
The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. =================================== This is a Harry/multi story that includes Lily and his twin OC sisters. Don't read if it ain't your cup of tea. Harry will be with various women but his eventual relationship will include his family and two or three other witches, I haven't fully decided yet but definitely happy to take suggestions. Lots of lemons and smut with some plot throughout. (No smut in the first few chapters). First chapter is short but they get longer as we go along. ********************************************************* I'm posting this story as the original creator of this work apparently deleted all of their work from his website and I found the approach to this story pretty good and I've seen many others on the internet looking for this story as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ So just ENJOY THE STORY!!!

NoName2021 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 26

The rest of the week passed relatively quickly even considering that Harry had detentions every night with different Professors. He was slightly upset that he never got Sinistra or Babbling during his detentions, he was hoping to turn on his allure and have a kinky Student-Teacher detention. He had requested to speak with Dumbledore in private and so he found himself in Dumbledore's office for his final detention on Friday night.

They reviewed his memory together after Harry made him promise to keep Tracy being a high elf to himself for the time being. Dumbledore would not have said anything either way but decided to ease Harry's fears regarding his budding new romance.

Dumbledore after seeing the memory had a triumphant gleam in his eyes.

"Harry I have a theory that I think this memory proves. With your permission I would like to cast a spell on you what it does is create an aura around you with a color representing your soul. It is… normally not used on people but this is the final piece of information I need to confirm it."

Harry was hesitant at first his Slytherin side screaming that it wasn't a good idea to let the old man cast a spell on him even if he was the headmaster. He eventually tapped into his Gryffindor side having once, even as a Slytherin, been deemed worthy of wielding the Sword of Gryffindor to kill a Basilisk.

"Alright sir, go ahead."

Dumbledore took out his wand and for the first time, Harry thought he felt some sort of pull towards the wand but shook it off thinking it was from the spell the headmaster had cast on him.

A few seconds later a green aura surrounded Harry, it was a strange feeling and sight to see what seemed to be a visualization of his soul. But the green aura was not the only thing around him there were also dark grey streaks running through the green aura. It looked like a green fire with breaks of shadows swimming around him.

"Sir, this dark thing, is this my Incubus ability?"

"No Harry, the Incubus powers come from you, you are an Incubus."

"Then this is… this is Voldemort, isn't it? I noticed I was able to tap into some of this power when I was training with Aunt Bellatrix."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, "can you explain that Harry," he asked.

"Well, it's similar to how I use my allure. I concentrate on my magical core and pull it out of me. The more I've done it the easier it's been kind of like casting spells. I applied that same bit of logic and looked for the dark magics around my core and tried to access it. Aunt Bella told me there were moments where I fought exactly like Voldemort when we dueled."

"That is indeed fascinating," Dumbledore said lost in thought.

"So erm sir, you said there was a theory you had?"

"Yes, I developed this theory at the end of your second hear Harry. When you brought me the Diary you said was housing a memory of Voldemort. The method of destroying it that you had used nearly confirmed to me what it was."

"What is it, sir?"

"I'm assuming I already know the answer to this question but humor me, Harry have you ever heard of a Horcrux?"

Harry remembered coming across the term in some black family texts but Sirius refused to explain it to him at that time.

"I've read the word when I was studying the black family," said Harry.

"Yes, I'm not surprised their family has information on it. A Horcrux is an item where one can house a portion of the soul. What you thought to be a memory of Voldemort was not just that, it was a piece of the madman's very soul you fought and killed."

"That… that's how he survived then? He had a part of his soul in that diary, but if I killed it shouldn't he be gone?"

"I wish it were that easy my boy, but based on what you just told me I believe the second part of my theory is correct. It seems Voldemort has created multiple Horcrux's and based on that memory it seems as if he was attempting to create one with your death."

"So my magic absorbed part of his soul? Am I a Horcrux?"

"I do not believe you are Harry, the spell I cast on you, there are records of it being cast on animals who were made into Horcrux's. Each record indicates that two auras are clearly distinct and can be seen as separate entities residing in one living thing. In your case it seems Voldemorts soul has essentially been integrated into yours, while you've gained power from him, I do not believe the part of his soul actually survived the encounter."

"This is all, of course, a theory on my part, I am still doing further research into Horcrux's myself. I was not planning on sharing this with you until I had more concrete answers for you but evidently, you have a knack for speeding up the timeline of things," he said with a smile.

"Is there a way to positively tell if I am a Horcrux?" He asked.

