
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · Seni bela diri
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75 Chs

What The Hell Am I?

[System Synchronization] (Complete)

<Welcome Back User>

[Kai Hellbound]

[Race: Mutt]

[Level 11] (1030/11000)

[Hp: 150/150]

[Strength: 19] (+2)

[Stamina: 17]

[Dexterity: 18]

[Control: 21%]

[Fatigue: 0%]

"My stats are so much better" Kai said, almost jumping out of the white bed he was in.


<Fatigue will affect users attack precision and power if left unattended>

Kai nodded, accepting it made sense.

"Why does it say mutt on race?" He asked not knowing what that meant.

The system looked clearer now there was diferente tabs for each important thing like:


[Skills] !


[Class] !


"Wow everything is more organized, wait I have a notification on skills" Kai thought of opening the tab and it did.

[New Baby Pup] > [New Mutt]

<Rewards for Level Up>

<Burning Regeneration> (Passive)

User can now self heal his wounds over time.

Warning if the user uses it too much it will add fatigue.

<Strength of a Hound> (Passive)

Increases strength stat by 2.

"These passive skills are really good," Kai was excited. "Now what about Class"

The tab opened a Kai was presented with four options:

<Protector> (Alignment: Neutral)

This class is one that focuses on protecting allies and himself. This will also open more defensive skills to the user. It will also increase user health and stamina so the user can withstand more attacks without tiring easily.

<Stalker>(Alignment: Chaotic Evil)

This class allows the user to hold a grudge allowing them to mark a target to hunt. It is also a front line attacker, with only one goal to kill his prey. This option will open more close combat skills for the user. It will also add more dexterity and stamina to catch or outlast their prey.

<Shapeshifter> (Alignment: Chaotic Neutral)

It's a rare class that can manipulate their bodies to transform into an animal specializing in stealth. This option will open more deception skills to the user. It will also add more dexterity and strength.

The user may take damage after shapeshifting

<Just> (Alignment: Good)

A class that is just only allowed to punish those who deserve it. This can open more elemental skills to the user. It will add more to every stat of the user including health.

But the responsibility trump the strength of this class may not kill or hurt people even if it is a mistake. A penalty will be received if the user doesn't follow the rules.

"What the hell type of class is that?" Kai asked, seeing that it appeared to be the strongest yet it had the most rules out of it.

<I would recommend not to pick the "Just" class>

"Yeah I don't think it fits me either way" Kai shrugged he was now used to the system's sudden messages.

He was debating which class he should pick. " Jum protector sounds bulky while stalkers seem. Well a bit creepy. Shapeshifter I still would need more details on that one. System, can you tell me a bit more about shapeshifters?"


<not enough info to give>

"Jum I guess you can't give me everything huh. Fine I'll choose this one" he bones started to move around as if his body was adjusting to the new class.

<Stalker Class has been selected>

After the pain went away the kai could feel the difference his senses were heightened he felt lighter and faster than before. A new tab opened in his system.

[Mark] (0/5)

<Here will appear the targets that the user marks. The more the user grows more marks can be placed>

"Nice, I'm a full on bloodthirsty monster now, that's only good for killing" Kai said with a smile.

This was exactly what he wanted, a powerful being that could destroy as he saw fit.

He then stood up and realized he was in the infirmary. He was getting tired of getting knocked out like that.

<Quest> [A Wolf in Sheep's Clothes]

Discover and expose the wolf!

"What?" But before he could finish he felt a presence behind the door that made him jump out of the bed and quickly summon his soul weapon. The gauntlets materialized from thin air. He lowered his hand as if to get ready for a pounce.

Dr. Young and nurse Judith came through the door and as soon as they did Judith stepped in front of the Dr in the blink of an eye with a dagger that she was gripping in reverse. Dr. Young quickly pulled Judith back.

"Relax he was just scared" The Dr said.

Kai was breathing heavily. "What was that presence and who had it?" He questioned as he looked at both of them.

He quickly made his gauntlets go away and apologized for the inconvenience. He then was asked questions regarding his injuries after determining that he was okay and the Dr let him leave.

It was currently 10:30 so he had missed two classes already so he decided to take the day off. He walked out of the building and saw some students relaxing on the green areas talking and others studying.

"What the hell is up with that quest is the wolf the nurse?" Kai asked himself.

He walked around until he stopped at an open training facility that had hay dummies and range shooting targets.

He saw Arthur slashing one of the hay dummies. It was fast and precise. He then jumped back and adjusted his body to a quick draw position when his blade made the slashing movement a lightning shot out and scorched the dummies into nothingness.

"If we had used Mythic I couldn't have beaten him" Kai now realized the big gap that Arthur had on him. Still it wasn't as big as the one Tom had.

In an office like room Lt. Black was signing some paperwork, in his desk a name plate that said Lt. Colonel Black. He was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," The LTC said.

"Sir is about your son" a young woman said that fit the perfect description of an assistant.

"I already told Abel that I will do nothing about the fight between him and Hellbound since he started it" The LTC said annoyed by this.

"I'm afraid that's not it. I do not know how but this information reached Cain. This stopped Black from singing another paper.

"Although his mission is said to end in two months it's clear that he intends to finish in one" the assistant said.

"Made it impossible for him to enter Stone Edge if not I fear for the safety not only of Kai but the school all around" The order was clear as the assistant left the room and quickly spread the order around and the staff understood.

LTC Black tighten his fist that was holding the pen he was using and broke it "Cain"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Late night post hope you enjoy.


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