
The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. =================================== This is a Harry/multi story that includes Lily and his twin OC sisters. Don't read if it ain't your cup of tea. Harry will be with various women but his eventual relationship will include his family and two or three other witches, I haven't fully decided yet but definitely happy to take suggestions. Lots of lemons and smut with some plot throughout. (No smut in the first few chapters). First chapter is short but they get longer as we go along. ********************************************************* I'm posting this story as the original creator of this work apparently deleted all of their work from his website and I found the approach to this story pretty good and I've seen many others on the internet looking for this story as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ So just ENJOY THE STORY!!!

NoName2021 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 17

When Harry finally woke Saturday around noon he saw his sisters still sleeping on either side of him.

Last night was fucking amazing.

He then remembered that he could claim the Potter Lordship now, he just had to call on the head of house ring and if it appeared on his hand that meant the Potter family magic accepted him as head of house.

Harry placed a hand in the air and softly said, "I Harry James Potter claim the house of Potter as my own, I will protect and care for my family and ensure the continued growth of house Potter."

There was a flash of light and he felt the head of the house ring tighten around his finger.

Holy shit I'm Lord Potter now.

Just then another flash of light appeared and another ring appeared next to the Potter ring. He immediately noticed the symbol of the triangle with a circle and line through the middle. He had seen that symbol many times in his youth while learning about his family.

Deathly hallows… is this the Peverell ring?

Harry stared at the second ring wondering how it appeared.

Am I Lord Peverell as well?

Emma yawned and stretched, "morning Harry, you claim the lordship?* she said after taking a quick glance at his hand.

"Yea but seems I got more than just the Potter Lordship," he said.

"What? You can't be Lord Black yet, you got some fucking left to do, though I'm hoping for some more of it myself first."

"It's not the Black lordship it's Peverell."

"Did someone say Peverall?" Ella said as she too began walking up.

"Wait, you do have two rings," Emma said once she had completed waking up. She grabbed his hand and examined the ring. "Holy shit are you Lord Peverell? I thought the Peverells just became the Potters?"

"Mum and Sirius never mentioned a second ring, I only claimed lordship over house Potter, why was I given this?"

"We will need to consult with Mum and Sirius for this. You should send Mum an Owl giving her permission to read the Grimiore maybe there's an explanation on there," Ella said.

Harry nodded, "my fireplace can do floo calls. We can just talk to her quickly now."

The three of them out on some robes and walked over to the fireplace initiating a call with their own fireplace at home.

"Mum are you home?" He asked aloud.

"Master Harry, you is floo calling! What can Tilly be doing for Master Harry?" The little Elf asked.

"Hey Tilly is Mum home? We need to talk to her as quickly as possible."

Tilly nodded, "Tilly will get mistress Lily," she said as she popped away into another part of the house.

A few minutes later Lily walked over to the fireplace, "Harry is everything ok love?"

"Hey Mum, we thought it best to talk to as soon as possible," he said.

"Hi Mum!" The twins said in unison.

"All of you are together, have you claimed Potter Lordship Harry?" His mother asked.

"Yea I have, and we'll it looks like I also got the Peverell lordship."

"Harry the Peverell lordship is the Potter lordship; it's the same family."

"He's got two head of house rings Mum, one for each house." Said Ella.

Lily's eyes widened, "I… I don't understand, that shouldn't have happened."

"Would the Grimiore have more information on this?" Asked Emma.

Lily nodded, "it might, Harry can you give me permission to read."

"I, Harry James Potter give permission to Lily Evans Potter to access and guard the Potter family secrets," he said.

"Thank you, it's Saturday so you have no classes. I'll send Albus a letter letting him know I need to discuss house business with the three of you. I'll be there after Lunch," she said.

They ended the floo call and the siblings all sat on Harry's couch. "You know based on the conversation you told us you had with Tracy she would probably jump at the chance at being Lady Peverell. That leaves Potter and Black still open," said Ella.

Harry stared down at the rings wondering how this had happened.

"Look, Mum is coming with the Grimiore so we can hopefully figure out what's going on tonight then celebrate your new lordship with a repeat of last night with mum," said Emma.

Harry raised his eyebrows, "so you're looking forward to having sex with Mum?" He asked.

"We both are, based on what you told us Harry, I'm very curious how rough you get with Mum when you face fuck her," said Ella.

"I could umm give you both a demonstration," he said with a grin.

Emma laughed, "You fucking perv, let's save it for mum tonight."

"Not even a quickie?"

He asked the twins.

"I've got a couple things to take care of before mum gets here," Emma said.

"It's also best the three of us make an appearance outside of this room, something tells me when mum gets here no one will be leaving for quite some time," said Ella.

"If you really need to relieve yourself Harry I'm sure Tracy can help with that," said Emma. Harry grumbled but got ready and presentable to make an appearance outside. He wondered if maybe he should try talking to Tracy and Daphne.

He walked over to the Slytherin common room once they went their separate ways. As he approached it he saw Estella coming out of the common room.

"Oh hello Harry," she said.

"Hey Estella…"

"Is Emma still in your room or…?"

"No the twins went off a little while ago to take care of things," he said.

Estella's eyes wandered to his hands and widened. She went into Curtsy, "my apologies Lord Potter I had not realized you already claimed Lordship, I will endeavour to greet you with respect in the future."

"Stella… you don't need to call me Lord Potter."

She looked at him, "Harry… I'm sorry about the other day."

"Don't worry about it, we can forget that and go back to being friends? I missed you Stella."

She smiled and gave him a hug.

