
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · Seni bela diri
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75 Chs

The Strongest

Kai was in his classes in body but not in mind under his eyes heavy bags as he didn't sleep anything last night.The teachers were explaining the different tiers of beasts and how they could fend them off.

"The first and weakest one is the low tier beast; these are beasts that can be taken care of by mid C and low B rank warriors. Medium Tier Beast can be easily killed by high C and mid B rank, high tier will require high B and Low A. Warrior peak B and high A, King peak A and low S, Legendary peak A and mid S, Demon high S and low SS. As for the Tyrant Tier only high SS warriors or above in parties of at least four. Dragon tier only has high SSS ranks in parties of ten. The last tier is the Titan Tier where only Z ranks are allowed to hunt in parties of twenty compuse by high SS rank at least. But it's required to have a Z rank in the team. Considering that only two people in the world have that rank it's difficult to deal with the Titan Tier beast. Good thing is there aren't many titan tiers" the teacher said.

She saw how many students were shocked about this and it made her smile. This was what she liked the attention. Her expression turned soured as her glaze landed in Kai who was dozing off. She then grabbed a pen and threw it at him. The speed was remarkable and many shut their eyes since they thought it would kill them.

Yet in the nick of time Kai caught the pen with two fingers, still dozing off because of the tiredness. But his eyes quickly landed on the teacher as his aura suddenly exploded.


His aura heated up the room and the dense reddish aura suppressed everything around

. "Aren't you a little old to be throwing this type of tantrums?" he said coldly.

[Frightful Aura]

The next second everyone around him turned pale Kai didn't realize but since he became more powerful so did the frightful aura even without an upgrade.

The teacher's legs turn to jello as she can't stand the pressure.

"This is impossible, he's already at B rank? No no yet but he's really close and this aura is proof of this. Damn it, what can I do? I'm just a low C rank but this difference is too much" the teacher thought.

"Mister Hellbound would you be kind enough to retract your aura" Mr. Tenco said from the door.

Seeing this Kai snapped out of his bad mood and deactivated [Frightful Aura]. Tenco then saw the bags under Kai's eyes and the mess his mana was creating.

"Mister Hellbound please accompany me" Mr. Tenco said.

Kai did as he was told and when he looked back he could see Ms. Stone was smiling.

"Now you're in for it" as she chuckled evilly.

Kai followed Tenco through the halls. It was quite a bit of a walk. They soon reached the dorm and Kai's room, this confused Kai.

"Open the door," Mr Tenco said.

Kai did, but there was nothing inside that wasn't there before. He thought that maybe someone was waiting for him here but no.

"Get some sleep you idiot" he kicked Kai and shut the door.

"That hurted. I'm totally fine, I don't need sleep" but when he tried to stand up he couldn't.

[Fatigue 80%]

"Huh maybe I do" Kai's vision turned hazy until it turned completely black.

Meanwhile in a road


A military hummer was going high speed through the road. Inside the hummer were four men that looked ready for a battle; the mythic around them was strong. They could certainly be classified as S ranks warriors. They wore a full black outfit with a black mask that had skull designs imprinted on it.

One of the men looked at his watch and shook his head.

"Step on it there was an incident in Board City" hearing that the driver put the pedal to the metal. As he maxed the speed of the hummer.

Around an hour of driving wild. An outer city that was close to the ocean could be seen.

They stopped the car at the entrance of the city as they were shocked by the condition of it, the city was being destroyed and they could see military men escorting citizens while firing special prototype weapons at bird-like beasts.

"What the hell is that thing?" One of the masked men pointed toward a massive winged creature on top of a building.

It spread its wings and tilted its head upwards. It let out a bird-like screech but it was so loud that the whole building shook.

"Make sure to get every civilian out of the city and contact the supreme general to get him to contact Blaze Savage" another of the masked men said.

"Blaze Savage, what for Skull?"

"We might have a Titan Tier best in our hands" Skull said to the others.

After saying that they straight away made the calls. Upon a closer look the creature's black feathers could be seen hugging the bird body; its beak was red in color that matched its feral eyes. The claws on its feet were black and sharp. The creature was about 60 feet tall and its wingspan was around 50 feet wide.

It was a terrifying creature as it was certainly strong. The bird glaced at another building that was crowded with smaller bird-like beasts that were trying to harass the big one.

But the giant beast's eyes glowed intensely as its beak opened and red steam started to come out of it. Suddenly a red beam of energy left its mouth and destroyed all the birds and the building they stood on.



A man with silver hair stood up from his bed as he yawned. He swung his body left and right while walking. He was still half asleep. He then reached for the phone and put it in his ear.

"Yes? A Titan tier but it hasn't passed the suficiente time. So it can't be" the man with silver hair said

But the voice on the phone got intense.

"Okay okay I'll check it out, it's on, Board City? Ok but don't blame me for the damage" he smiled and hung up.

He walked to his balcony and pointed a finger up and light gathered in a small spot in his fingers.

"Little Light" the man said as a very small ball of light left his finger.

"I'm 90% sure that the beast is not a Titan Tier since I didn't feel any disturbance in my sleep" the man said before he went back to his bed and dropped on it and fell asleep instantly.

Back at board city.

"Skull 1 the supreme general told me that Blaze Savage will take care of it but he doesn't believe that it's a Titan tier but still agreed he said to leave the area"

"What?!" Skull shouted.

"He doesn't believe it's not a Titan tier"

This sent a danger alarm in skull head. "EVERYONE, GET AS FAR AWAY FROM THE CITY AS POSSIBLE!!!"

But it was too late. A very small light ball could be seen dropping in the middle of the city. The light was small and everyone that saw it probably thought it would do nothing but not skull he had seen this scene before.

"GET DOWN!" Skull shouted while he picked up two little girls and got behind a car and shielded them with his body.

The light touched the ground in less than a second.



The ball turned into a pillar of light that started to expand, erasing everything in its path. The creature threw a beam at the light but it did nothing to it. The light clashed against the creature and erased the creature along with the whole city.

Skull stood up after the light deemed and saw nothing but a waste land. He lowered his head as he realized the mistake he made.

"Damn it wasn't a Titan tier and he knew it. I'm stupid. He just erased the whole city because of me" Skull cursed at himself as he saw what power really is.

"Blaze Savage, the strongest"

Later Today “Never Whither’s Fate” don’t forget to drop by!!

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