from a pretty normal family, with a mother and father, one little sister and grandparents who love them.

But even though life seems perfect destiny seems like to joke to those who want to be normal.

Three months ago a major blow hit his family, on one particular day the family is going to a long vacation but when they were on the way the family got on accident.

His father and grandparents die from the incident, his sister and mother is fine but because of the sudden tragedy he lost some of his important family.

After that incident long thing change, his beautiful mother who gently care about them choose to work outside after the support of the family die.

His cheerful and lovely sister seems lost her color and never seen smile after that incident, she lost her voice and expression, she is just like doll looking at her makes the boy feel hurt.

And maybe because of the incident his health suddenly turn worst, and right now because of his unknown illness he take leave and finally he was confined in the hospital after losing 85% of his strength.

He feel weak and pitiful, he hate that person who kill his family, because of the drunk driving his who life change.

Everything is fine if only that driver take all the fault and get prison but it seems he was to stupid not to know what the world is.

The one who hit them is the chairman and CEO of a powerful company, with the connection he escape from all the tragedy he cause, he even send people to harass them to put the case down until his mother finally choose to compromise.

The boy feel endless anger, he see his mother washing her face in tears at night, the gentle face of her mother turn in to haggard.

He can see wrinkles on his face and the black patch on her eyes, his mother is only ordinary housewife, because of the incident she choose to work couple of part-time job for her children.

Seeing her makes the boy hurt deep down.

He also feel anger that always suffocate whatever he breath.

But he was helpless, he don't have anything and even the thing he have is slowly taking away from him.

And the thing that scare him the most finally arrive.

Three months after hospitalized a bad news hit the family again.

The doctor give the boy a verdict, he only have couple of weeks to live.

Of course everyone hit hard, except for his sisters who expressionless looking at him, his mother cry as she hug the boy tightly.

For another this thing hurt like cutting her own heart.

Looking at his mother pitiful face, a wave of anger and helplessness hit the boy again.

He was not scared to death anymore, he is not a fool to know what kind of ending will happen to him.

But it seems the fate do t want him to stay any longer, his life is about to end but even his is ready he is reluctant to leave his last two family members.

Even though he is reluctant, the boy know that him dying is a perfect help for his mother, a disappearance of useless person like him is great help for the heavy responsibility for his mother.

Time goes by as the boy stay on the hospital room, everyone in the hospital know that theres a pitiful boy who waiting for his end inside of a particular room.

Days and days come and the boy feel his last strength is leaving his body, sitting up on the bed takes time to accomplish.

Gripping his fist is almost impossible, even closing his eyelid is starting to get hard with the help of other.

But even though his eyes is dead, his mind is not.

He don't want to leave them in pitiful state, he want revenge to theat man who destroy his family.

He who died one finally start to fight back but as darkness start to cover his vision for the seco

nd time the boy can only helpless sigh in the end.



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