
The start

In the Scarlet empire, in the forest near the city of Edinburgh a 10 year old boy could be seen constantly punching a tree with his little hands, if one looked closely to the hands of the boy they would notice that they are injured due to the constant punching the boy seems to be doing. The stem of the tree looks to be destroyed and there is blood on the wood.

The name of the boy is Azazel. He have black and silver coloured hair and has scarlet eyes which are mesmerising, his clothes looked a bit ragged. His body does not seem to have any fat as it seems very developed for a child especially with the muscles on him which speaks for the fact that he has been training from a very young age. All in all he looks very handsome for a kid and one could only imagine how much more handsome would he look in the future

After punching the tree for a while he went in search of a river to clean himself, after 5 minutes or so he found a river and went in to Bath in it. While bathing he recalled all of his life experience

Azazel, he was an orphan he grew up in the orphanage in the Edinburgh City but life has been a pain living there, why wouldn't it be if you get bullied constantly for no reason. According to the people of the city he was a cursed child, why was he cursed because he was born on the night of the blood moon

The funny thing is that no one actually knows when he was born as no one knows his parents. He just appeared in front of the gate of the orphan on the night of the blood moon. Why people call him a cursed child is because the blood moon is know as a bad omen, the last blood moon happened at least 3000 years ago after which the whole continent became nothing but a battlefield where there was only death and destruction.

Even though there were other kids born on that day only he was called a cursed child, he wondered why that was so but after a while he figured the reason for it, not only was he born on the night of the bloodmoon, he also has the same colour eyes as the moon coupled with the fact that he is an orphan he made a simple target to target the hate at.

After realising the answer to his previous question he became puzzled once more, why was it necessary to hate him, hating him won't change anything but the answer to that question also came. The reason they hate him is not because he is cursed it is because they need someone to hate so that they can tend to their own insecurity, if they do not have anyone to hate then they will become paranoid as they can't do anything but if they have someone to hate then they can release there anger on him and have someone to blame things on. This infuriated him, why must he be hated because there insecurity about the future, why must he sacrifice himself for these selfish peoples who only care for themselves and the main question why is he taking all this and doing nothing.

The answer was because he is weak, that's why he has to sit there and take it without the chance of retaliating. That brings us to why he is in the forest punching the tree, its not that he is taking out the anger on the tree, no he is training himself. After taking all that beating he realised something, that his body can heal quite fast and that after taking the beatings his body also became more sturdier than before. He came to the realisation that after his muscles tear and his bones break they get healed into much stronger muscles and bones,coupled with his fast healing he decided to train to his utmost limits

After taking the bath he realised that the sun would be setting soon so he has to make his way to that dreaded city again as in the night too many dangerous beast comes out of to roam around and he isn't strong to take them all. Having though this he makes his way back to the city

So this is the first chapter how do guys think about the grammar, is it alright? Pls leave your thoughts about the chapter

leo26creators' thoughts