
Breakfast at the Lightclaw pack [Bonus chapter]

Marcy observed three women at the table with Kalina, and she guessed based on their body language that they were about to leave.

She took that as her cue to act.

"I'm going to greet the future Luna of this pack.", Marcy told her mother in a low voice and started moving toward her destination.

Just as Marcy guessed, the three women stood up in slow motion and they were smiling and bobbing their heads and Marcy extended her steps so that someone else doesn't snatch her opening.

Marcy knew that her first impression was not positive, but Kalina was the new face in the Lightclaw pack and she definitely needs to create good connections as the future Luna, so Marcy was confident that Kalina won't do anything drastic and embarrass her.

Besides, Marcy didn't see Kalina as a best friend material. As two future Lunas, Kalina and Marcy will need to interact, but that will be politics and not friendship.

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