
Chpater 1

It was a normal day in the woods walking on the trails for Russia in his wolf form laying on a patch of grass watching some birds here and there. He heard some noise and tried to locate the noise and then there was a little bit of movement from a bush at first he was scared but calmed down then he slowly walked to the bush There he saw a very small demon lion lying there cut up and left there, he kindly ask it to shift but to human if it was a shifter and it shifts in front of him was a little baby boy then he shifted back, so she picked him carefully by the scruff  of the neck and ran back to the pack house's ER. Once the nurses took him away from cub his wolf usruleț and his disorder started to act up so he started to pace around that did not work he saw that here claws were in flames and started to scratch the floor.

     Russia has heard some crying and knocked on the door of the E.R room that the lion was in Vex started to show, and Russia knew this because  Vex wanted blood and started seeing red so he went to the dungeon and killed one the rouges that hurt one of the pack's omegas after he got cleaned and put some fresh clothing on. Then he calmly walked to the ER room and the nurses told him that he was allowed to see the lion, he walked inside the room and pet the little guy but he ended up biting him hand he was mad but not for too long because ursuleț had imprinted him as his own. he asked him for his name on a piece of paper but he shooked his head no, so he wrote some names and the paper and handed him a pen and he then circles a name and handed the paper back to him. The alpha then said the name Ryo through his personal mental link and he padded over to her, he picked him up and took him to his room since let was getting late but one of the omega's brung him some dinner that was made and he kindly asks the little omega to bring some for Ryo since they never fed him in the ER. After a few minutes, the omega bring some for Ryo, he thanked the omega and he gave him some money to spend at the mall in the morning even though he said no Russia told him to keep the money just in case he needed some money.

     When they woke up Russia made some food for him and Ryo for them and then he put Ryo with the other pack kids in the daycare He told him he will be back later and he went for a walk in the woods to go hunting. He spotted a few small prey animal and hunted them in the meadow he hid them in a tree and then he heard a group of people and hid the prey in a bush and felt Vex taking over and couldn't fight him for control. The group of people went into the meadow and showed no other than Amerika, Macau, Germany,China, Indonesia, and Finalnd . Vex saw some blood and their hands and started to attack the group Macau used his smoke chains to hold vex in place but he has dogged the chains and bit Amerika. America throw Vex across the meadow into a tree that is when Indonesia yelled at him for hurting them because he smells the scent of a monster on the wolf, Indonesia quickly ran to the knocked out Vex on the ground covered in blood and was still growling he saw that Vex was shifting between a monster and demon and see that Vex looked in pain so Indonesia ran back to the group and they sent Germany and the rest over help. 

      From the group, they send Macau to hold Vex with chains and send China to glitch into Russia's mindscape and that has helped them calm down and it stops there pain. America went to pet Vex to them calm down. As soon as Amercia put his hand on Vex he woked up and bit America in the neck and Vex gave Russia back control and he ran away crying to a part of the meadow in a hole that was there. Germany walked over to the hole picked Russia up and hugged him as he cried into his shirt as Germay rubbed circles on his back to clam him and telling him it's ok, once he was able to talk America ran over to them and yell at him for bitting him in the neck but the voice was no his own but his disorder and there voices all at once saying that it was Vex that bit him and not russia, America looked confused so he said its like if you and china shared a body and china had control and killed people and u as America ended up in Jail. Well seems like America understand what Russia is saying but seems like the whole group wants to know more about who is Vex and how his voice didn't sound like his own. So Russia went on and explains how Ursuleț is his wolf since he is a werewolf and how when he was very young the Yellow army took him and experiment on him till he was in his teens where the monster inside him took over and killed the whole yellow army and went back to his pack.  Upon hearing about the yellow army Finland started to shake and wither in pain on the ground Russia asked the group if he is ok. Indonesia walked over to Finland and saw that his eyes are glowing and he told the group to get away from Finland. But Russia just stood there as Finland turning into a demon but instead of being afraid he started to sing. 

     The group was wondering why he was singing but what they saw that Finland was slowing going back to looking human and Macau and Finland looked like there were in some trance like state. Once he was done singing the 2 demons got out of there trance . The whole  group looked at him in awe as he was finishing up the song,  when he was done she opened up his eyes Macau and Finland came out of there trance like state. Russia then asked what time it was as Germany said it's about noon, why do you asked? Russia didnt have time to answer the question as a wolf came running towards Russia. Russia seem to smile slightly as he knew who the wolf demon was as he shifts to his human form the male was about 12ft tall with and eye patch , a ushanka, and a very noticeable symbol over his left eye. This person was Russia father CCCP he looked over his son as he holds him close in a protective manner as he growls at the group. Russia told his father that the group was no threat as his father calmed down.