"Let's catch up later ok? I need to talk to Emma about a few things," she said.

Harry nodded and she walked off. Looks like they're together.

Harry entered the common room and immediately saw the last person he wanted to see. "Potter decided to grace us with your presence today?" Asked cousin Draco.

"Go sit down somewhere Draco," he said, spotting Tracy and Daphne talking and trying to walk towards him.

He felt a wand to his back and stopped.

"How Does it feel Potter being at my mercy?"

The common room went quiet watching the two Slytherins.

A seventh perfect walked over intending to break the fight but was held back by another seventh year.

"Cousin, why don't you lower your wand and we can have an actual duel, there's no reason to prove to everyone here that you're a coward only willing to raise your wand to me when my back is turned," he said.

"You know Potter, I've been eyeing your sisters for quite some time. If you aren't careful then I might not be so careful around them."

"That's your funeral cousin," he replied.

"A filthy half blood like you is undeserving of being Lord Black, my Father has already gotten members of the Wizengamot to vote to overturn your stupid emancipation and transfer the Black lordship to me where it belongs."

"Cousin if you really think half bloods like me are so filthy, why did your father give himself to a Mudblood upstart with delusions of being a Lord?"


"Tom Marvolo Riddle, the son of a muggle and a squib, no magical parents. You might know him better as the Dark Lord Voldemort, the one your father and other pathetic purebloods have given themselves to. Your master is a Mudblood Draco your father groveled at his feet."

"Diffindo!" Yelled Draco aiming a cutting curse at Harry's back, but it never got him. It simply dissolved against a shield that appeared behind him.

"Your pathetic master couldn't kill me as a child, he couldn't kill me as a first year and he couldn't kill me as a second year, did you really think a pathetic curse like that would work against me?" Harry yelled as he turned and pushed Draco to the ground with magic he didn't know he had.

His head of house rings at the moment were not visible to anyone in the common room but he decided to reveal one of them right then and there.

"Heir Malfoy, you have attempted to attack the lord of an Ancient and Most Noble house. A house whose status is far above your own. I could demand a great many things as punishment."

"Please Lord Potter let him go," said Pansy Parkinson. "Please have mercy on my betrothed."

Harry looked over at Pansy. Her attitude is fucking trash but I wanted some relief and she is rather good looking.

He concentrated a small part of his allure into his gaze and smirked when he saw her shudder.

She fell to her knees,"please Lord Potter let this go," she begged.

"Very well, I will let this slide, you're lucky your betrothed cares enough about you to grovel at my feet cousin. At least she knows her place. If you ever attempt to attack me or any of my family again, I will destroy house Malfoy, it will be nothing after I've finished."

He walked off and left the common room, sending a little bit of his Allure towards pansy once more before he was out. I wanted to talk to Tracy and Daphne but I guess fucking the idiots betrothed will be fun.

Harry went over to his room and asked Dobby to bring him a light meal. He sat eating at his desk when Sir Caddogen called out to him.

"Lord Potter there is a woman requesting to speak with you, she does not know the password. I suggest capturing her and making her prove she bears no Ill will towards you."

Hmm that might not be too far off from what I do.

"Did she give you a name?"

"Pansy Parkinson my lord." Harry checked his watch and saw only twenty minutes had passed since he had left the Slytherin common room.

"Let her in," he said.

A minute later Pansy Parkinson walked up into his room, " Lord Potter," she said giving him a curtsey."

"Why are you here Ms. Parkinson?"

"I… I came to ask please, ignore my betrothed, he may not curb his tongue in the future but he will not attack you again. He isn't completely like his father, I am trying to make him a better man."

"Why Ms. Parkinson should I agree with this?" He asked.

"Please Lord Potter I will do anything you ask," she said looking at him hungrily.

"What if I asked you to come closer and suck my cock?"

"I will do anything to protect Draco," she said as she walked over to him and got on her knees. He vanished her clothing with a wave of his hand and removed his own. He let his Allure out full force she took him I to her mouth though it seemed she had no idea what to do with such a large cock.

"Is that all? Have you never done this before?" He asked.

"I..am not used to your size," she said.

Harry smirked, "I see," he grabbed her head and began brutally fucking her face. "Let's break you in then," he said.

Pansy was choking and gagging on his cock. She had deep throated Draco before but it was much easier to do then this.

Harry didn't feel like he was going to last very long after this, but didn't want to waste an orgasm in her mouth. He highly doubted she could actually swallow his regular loads. He took his cock out of her mouth and picked her up and threw her on the couch. Her legs went up onto his Shoulders and he sunk his cock into her tight pink pussy.

She shrieked in pain and Harry realized he had just taken her Virginity. "You're a virgin he said as he thrusted into her."

The burns from the first thrust began to subside as she now started feeling the pleasure of the new Lord Potters cock.

"You are the first to take me there, Lord Potter I have only pleased by betrothed with my mouth."

Ha fuck you Draco

Harry viciously fucked her cunt, she shuddered from an orgasm and then Harry let his own out and filled her with his seed.

"I will leave your betrothed alone even if he decides to mouth off, if he harms me or anyone I care for however this little deal is off," he said as he got dressed and summoned her clothes for her.

Pansy then got dressed and gave him another curtsey, "thank you Lord Potter," she said as she left his room.

Harry then calmed down feeling ashamed at what he had just done. They keep saying this is me but I would have never done something like this before.

He vowed to himself to stay away from Pansy and Draco, thankful again for his private suite.

Sitting down and brooding to himself he hadn't realized that he was just able to control his allure at will.

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