
The Angel of Heartless Heaven

They said that heaven is a headless place, everyone thought that heaven is a place were you can find endless happiness but not. They thought god is the strongest being that can save anyone but where's the god when someone need his help, is god is sleeping, busy or God never actually care about our prayers. If it is, then a young man who choose to believe to a name God embark into a journey as apostle to make a true God who can listen to our prayers. But take not, this God is not a benevolent then the boy will create one even the God it self is Goddess of Pleasure. Disclaimer: Book Cover is not mine.

LittleApple · Komik
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Goddess of Love.... Pleasure?

The boy don't know how much time pass, he only clinging on the hope someone finad and rescue him but no one ever come.

The only thing he holding is the small fire that illuminating his darkness and the hope to somehow a miracle happen.

Until one day he heard a alluring voice.

"Hey kid donyou want help?"

The boy want to reply but he can't make any sound.

"Idiotic boy, you don't need to speak for me to understand you, just just need to think, think and your thought will be hears by me."

The boy follow the voice and use his though to answer.

( Who are you? )

"Oh? Pretty calm for a young boy like you, very well then, as the only God who take notice of you I will answer your humble question."

" The Goddess of Love, Love is my power and I live because of Love, I see you a young flame ignite as hope you find your way back but sadly young boy, this is afterlife, there's no heaven or hell of human, there's only endless darkness."

( So I'm alone here? )

"Of course not, your not a chosen one, like other human they stay on this space for unknown amount of time until they finally accept the situation."

( What happen to them? ) The boy ask.

"Your somehow annoying, let me just show you them."

The light slowly fall as the young boy follow it, down in the darkness the boy see, naked human like him standing while their eyes were close, they are standing straight with close eyes on the dept of the place.

Lonely, cold, and stillness, the peothere is like stagnant water making the boy feel scared.

"See them? Like you they stay here awake looking at the fire, they can't accept their destination, some though there's heaven or hell but what wait them is coldness in the darkness."

"Who knows how many eon they will stay here until they wake up but staying here is same as forgetting your past, do you want to try boy?"

( No! I don't want to forget my family! )

"Interesting, for a soul who come here once and being granted a miracle by some wild God your obsession is strong."

"When I read the book of the dead I see your life from the past and to this present, there's no remarkable thing you did, except you died young living so many important thing."

"Maybe because of this you never sink in to the darkness, you stay here for unknown amount of year same as first time you arrive here and lucky enough to get a favor from God like me."

( Then are you going to give me a favor? )

"What can you give me back?"

( Everything! )

"... Everything? Interesting, but except for your strong will power you don't have anything that I want too."

( ..... )

"Why not we do this, you see in every world there's God they believe, some believe in Lord God or God of Creation, some are Evil God or God of Destruction but not a single one believe to Goddesses of Love, why not become my apostle?"

( You want me to gather believers for you? )

"I like smart kid like you, youre right but there's rules you need to follow."

( What kind of rules? )

The Goddess of Love told everything he need to know, while listening the boy starting to strange about this 'Goddess of Love'.

"It seems you see something, as being one of my first apostoand my favorite one, I will name my self to you."

"I'm the Cris the Goddess of Love and Pleasure, in short Ero, my power and the ability I will give you is base on how much pleasure and love you can gather."

"I will reincarnate you not as human because they are weak but to my own Angel, a Fallen Angel who can give wish to anyone excep

And Pleasure?t man with the price of the energy that opposite sex can only give."


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