
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · Seni bela diri
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75 Chs

Echoes From The Past

As Kai and the girls cautiously navigated the dimly lit corridors of The Wall, a palpable chill hung in the air, heightening their unease. The gruesome sight of blood splatters and scattered body parts strewn across the floor only intensified their growing sense of dread. Despite their apprehension, they pressed on, their steps echoing ominously through the halls.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar, unsettling presence made them halt in their tracks. Kai, with heightened senses, detected someone nearby. In a swift, defensive maneuver, he spun around and found himself face-to-face with the unknown figure. Without a moment's hesitation, he expertly subdued the person, securing them in a chokehold. The tension was palpable as they braced themselves for what might come next.

"Wait, I'm human" the person said.

"Who are you?" Kai asked.

"He's with me Kai" a familiar woman's voice reached Kai.

Gracefully, she moved towards Kai, exuding confidence with each step. Her hair, a cascade of fiery red, seemed to glow even in the subdued lighting of the corridor. Kai's gaze fixed on her as she approached, and the corners of his mouth curled into a knowing smirk, a subtle hint of intrigue lighting up his eyes.

"Astrid long time no see" Kai said as he saw the new found scar in her eye.

"Long time indeed, last time we talked you weren't a world wide criminal" she said with a smirk.

Kai loosened his grip, allowing the captive figure to stumble away. He then turned, his movements smooth and controlled. Astrid, observing this, couldn't deny the flicker of intimidation that coursed through her. The last time their paths had crossed, she had clearly been the stronger one. But now, as she stood there, it was as if she was facing an entirely different person. The transformation in Kai's demeanor and strength was both startling and unsettling, leaving her to grapple with a mix of emotions.

"What happened here, Astrid?" Kai asked.

Darya, observing their friendly exchange, rolled her eyes in a mix of skepticism and mild annoyance. Her gesture, subtle yet expressive, conveyed her feelings without a word.

"Maybe it would be best for you to talk to Nika" She said.

"Nika is here?" Kai asked surprised.

Kai's eyes transformed, igniting into an intense, glowing red as he meticulously scanned the room. His gaze, sharp and unyielding, eventually focused on something beyond the immediate surroundings. There, on the exterior part of the wall, he detected a significant concentration of Mythic energy, its presence almost palpable even from a distance.

As the red glow in Kai's eyes faded, he gestured decisively for everyone to follow. They moved together towards the area where the Mythic energy was concentrated. Upon arrival, they were met with a striking sight: a towering pillar of ice, its crystalline structure interwoven with a mysterious, icy contaminant that seemed to pulse with power.

"This was clearly Nika" Astrid said she then turned around and was about to tell Kai something.

Suddenly, a shadow materialized from the ground with startling swiftness, lunging towards Astrid in a menacing attack. In an instant, Kai intervened, intercepting the strike with remarkable agility. He blocked the attack effortlessly with his bare hands, showcasing his extraordinary abilities and quick reflexes in the face of danger.

"What the hell is this thing?" Kai thought.

Kai reacted with lightning speed, seizing the shadowy assailant and slamming it forcefully to the ground. He then pressed his foot down on its head with deliberate force. Under his unyielding weight, the shadow disintegrated into ash, vanishing without a trace. Turning towards Astrid, Kai noticed her expression — one of utter astonishment, mirroring the shock of the swift and unexpected confrontation.

Suddenly, the relative calm shattered as a multitude of shadows burst forth, launching a frenzied attack on the wall. The air was filled with the cacophony of battle - screams mingling with the harsh clatter of swords clashing. Each strike and cry underscored the chaos that had erupted, plunging the area into a tumultuous fray.

"Kai we need to move" Darya said as she killed a shadow with a water bullet.

"Move back to the barricade, the people need us" Astrid said.

Darya, Rita, and Sarah's eyes turned towards Kai, noticing a momentary distraction in his demeanor. His gaze seemed to be focused on something unseen, a hint of contemplation crossing his face. After a brief pause, he turned back to them and gestured decisively, signaling them to accompany Astrid, his expression shifting back to one of resolve.

As Kai began to move away, Darya's voice pierced the air, her shout stopping him in his tracks. The urgency in her tone was unmistakable, reflecting a mix of concern and defiance.

"Kai, let me go…" Darya couldn't even finish before Kai interrupted.

"No, I need to confirm this" Kai said as he was seeing something that hadn't occurred in a while.

<Quest: New Threat, Old Memories>

Kai lowered himself slightly, muscles tensing in preparation. In a swift, powerful motion, he leaped into the heart of the shadow swarm. The moment his feet touched the ground, a ring of blue flames erupted outward from him. The intense, searing heat instantly vanquished several shadows in his vicinity, their forms dissipating under the blaze's fierce energy.

"This is going to be fun" Kai said as his black gauntlets appeared in his hand.

Fierce blue fiery claws materialized, adding a fearsome edge to his already formidable presence. With these blazing extensions, he began a ferocious onslaught, slashing through the shadows with lethal precision. Others he dispatched with powerful kicks, sending them scattering into the darkness. He moved with a dancer's grace and a warrior's ferocity, each movement a blend of agility and strength, swiftly neutralizing the threats around him.

Kai soon realized he had miscalculated the sheer number of shadows encircling him. His eyes flared a deep, glowing red, reflecting his heightened state of alertness. Around him, his aura transformed, taking on the vibrant and unstable properties of plasma, visibly charging with energy. Intermittent static charges crackled in the air, a testament to the power building within him. As he continued his relentless assault on the shadows, a sound reminiscent of pulsating waves filled the air, signaling the growing intensity of his charge-up.

The shadows, driven by a singular purpose, began to swarm over one another in their desperate bid to reach Kai. For a fleeting moment, they managed to ensnare him in their dark embrace. Kai's face contorted with effort, teeth gritted in determination, as his muscles visibly bulged under the strain. Despite the encroaching darkness, he continued to charge his energy, the pulsing wave sounds growing increasingly more intense, a harbinger of the impending surge of power.

"Get off me," Kai said angrily.

Without warning, a colossal explosion erupted from Kai, unleashing a dome-shaped blast that obliterated the encircling shadows. The force of the detonation reduced them to mere ashes, scattering them into the air like a dark, vanishing mist. In the epicenter of this destruction stood Kai, unscathed. Without a moment's hesitation, he continued his relentless charge, plunging deeper into the jungle of the island. As he ran, his unstoppable momentum and lethal skill left a trail of defeated shadows in his wake, each one falling to his unwavering resolve.

Kai had been navigating the dense jungle for some time now, his pace unrelenting. He noticed that the number of shadows lurking in this region had significantly diminished, allowing him a brief respite from the relentless onslaught he had faced earlier.

"Maybe they're where the highest concentration of people are," Kai thought.

"It's been a long time, Kai" A familiar voice said, that stunned Kai.