
Chapter 20: Clarke's Return! & Defeating the Demon's Head!





- 2 Hours Later | Alpha Station | The Ground -

- Arthur Pendragon -

"Ai tagon ste Arthur; Ai laik heda kom Skaikru." Lincoln says to me as we sit outside in the hot morning sun.

"My name is Arthur; I am the leader of the Sky people." I say back in understanding.

"Good. Now repeat it back to me in Trigedasleng."

"Ai tagon ste Arthur; Ai laik heda kom Skaikru." I repeat back to him.

"Nice job, now we'll-..." He says but is cut off by our observer.

"Uhhh... Are you done yet? You said after your lesson in grounder language that we would spar." Octavia asked impatiently.

"Octavia you only came out 10 minutes ago, right when we started our lesson." I say looking towards her.

"Well how long do your lessons last anyway?"

"30 minutes to an hour." Lincoln answers.

"What?! That's ridiculous!" Octavia shouts in outrage.

"I thought you would've wanted to learn alongside me, Octavia?" I asked her.

"Wait... Are you willing to teach me too?" She asked Lincoln.

"Of course, anyone who wants to learn our language is more than welcome."

"Then I would've asked days ago! I thought it was some special chancellor only leader perk."

"Octavia, you do understand that Lincoln has been teaching me ever since we first got here, right?" I asked her.

"He has?" She asked, confused.

I look down in shame at her ignorance while Lincoln just laughs.

"Wait, Lincoln. Since you said you were willing to teach anyone, does that mean that you are staying here, as in permanently?" I asked unsure.

"Well, ever since I was a boy, I've never truly felt like Trikru was my home, any of the clans really. When I was a boy, a Sky person dropped from your Ark in a pod and onto Earth. For three days, I tended to the man, eventually I realized that I couldn't tend to him on my own, and I went to get my father to help. My father forced me to kill the man, and said that if I didn't that, I was weak and useless. I don't want to be weak and useless, but I want to be strong in my own way. A way that I believe I can achieve if I follow you, Arthur." He says staring deep into my eyes.

"Lincoln, will you follow me through whatever situation comes to pass, through fire and brimstone. Through hell or highwater will you be my sword and shield?" I ask standing up and equipping Fury's song.

"Yes, sir, Arthur I do." He says standing up.

"Kneel." I say simply.

Lincoln kneels and stares up into my eyes with conviction. I place my sword across both of his shoulders and say, "Arise, 2nd Knight of the round, Lincoln."

"Thank you, Arthur." Lincoln says once he stands up.

"I have another promotion for you, I would like for you to become a Lieutenant in the Rangers Lincoln. With your skills in tracking, hunting as well as communicating I couldn't think of anyone better."

"Thank you again, Arthur, sir." He says grinning.

"Alright now that's over with where were we-..."

"What the hell are you doing?!" We hear someone shout from over by the radio tower.

Octavia, Lincoln, and I all moved towards the disturbance with curiosity. I look up into the sky and see that the balloon beacon is high in the sky in all its reflective orange and gold glory.

As we get closer, I can see that Sinclair, Wick and Raven are all gathered around the radio tower looking up towards the balloon, with a tall female guard yelling at them with an angry look on her face.

"It's a radio beacon." Sinclair replies.

"Wrong. It's a target." she says aiming her rifle up towards the balloon.

"Hey, wait a second." Raven says in protest.

"Hold your fire, Major!" I yell now running towards them.

She looks towards me in shock, and quickly lowers her rifle.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked once I made my way over to them.

"Sir, that thing paints a target on all of us. Every grounder within 50 miles of here now knows exactly where we are!" The Major explains.

"We fell from space in a football stadium. I think they know we're here." Wick comments.

"What's your name Major?" I asked her.

"Major Byrne, sir."

"Okay, Major Byrne, I ordered them to build this, because the grounders are the least of our concern right now. I held a briefing in the command room earlier this morning before going off to train and told the commanding officers of both the Guard and Rangers that we would be building this. That way no one pulls a stunt like you almost did. So, tell me Major how were you the only one who didn't hear my orders correctly despite being one of the 2 people in that room?" I asked her.

"Umm... Sir, I can explain."

"No, you can't. You are assigned to wall duty from now until the end of the day. Hop to it Major!" I yelled at her.

I turn back towards Sinclair, Wick, and Raven and smile at them in gratitude.

"Nice job, guys, and like she said, anyone within 50 miles of here will now know our location. Let's hope that they're friendly."

