
How do you start the Training Montage?

It took me a while to climb the tree because the lowest branches where at least 8ft from the ground so I ended up cutting some hand holds with a rock just to get up there. Hopefully, it'll be just as hard for any predators in the neighborhood. After resting for a bit, I figured I'd start my training session with TK since all the other psychic powers flowed from that one. It's the foundation of my powers and if all those thousands of novels have taught me anything it's to always build a solid foundation. I got as comfortable as I could near the trunk and took out a pebble the size of a nickel to start with. I really had no clue of how to do any of this in real life just some vague theories. I figured the first thing I should do was to try and remember the way I was feeling when I was floating and recreate that feeling or something. Or at least get back to that state. I'm not going to lie it took a while. Imagine trying to hold on to Jell-O while your hands are covered in baby oil and you wouldn't be even close. So, the first task for my grind session was just calling and releasing my power. Once I got that down I started working on getting it interact with other objects. Man was that a headache. I ended up testing a bunch of ways but the one that worked the best was imagining my power as tendril that extended from me to wrap around the pebble. Surprisingly once my power surrounded the pebble it was really easy to manipulate kinda like a third arm I never knew about. If you have ever read a Green Lantern comic you've got a good idea of how it works. The next thing I worked on was range and power. I slowly moved the pebble away from to see how far it would go before I lost control. I think I got about 10ft before it started wobbling and I lost control. Power was just seeing how much I could lift. That ended being a rock bout the size of an coconut. Then it was on to the fun stuff, target practice. I picked up a bunch of marble size pebbles with my TK and launched them as fast and hard as I could at the tree across from me. I'm not sure how fast they ended up going but I did hit what I was aiming for which was a knot in the tree and left they did leave a pretty good dent in the tree. I was thinking if anything did come after me, I could at least warn it off or aim for its soft tissues like the eyes or ears. I don't think I could kill anything yet but it was better than bare hands fighting. Now for the hard stuff. Remember when I told you Psychokinesis is manipulating matter with the mind? Well that's what I needed to do next, manipulate matter on the micro level. I wasn't sure how long I'd be out here so there were a couple of things I'd need if I was to survive out here by myself. Water, food, fire, a knife, and definitely some kind of shelter. Let's go with a weapon first, I know I can make a knife out of a rock, I've seen it done many times but, I'm not sure if I can make one myself. I looked around for rock that was about the size of my forearm and mostly flat. Next, I concentrated on my power trying to make it as thin and hard as I could before it could visibly disappear. Once I got the hang of that, I tried pushing my new cutting edge through the rock. It actually kinda worked, the edge started cutting into the rock but as it went deeper it started to fade out. That only meant one thing "More Power". I pumped as much as could into the edge and it started to glow. With a rush, I sent it back at the rock and almost cut my leg off!! I did end up slicing off a good chunk of the branch I was sitting on. Once my heart started back up and I checked my pants for pee, I examined the cut on the rock and it was mirror smooth. It was at that point while I was rubbing the mirror finish that I slap myself upside the head for being an idiot. If my TK could do that then what the hell do, I need a rock knife for. Hell, I had just made a wind blade without the wind.

Alright back to the list, let's tackle the elements water and fire. I knew I could start a fire by vibrating molecules fast enough that the friction would produce heat that would get me fire. Learning from my past mistakes, I decided to build a fire pit to test this one out in case this world had a Smokey the bear and I could put in some work with my Terakinesis. I concentrated my power into a 3ft circle then sunk it 3ft deep. I tried to pull that volume out and almost blacked out from the backlash. Yeah so that didn't work and as I laid against the branch experiencing the worst migraine ever!! While waiting for the headache to go away (Which took hours) I had a lot of time to think things over and I came to a couple of guesses. One being that the ROB has been helping me out a lot this whole time. And two the way I entered this world was not random it was loud and nosy. I'm pretty sure that even if I'm in some primitive world someone notice and is coming to investigate but the biggest reason for it was to show me that I have powers and that powers are a thing in this world. And then there's how fast and easy I'm learning this stuff too. It's like I'm in the tutorial of an MMO. I'm thinking I'm in noobville until someone shows up and the real game starts so I better rack up as many skills as I can before then. It was late afternoon by the time I started feeling better, so I figured I'd better speed things up and do this Green Lantern style. I imagine my TK tendril turned into an big shovel and started digging out the pit. I'd worry about learning true Terakinesis later. Doing it this way was really easy and went very quickly. I smooth out the pit with TK and finished it off with a ring of rocks. Next, I used the other half of the branch I chopped off to make some logs and filled the pit. It was time for the moment of truth. Finally, I selected a branch that was about as long as my forearm cause I was tired of almost killing myself and this was fire. This time I jammed the branch into the ground near the pit. Like I did with the first experiment, I let my TK soak the top 4th of the branch and started vibrating it as fast as possible. At first, it seemed like nothing was happening but seconds later I smelt smoke. Soon after the tip burst into flames, and I officially joined the fire nation. (yea)

Now the only thing left was the really hard part that would be super easy if I had a water source nearby, but hey it was time to make lemonade or water from nothing. For those of you who have never been camping before I want to tell you, you can't just cut down any tree, rub two sticks together and bam instant fire. It doesn't work like that. Fresh cut wood is still wet and will take a super long time to catch fire if it ever does. Luckily for me that exactly what I need to be my short cut for making water. I was going to try and pull all of the water out of the wood I dump in the pit, killing two birds because I was dying of thirst and it was getting chilly as the sun went down. I'll be honest I'm banking on the tutorial training wheels to help out with this one because I don't know about you but I've never seen a hydrogen or oxygen atom without a microscope so... I started off with the standard of soaking the wood with my power. Then next I meditated on water, what it is, what it is made of, and all its different states. Finally, all I had to do was figure out how to single out all of the water in the wood and then separate them. Man was that frustrating, but after 2 hours of hard work, I was rewarded with a floating teacup size globe of greenish water. After tossing my torch in the pit and it caught fire easily and I decided to boil the water instead of trusting my weak skills with purifying the water. But before that, I wanted to add to the meager supply of water by using my original idea of pulling water out of the air now that I had a sample. Just like before, this went easier than it should have. I think it went so well because of the training from before and I now had a better understanding of water. Again, I went the lantern route and constructed a boiler with a condenser construct to boil the water. I know what you're thinking 'Nico if you can pull water from the air now why are you going through all the trouble of boiling water?' The easy answer is I need the XP. I needed to test my limits; how long could I hold the construct. How long did it take me to regen? How many other things could I do at the same time and other tests like that? So far for the constructs, it seems like as long as I have a good visual of what I want to do, anything is possible or least easier than without. I figure that first try with the pit didn't work because I wasn't really clear, and was just trying to use raw force. While the water was boiling, I worked on my multitasking to make a bowl from the wood scraps to hold the water. Since this was something new it was… hardish? at first but got easier over time. I almost drop the boiler a couple of times before I learn how to push keeping it steady to the back of my mind while I focused on my carving. By the time I was finished the water was done boiling so I set it the bowl to cool. But never one to waste time I figured it was a good chance to practice cryokinesis. This process went smoothly which reinforced my theories on how my powers worked. All I had to do was soak the water in my power and picture its molecules slowing down until ice bits started forming. Got to tell you Man, Best Water Ever!!!

By then it was getting late but I could shake the feeling that time was running out an something was about to happen. Even though I was tired I wanted to get in as many skills as I could even if they weren't perfect at least I would have something to work from. It was going to be a really long night.

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