"If we were to be able to get our hands on one of them before it is destroyed, I can scan the aura of the Horcrux as well as your own to see if it is the same. I believe your friend Tracy could even tell if you are one if we were to hand her one of them. If she is teaching you High Elf Magic then if course there is the chance that you would be able to tell yourself if you are in fact a Horcrux."

"Say worst-case scenario, I'm a Horcrux, what happens then? How do we get rid of it?"

Dumbledore sighed, he knew this question was coming and it was another thing he did not want to burden the young man with it.

"If you are indeed a Horcrux I will endeavor to figure out a way to separate it from you. If we cannot figure it out then… as long as you are alive Voldemort cannot die."

"Neither cal live while the other survives…" said Harry, this is what that was referring to.

"I do not want to jump towards any conclusions we need to approach this with evidence. I am currently doing research into Voldemorts past, I taught him so I have a unique viewpoint and access to things others do not in his regards. As I discover the information I will make sure to share anything I have confirmed with you."

"I recommend discussing this with Ms. Davis, so she can help you develop your High Elf magic, we need any advantage we can get to understand what all of this is."

Harry nodded, I suppose this is how Tracy and I can develop our relationship then.

"I will have a message sent to you for another meeting once I have enough new information."

Harry spent the rest of the night thinking things through. I do not want to die. It might be best to keep this between me and Tracy for now.

He had no intention of worrying his sisters and mother. Harry filed that way for another day, he would be having a picnic on the grounds tomorrow with Astoria.

The night passed rather quickly even with him being anxious. He had asked Dobby the previous day to have a basket of food prepared for a picnic. Dobby went all out and included everything he needed including a picnic cloth, butterbeer, and different treats and food from the kitchens.

They had agreed to meet a little closer to lunch and once it was finally time Harry went over to the Ravenclaw common room to pick her up. Astoria walked out of the entrance a few minutes after he had arrived.

"Harry! I hope you weren't waiting too long?"

"No Tori, I just got here," he said.

He lived the way her face lit up whenever he called her Tori. She walked up and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips and they began walking down to the grounds.

"So what's on the menu for today?" Asked Astoria once they started setting the picnic cloth and getting comfortable.

"We've got some butterbeer so we won't miss Hogsmeade as much, some sandwiches and a few other things courtesy of the house-elves. And my favorite deserts including Treacle Tart."

"Are you sure the two of us can eat all of this?" Astoria asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We can take our time and spend all day here working on this if you'd like?"

Astoria smiled which again made his heart flutter.

"You have a beautiful smile, Tori," he said.

She blushed but brought the conversation back to the food, "Treacle Tart is my favorite dessert as well."

"Oh, no am I going to have to fight you for the Treacle Tart?"

Astoria laughed, "boy who lived or not I'm sure I would win that fight."

"I'm a pretty good duelist Tori," he said.

"Yes but I don't think you'd be able to resist my negotiation techniques she said giving him a soft kiss."

"I'll give you all the Treacle Tart you want if I get to kiss you all the time," Harry said once she broke off the kiss causing her to laugh again.

They continued talking and enjoying their lunch when at one point Astoria looked at him with a little sadness on her face.

"Something wrong Tori?"

"I really like you a lot Harry, I like talking to you, and if really like to see where this relationship goes."

"I like you a lot too Tori, and I'm definitely on the same page as you on that end."

"I… I want to be upfront about things before we continue seeing each other. I would like to just trust you and I do but my father has drilled into me that I should only reveal this to someone who has taken a vow not to speak about it with anyone who doesn't know or without permission from me."

Harry had his own secret which it seemed her older sister had not told her about yet nodded and gave her a vow.

"You did that pretty easily," she said.

"I have some unfortunate Gryffindor tendencies," he said with a shrug, "the sorting hate gave me a choice between being a Lion and Snake, I decided to be rebellious and go to Slytherin."

"That's interesting the sorting hat gave me a choice between Ravenclaw and Slytherin, I chose Ravenclaw to stand out a bit from our family of Snakes."

"Good to know we both go against our families' status quo," he said.

Astoria sighed, "the Greengrass family, unfortunately, has a blood curse that causes a terminal disease every few generations for someone with Greengrass line. I was lucky enough to be that someone this generation."

"I… holy shit there's gotta be something I can research, my sister and her girlfriend are really good at researching things too maybe they can help."

Astoria smiled, "my father found a way to remove the curse before I was born, your enthusiasm to figure out how to help me is much appreciated though."

There's something else there.

"I sense something happened from what he was able to do?"

Astoria sighed, "Harry do you know what a Lycan is?"

"Sort of an advanced form of werewolves right? While werewolves need to be bitten Lycans need to be willing to become one and undergo some ritual."