"Thank you, sir." Sinclair responds while both Wick and Raven just nod and smile in thanks.

"I do have one more task for you though, Sinclair. But first, how's the wall progressing?" I asked him.

"Good, sir. We should have the wall completed and the fence electrified by the end of the day."

"Great, since the wall will be completed soon, once it does, I need you and a team of engineers to begin schematics on houses, and other buildings."

"You got it, sir."

After conversing with Sinclair, Raven, and Wick for a few more minutes I eventually break away from their conversation and head back towards Octavia and Lincoln.

"What was that all about?" Octavia asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing. Just about some piece of shit Guard who doesn't know her place." I say as we walk back over and sit back down, resuming our Trigedasleng practice as well as sparring for the next few hours.


- Later That Night | Alpha Station | Councilor's Chamber | The Ground -

At the end of the day Kane, Abby, and I all gathered in the council chambers, and they began their reports for the day.

"The recent sign-up sheets have been a major boon. The Guard has grown from 24 members to 38 in just 2 days, and a new squad of 15 rangers are being trained in the woods to the west. Not only that but the lumber sign-up sheet that I had posted earlier today has already been filled up. They have already brought in 5 trees to be harvested, with more on the way." Kane spoke first.

"Medical has also received a few volunteers of our own. So far there have only been minor injuries concerning the rebuilding efforts such as sprained bones or pulling a muscle. Nothing major such as broken bones or anything of the sort." Abby added.

"That's amazing to hear. Also, I found a way that we may be able to acquire ourselves some more supplies. The dropship is still rich, full of different materials and such. It also still has most of our ammo stockpile located on the upper floor. I propose that I lead a small team up there and we quickly grab the ammo and any available supplies or materials that we can and make our back here." I explain to them.

"The more ammo and materials we gather the better." Kane agrees.

"Are you sure a small team will be fine? Won't you have to carry most of it back with you? You should take a Guard detail as well just in case." Abby says concerned.

"Don't worry I have a way of working around that problem, besides it will be much faster if me and someone else do it instead of a larger group."

"Who will be going with you?" Kane asked.

"Lincoln, he knows these woods like the back of his hand." I tell them.

"When will you leave to gather the supplies?" Abby asked.

"Tomorrow morning, we should arrive back in the late afternoon."

"Then that will be it for tonight." Kane says standing up, and me and Abby both rise with him.


The door to the council room opens and a Guard sprints in and past Bellamy who was standing guard at the door.

"Sir! Alpha team's reported that they've spotted a group of grounders out near the western tree line!"

'There she is!' I think to myself in excitement.

"Have Alpha team escort them into camp peacefully, I don't want any harm to come to them. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir." The Guard salutes before running back out the door.

Kane and Abby both look at each other in confusion but before they can voice their opinions I speak up once again. "Alright let's go greet our guests, shall we?" I asked, moving towards the door.

A few minutes go by as all of us wait anxiously at the front gate, waiting for Alpha team and the grounder group to walk over the hill. When they do walk over the hill, I spot the 4 members of Alpha team being followed by a group of 4 mud covered individuals.

Through their muddy, and grime covered appearance I could tell who it was. Finn, Murphy, Anya, and Clarke.

"Jackson prep medical!" Abby yells towards her medical assistant Dr. Jackson.

Jackson and a small team of medical staff rushed out of the medical tent, but before they could reach them one of the individuals rushed forward in a burst of speed right into my arms.

"Arthur... I thought... you were gone." Clarke whispered into the crook of my neck.

"I'll never be gone. I'm right here." I reassure her.

"Where have you been?" Major Byrne asked.

"Back up, now." Bellamy says, getting in front of her.

"Mount Weather." Clarke says slightly louder so that everyone else can hear her.

"The Chancellor was right."

"The Kid was telling the truth."

"No wonder he's the chancellor now."

The crowd that had gathered around began muttering and conversing silently to themselves, realized that I had been telling the truth about the mountain men.

"Alright come on, you need medical treatment." I say lifting her up into a princess carry and walking towards the medical tent. "Bellamy escort Finn, Murphy and Anya as well, they also need medical treatment."

"Yes, sir, Arthur." he says dutifully before walking towards Finn, grasping his hand in a firm handshake, and then proceeding to follow me to the medical tent with Finn, Anya, and Murphy behind him.

