
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · Seni bela diri
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75 Chs

Quality Over Quantity

Abel was now covered in flames his eyes were full with anger no one had ever made him look this stupid before.

"You bastard!" He yelled.

Abel pushed his arms forward while flames came out of them. Burning everything within the range, even Kai knew he shouldn't try resisting those flames; it was too much.

He rolled to the side avoiding the flames but the whole class room was on fire now. Kai's skin started to turn grayish black like before. The skill was reacting to his surroundings.

"Shit, if I don't finish this up quickly I'll be in big trouble" Kai said clenching his fists. A light could be seen surrounding his arms as the demon gauntlets emerged.

Instantly Kai felt a boost of confidence within him. "Ok let's do this" he jumped forward avoiding the flames on the floor. He clawed at Abel with his gauntlet but a metallic sound was heard scraping against his right gaunlet.The gauntlet had clashed with a really big sword that Abel had to wield with two hands.

"A great sword that's interesting" Kai thought.

Abel had summon his soul weapon as well, black and silver colored great sword. He then pushed Kai back with great strength making him crash into the wall.

-30 Hp

[Hp: 25/100]

"That was a heavy blow" The young man responded while spitting blood from his mouth.

"I can't feel my left arm, I think he broke it" Kai thought.

"Come out little puppy. I'm not done playing with you just yet" Abel said, almost laughing like a crazy person.

He was now standing a few feets away from Kai, his body still lit on fire. "Let's see how you stop this little one" he said as the fire from his body was being transferred to his great sword.

[Warning User Life is at Risk]

[Best option flee]

"Haha, flee?" Kai said.

Abel grabbed the great sword tightly and raised it over his head. He then swung straight down really hard. A large flame shaped like a curved line went straight for Kai.

" The heat coming from that thing is no joke" Kai said.

The line started expanding from both sides as it burned everything around it, almost making it a wall of fire about to crush Kai.

"Argh screw you bitch" Kai yelled as he extended his right arm and activated the new gained skill.

[Fire Stream]

A spark of fire appeared in Kai's hand the spark then bursted and the flames slightly tainted reddish shot out of his hands. Impacting the fire wall and practically stopping it on its tracks. The flames went compiting against each other, its was now a fight of resiliance.

Kai's eyes began to glow red, his mouth still dripping blood. His body looked weak as if it was about to give out. Yet the glow in his eyes didn't last long as the power was leaving his body with the flames.

"Arghhhhh" Kai pushed his hand forward a burst of flames went off and managed pierced the wall of fire.

Seeing the fire come at him Abel was going to block it but when he saw the flames terror overcame his body as he could feel the heat of those flames and could see the flames taking the form of a giant canine monster, unconsciously he dodge it.

"What the hell was that? An illusion?" Abel was still shock by the mosnter he saw.

The fire wall died down and Kai could be seen on his knees breathing heavily. "You may have more flames than me but I have the strongest flame" Kai said.

Abel charged at Kai, angry by this comment but a huge amount of water crashed against him and also put the rest of the fire out.

The water kept pushing Abel until it made him crash into the wall. The water then made a sphere that pinned him to the wall.

"What the hell is this?" He asked.

When looking towards where this attack came from, fear filled his face.

"Oh oh it's you I didn't" but before he could finish what he was saying a blast of water crashed next to his head. It was so powerful the wall cracked.

He was not looking at the ground, not daring to look at the woman who attacked him. Entering the room a long brown hair woman with light tan skin and mysterious dark honey eyes walked towards Abel.

Her presence was overwhelmingly powerful with a beautiful face and really fit body. A face that Kai knew well but could even keep himself awake. As he dropped to the floor and black out.

She stood in front of Abel and grabbed him by his hair and pulled it almost slamming the back of his head in the wall.

"Oh Abel of all the people you could have messed with, you messed with him. I can't just let you go unharmed" her eyes glowed blue while a smirk appeared on her face.

After that the only thing that was heard was the painful screams of Abel.

Kai woke up the next day with the notification of


[Kai Hellbound]

[Level 6] (Xp: 20/600)

"At least I got the daily more importantly" he quickly checked the quest and to his surprise the last quest he got had a big surprise for him.

[Quest: Round Two] (FAILED)

This put Kai in a sour mood since he only had 4 levels to go before level 10.

"You haven't even been here a week and you're messing with people out of your league" the woman that saved Kai was sitting next to him looking like she was annoyed

Kai was in the infirmary; it had a couple of bunk beds and curtains in between them.

"Come on Darya after two years of not seeing each other, that's the thing you wanna talk about?" Kai said, smiling at the woman who looked close to his age.

"Kai I did see you for the last two years you were the one with your eyes shut. Like always" the last part was almost whispered.

"Anyways, how have you been coping with this new world? Seeing how you washed Abel I would say really good huh?" Kai stated.

"His weak Kai even you know that"she said.

"You do realize that you with only a week of knowing of Mythic almost beat him right? These people are weaklings"

"So you know the real name of this energy" Kai started ignoring everything else.

"I know more than that Kai, I know why we are different from the rest. Why we are stronger and not just part that we were closer to the impact" she said

"Really and why is that?"

"It's a secret I cannot tell until she approves," Darya answered.

This left Kai confused until who approves? Was the question he had.

He received a notification from the system at that moment but it was even more confusing…

[I smell a snake]

What the hell was that a statement or quest?

When try to look for it again he couldn't find it. "What the hell is going on? Just what do you know Darya?" Kai asked himself since it was clear that she wouldn't tell him anything.

"Now Kai let me warned you since you messed with Abel his brother will want to get involved and will ask for justices for the eye of his little brother"

"His eye but I didn't hurt his eye" He said looking intently at Darya. Who looked away as if it wasn't her fault.

"He's a First Lt but does not work at the school and has a lot of influence in the army. They say he will be promoted to captain as soon as he breakthroughs his current rank. Once he does not even Nika can protect you blindly since they are the same rank" Darya stated.

"Well guess I'll have to beat him"

"You barely survived against Abel who's yet a private" she sighed.

Kai got up from the bed stretched looking outside the window "You know I'll get there. I always do what's necessary and I need to get Suro back from astro. If a simple captain can stop me I have no chance of that. I need to be stronger and fighting is the only way to learn quicker" while saying that his eyes glowed red and Darya was caught off guard by that.

"Red suits you," she said, standing up and leaving the room. "When the times come you know where to find me.

"Wait, do you know where Rita and Sarah are?" Kai asked.

Darya stopped and looked back at Kai with glowing blue eyes. "Waiting for you idiot" and with that she shut the door and left.

"I've been sleeping while they have been training. It's time to catch up" Kai said in his head with a smile.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hope you enjoy the chapter


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