Little did they know that Russia's life was gonna change from that day forward .

The group walked with Russia, Ryo, and CCCP through the forest for an mile or so they reached the pack house which was more like a village. In the center of the village there was a marble fountain of black and white the white was a lady with long hair and what looked to be rags the black was a werewolf with horns and wings with its hand towards the lady which the wolf was also in rags. The houses were all made of stone and wood as the houses were made among the trees like some parts of the house were in the trees.

After the group introduced themselves CCCP guides them to the pack house well more like there village of wolves as Russia,  CCCP , Reich and Ryo were the only demons that lived there as they past daycare.  Russia was tackled by a small lion cub he smiled as he petted the cub, "HAHAHHAHAHAH Ryo i missed ya too buddy." He laughed as this made his father smile as he rarely see his pup happy for once.  Ryo wobbled off of his adopted father as Russia picked him up and walked to his bedroom to get some sleep before the day he was planning. Just as he was walking down the hallway one of the packs sluts named rose rubbed her self on Russia saying how they were going to be together as she would be the luna of the pack. He said for her to leave him alone as he pushed passed her. She did not take this as an answer as she went for Ryo that was in his arms and threw him against the wall to be closer to Russia. Russia started to shake in anger but she thought is was sadness as she got closer  Russia snapped at her as he got down on all fours and growls violently at her as the whole pack pinned there ears back in fear.  The group ask CCCP what that was but he told the group to stay here as he rushed up the stairs the group followed as they all see that Ryo was in pain and Russia in his demon wolf form as he was circling the shewolf. Russia had a crazed look in his dull blue eyes as the shewolf had a smile on her face as she stood up and walked to the angerd soon to be alpha. CCCP ran toward the shewolf and Russia as he looked at the shewolf and told her to leave.

   she did as told but not before kicking Ryo hard with her high heels. Ryo whimpered as this made Russia see red as he went to attack her as his father held him back as he too shifted into his wolf. He was alot taller than his son as he growled and bit his son at his neck and made his son show his neck in submission as his father grab him by the scruff and put him in his room and locked the door. He sighed as he locked the door of his sons room til he calms down from his unstable rage.  As he walks to the small cub as Ryo growled at the union but soon calmed down as he smelled Russia's scent. The group well mostly Ame or Eagle amerika as he calls himself asked what was wrong with Russia.

   CCCP when on to explain that his son is not all there in his head. Like his mental health is not the best as he explained that he goes through insanity attacks and will go into a state where he goes cannibal at times. "Russia as you just say was going into a cannibalistic state which is why i had to lock him in his room."  He said as his ears pins back as he petted the small cub in his arms and walked to the packs doctor Reich. The union knocked on his office door and heard a soft come in , the union saw that reich was patching up a small wound on one of the packs children as he gave her a sticker and lollipop as he sent her on her way. He turned to the union and said "greetings alpha what can i do for you today?"  He smile softly as he looked at the cub in his arms and explained how he was hurt and about Russia small episode. Reich ask where is Russia now as his father said in his room and the door is locked.  Reich smiled and gently took the cub out of CCCP arms and laid Ryo down and took sone x-rays and got some blood test and other check up things done on the cub.

After all the test he told CCCP that the cub did indeed had a few broken ribs and 2 missing baby teeth. The union did growl after hearing this as Reich put Ryo in the icu of the hospital which was about a kilometer from the pack house and told CCCP to come and check on him tomorrow.  The union says his thanks and walked back into the pack house and showed his guest their rooms which was on the floor where the highest ranks sleep like the alpha and there family and the beta, and gema. CCCP walked to his son's room and unlocked the door to see a crazed and very much unstable form of his son as he walked up to him and swatted a few feet away from him as he gently petted him and Russia leaned into his father's hands.  His father smiled and continues to help his son calm down from his episode as Russia soon fell asleep on his father's lap slowly the wolf changes back to the boy that he knew. Russia whimpered softly as he tossed and turn but he father leaned back on the wall and pulled his son on his lap as he slowly got up and tucked his son in bed. Just as he was about to leave his son mumbled "te rog, nu te duce" as his father looked down at him and placed his ushanka down next to Russia as he hugged it close and fell into a peaceful slumber. His father kissed his forehead and said " buna noapte fiul meu."  And left his room and when to his study to do some paperwork and after a few hours he went to bed as it was around 2 am.