
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · Seni bela diri
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75 Chs

The War Begins

"This is your incredible plan to level up?" Rita said, looking at Kai with a dumbfounded look.

They were seated within the confines of The Wall, gathered around a table that was illuminated by the glow of a 3D holographic map. This map depicted a small volcanic island, seemingly untouched and isolated from the rest of the world. The group's attention was fixed on the island, but even more so on Kai, whose revelations seemed to defy belief. Kai's demeanor was calm and resolute, contrasting sharply with the incredulity that marked the faces of his companions. The air was charged with a mix of skepticism and curiosity, as they struggled to reconcile Kai's assertions with the reality presented by the holographic projection before them.

"You know that even if we can manipulate and use our elements we are not completely immune to them right?" Sarah said.

"I just need 10 minutes, '' Kai said, determined to do this. 

"You're going to kill yourself, tell him Suro" Rita said. 

Suro's gaze lingered on Kai, and in that moment, he sensed a profound disparity in their powers, with himself being significantly superior. This insight led Suro into a deep contemplation. He recognized not just the gap in their strengths but also the critical need for Kai to grow stronger. Suro understood that for them to stand side by side in the battles to come, Kai would need to bridge this gap in power. This realization wasn't born out of arrogance but rather a pragmatic understanding of the challenges ahead and the importance of having allies who could truly hold their ground. Suro was faced with the task of not only acknowledging his own strength but also fostering an environment where Kai could flourish and enhance his capabilities, ensuring they could face future adversaries as equals.

"Is this really going to make you stronger?" Suro asked.

"Yes," Kai said.

"Then we have nothing else to discuss, but war is coming this way. Kai I can feel Mythic energy creeping towards us. Therefore I will stay behind with the girls and buy time for you to get stronger" Suro said. 

"That's fine, it would be too dangerous for you guys," Kai said. 

The skepticism surrounding Suro's conclusion was palpable among the others, casting a shadow of doubt over the proposed course of action. This air of uncertainty culminated in a heavy silence that enveloped the room, marking a moment of collective hesitation. However, this silence was abruptly shattered by the arrival of Astrid. She wasn't alone; her entrance was marked by the commanding presence of General Varques, who accompanied her. Their unexpected appearance instantly shifted the atmosphere, injecting a new dynamic into the proceedings. 

"It's nice to see your group reunited, Kai" the general said. 

Kai's gaze locked onto General Varques, a surge of anger brewing within him. This emotion stemmed from a deep-seated grievance: under the General's orders, Nika had paid the ultimate price, a loss that Kai felt acutely. Despite understanding that General Varques might have been unaware of the specific circumstances leading to Nika's fate, Kai couldn't shake off his frustration. What exacerbated his anger was the General's stoic demeanor, an expression that seemed to betray a lack of concern for the consequences of his commands. This impassive facade struck Kai as a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation, fueling his resentment. Kai grappled with these complex emotions, caught between his knowledge of the General's ignorance of the details and his inability to reconcile this with the apparent indifference mirrored in Varques's expression.

"Now, tell me your plan," General Varques said. 

Upon receiving the detailed briefing of the plan, General Varques exhibited a degree of skepticism. His concerns were not unfounded, given the stakes involved. However, the underlying consensus was clear: Kai was indispensable to their mission. Despite Suro and the rest of the team's formidable abilities, it was Kai's potential that stood out as particularly remarkable. The General recognized this, understanding that Kai's unique capabilities could be the key to their success.

"Let's move forward with that plan, we will concentrate all the remaining Warriors in this sector since it's the one in the best conditions. We will hold off Akashi, Kai, go to the chopper and tell the pilot to go to the island" General Varques said. 

As Kai signaled his acknowledgment with a nod, indicating his readiness to depart from the discussion, his movement was abruptly halted. General Varques reached out, gripping Kai's arm firmly, a gesture that conveyed urgency and a need for immediate attention. This unexpected action by the General suggested that there was something more he deemed crucial to convey or inquire before Kai could leave. 

"Kai, I am sorry about Nika, believe me when I tell you she was a very important person to me too," he said.

Kai, still feeling angry about the situation, didn't say anything in response to General Varques. He simply nodded, lowered his head, and walked away. Despite his anger, he decided to use it as motivation to become stronger.

"Now let's move out, we have a war to win," The general said.

"Before that, let me make something very clear General, you may be a general but make no mistake I will take no orders from you or any of my friends" Suro said in a menacing tone before signaling the girls to follow him. 

Astrid was surprised by how boldly Suro spoke to the General. However, the General's reaction showed that the Bloodlines had become very powerful, almost more than anyone else.

The preparation started right away as all the Warriors were summoned and started to make barricades covering all of the section the outer, inside and inner of The Wall. Suro was on top of the wall looking towards the jungle. Rita looked at him and decided to approach him. 

"What are you doing?" Rita asked as she sat on the edge of the wall with her legs dangling off the edge. 

"Just looking towards where Akashi is," Suro said.

"Why would he do this?" Rita asked. 

"Because that's what he has always done, the only difference is that he was now given god-like powers" Suro said as the wind blew on his hair. 

Rita observed the exchange, her admiration for Suro growing. Not only did his assertiveness impress her, but his physical appearance did as well; Suro was undeniably handsome. When Suro's gaze met hers, she couldn't help but blush and avert her eyes, overwhelmed by the sudden attention. Despite never openly acknowledging it, Rita had harbored a significant crush on Suro for a long time, and moments like these only deepened her feelings for him.

"You know we are going to war soon. Yet for some reason I feel so peaceful right now. If you have something to say you should say it. These are the last moments we will be able to say important things to important people" Suro said as he knew something was in her head. 

As Rita caught Suro's unwavering gaze, her heart raced with an intensity that mirrored the chaos around them. The connection in that moment, with everything else fading into the background, amplified her feelings. The resolve within her strengthened, pushing her towards a decision she had long hesitated to make. Encouraged by the urgency of the situation and the raw emotion reflected in Suro's eyes, Rita contemplated revealing her long-kept feelings to him. It was a pivotal moment, poised on the brink of confession, driven by the realization that moments of truth come when least expected, often amidst turmoil and confrontation.

"I should tell him," She thought.

"Suro, I…" Before she could say something else Suro turned abruptly back to the jungle, he then rushed towards Rita and used his body as a shield. 

The tranquility of the moment was shattered by a deafening explosion atop the wall, instantly mobilizing every warrior in the vicinity. They swiftly readied themselves for battle, anticipating an imminent assault from a mysterious army of shadows that seemed to emerge from the chaos. As the smoke began to dissipate, a figure stood out amidst the aftermath: Suro, marked by a reddish imprint visible through the fabric of his torn shirt, a testament to the ferocity of the attack.

Rita, witnessing this, was visibly shaken. The sight of Suro, with his eyes glowing a golden yellow—a vivid manifestation of his anger—struck a chord within her. It was a display of power and emotion that she had never seen in him before. As Suro turned to face the source of the attack, his gaze fixed on an adversary that few could have anticipated: Akashi himself.

He wore a psychotic smile as a shadow bow dissipated into thin air. Suro's aura exploded with anger, the wall started to crack with the sheer power of his aura, Suro smirked slightly as his muscles tensed. He then pushed with all of his strength creating a crater where he was, he used his mythic element to propel himself while flying. 

"AKASHI!" Suro yelled.

"SURO!" he yelled with a smile on his face as he launched at Suro.