Astoria nodded, "becoming either a werewolf or Lycan was how we could expel the curse from my blood. The wolf's curse would essentially take over the blood curse. Leaving me able to live but at the price of transforming into a Lycan during the full moons."

"Professor Lupin is a werewolf, he's also an honorary uncle to me. I hope you understand that something like that does not bother me at all."

"Being a Lycan is different than a werewolf Harry. Unlike with werewolves, there is a large chance that any children I may have will also be Lycans. We also don't fully transform into a wolf and we keep our human minds during a transformation, I'm definitely a little more bloodthirsty during those times but I can generally control myself. The Headmaster was kind enough to allow me access to the shrieking shack, I actually spent some time there with Professor Lupin. I prefer him as a werewolf he's more fun," she said with a laugh.

That's what moony meant when he said he wasn't alone. I thought Sirius figured out a way to come keep him company but it was Tori.

"It is a little lonely now," she said.

I'll become an Animagus and surprise her she won't have to be alone.

"This still doesn't change anything, about us," Harry said.

"You're ok with dating a nonhuman?"

"I'm a nonhuman as well."

Astoria was surprised, "what are you?" She asked. "Sorry that sounded rude" she quickly added.

Harry chuckled, "no worries, I'm an Incubus."

Astoria's eyes widened, "that's like a male Veela isn't it?"

"Similar but an actual female version of me would be a Succubus but I'm the only one in my family with The ability unlocked. I originally thought my sisters would be Veela but that's incorrect. I have Veela like powers there's the Allure and the way my powers are accessed and work cross over with Veela quite a bit as well. Fleur has been training me on controlling it."

Astoria smirked, "Is that why the two of you had a romp in the champions' tent?"

"Sort of yea… you trusted me Astoria so I want to be upfront with you as well before diving into our relationship."

He explained the two prophecy's and his collection of magic.

"I wonder if you would gain some Lycan Magic? It's all mainly physical enhancements but if you can become one partially through your Incubus ability that would give you a serious edge in a battle."

"You're taking all of this very well."

Astoria smiled," I knew starting a relationship with you if it led to anything serious that I would have to share with you since I could only be Lady of one of your houses. I admit it wasn't the most ideal situation at first but maybe it's the allure you have a little bit but I think it's mainly just you. I feel very good about us."

"I think what you're feeling is what Tracy said is called potential. She taught me some High Elf magic."

"Is Tracy going to be my sister-wife?" Asked Astoria.

"Potentially one of them, yea… I'm the lord of three houses a formal announcement will go out on Monday regarding that."

"Potter, Black, and?"

"Peverell," he said.

"I haven't heard if that one," she replied.

"Their history is quite complex, that's where my Incubus blood comes from, I'll explain it to you over time. It took me several months of reading and forced lectures from Sirius to even begin putting a lot of the history together."

"I also have a consort contract with the Bones family I have to discuss with them next week which er… which one of them will become my consort. "

"Susan Bones is quite nice, she's helped me with my Transfiguration a few times. Greengrass and Bones aren't particularly close families but we went to a lot of the same functions in pureblood circles so we do know each other somewhat."

"There's one other thing you should know," he said to her.

"What is that Harry?"

"I erm, to unlock my Incubus powers and fully become Lord Potter as well as Lord Black, I had to use a sex ritual that required me to have sex with every female fertile woman in both families."

Astoria's eyes widened, "so you've slept with your mother and sisters?"

"I uh still do from time to time."

"It is definitely different, I couldn't really imagine being in bed with my mother but, Daphne and I have both shared Tracy a couple of times, I am also sure that Daphne has made it quite clear that she would want to join us sometimes as well."

Harry nodded, "yes I uh sleep with my sister and their Girlfriends as well. Well, Hermione hasn't joined us but Emma has been going out with Estella who has joined in."

Astoria nodded, "I can deal with your other dalliances, thank you for being honest with me."

Harry smiled, "well then Astoria Greengrass would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the Yule Ball?"

"I was wondering when you would ask," she said before leaning closer to him and giving him a passionate fiery kiss.

"In case you didn't realize, that was a yes." She said once they broke apart.

"I think I'll need to get the message reinforces a bit."

They spent the rest of the day occasionally kissing and wandering around until the other students began to arrive back in the castle.

"I enjoyed today Harry," she said when he escorted her back to the Ravenclaw tower.

"So did I Tori."

They kissed once more before she turned back to enter the common room. Harry walked off content with where their relationship was going, he didn't even feel the need to relieve himself the Incubus seemed to be perfectly at peace.

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