By the time I had made it to the medical tent and laid Clarke out on the table she was out cold. Abby couldn't even believe that the girl in front of her was her daughter. Clarkes face was covered in cuts and bruises, and she seemed to have a broken bone or two. Abby though being the medical professional she is quickly began work on Clarke and with me not being able to really do anything I pulled up a chair beside her bed and placed my head on the table and looked longingly up into her scarred face, I swiftly fell asleep after that.

[Mental Simulation Training... Activation... Complete.]


- Mental Simulation Training Field -

Me and Malcolms swords clash together as we ferociously battle in the middle of a dense woodland. Parry after Parry, slash after slash, we continue to fight back and forth in a never-ending state of combat.

We were almost flying through the dense woodland terrain, never losing balance, never stopping; our battle raged with deadly slash after deadly slash, a surprise thrust aimed for the opponent's mid-section only to be blocked and parried back on the other. First, I would take the advantage then Malcolm, then me again, it was clear that we are almost evenly matched, that these weeks' worth of training all accumulated to something.

Minutes go by as me and Malcolm rage through the woods in a dance of student and teacher, master and apprentice.

Soon, I notice as we both begin to tire, Malcolm begins to slip up. First, I connected my blade and landed a slash on his forearm, causing his armor to tear and blood to begin to drip down his arm and onto the ground. Then, Malcolm's foot slipped allowing me to land strikes on both of his legs rendering him stationary.

I began to circle around him like a predator toying with his prey.

"Impressive..." Malcolm says panting.

"I learned from the best." I say in respect before activating my skill [Lunge].

[-275 MP]

Within a second, I was in front of Malcolm slashing downwards towards his center torso. Malcolm deflects the blow, and our blades continue to clash but with Malcolms limited movement we both know that it's only a matter of time.

Each blow causes Malcolm to stagger, to fall back and gain a solid defensive stance only for it to be shattered by my explosive sword strikes. Each clash of the blade drove Malcolm further into a corner, further into defeat.

"You know I didn't want to use this... but I think I will." Malcolm says smirking towards me as his back is up against a tree.

"And what is that?" I asked him.

Suddenly, black energy began accumulating around his blade until the entire blade was a deep pitch-black. The energy continued to swirl as Malcolm gathered more and more, and with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead he swung his blade.

When he swung his blade, the solid black energy formed into a crescent slash and skyrocketed right towards me. Realizing that this was Malcolms last move, his trump card, I focused all my strength into my legs and jumped. I began to twirl in mid-air to avoid the slash, and I was able to land back onto the ground safe and sound. The trees behind me, however, are a different story, every single tree directly behind me for at least 15-20 yards had been slashed in half and had begun to fall around us.







I walk over to the now kneeling Malcolm and place Fury's song up against his throat.

"It seems like I've lost, hasn't it." He speaks.

"You have, now yield."

"Congratulations, I yield."

"Good, now here." I say extending my hand towards him.

He grasps it firmly with his cybernetic arm and I pull him up.

"Weird." He comments.

"What is?"

"Did you not feel that?" He asked.

"Feel what?"

"My grip on your forearm. It was enough to tear a normal man's skin off." he says in almost disbelief.

"Oh, that must be my new dragon scale skin." I explained to him.

"Hmm, anyway it seems I'll be off now."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"You beat me, it's time for you to face stronger opponents and learn from them." He informed me.

"Yeah, but what about that energy attack what was that?"

"That was aura. I was able to manifest it by being connected with your world through your mind."

"How recently did you manifest it?" I asked, shocked.

"A day or two ago, I was only able to manifest maybe 5 to 10% of my aura. I'm sure there are people in your world who have managed to partially if not fully manifest all of their aura."

"Do you think I could learn it?"

"I'm sure you can, but our time is up. Goodbye, Arthur."

"Goodbye, Malcolm. It was fun while it lasted." I said smiling in gratitude towards him.

"Yes. Yes, it was." He says as he fades into nothingness.


I watch as a red and black ring falls onto the ground directly from where Malcolm was standing. I walk over, pick up the ring, and hold it within the palm of my hand. [Observe]

[Item: Demon's Head Ring]

Item Rarity: S

Type: Accessory

Effects: Agility +20, Intelligence +20. +5% Loyalty with Subordinates

Debuffs: -10% Holy Magic Efficiency

Before I can truly analyze the Ring and place it on my finger, I receive a notification from the system.


[Due to the completion of training with the being from the Universe: Arrow. Please select your new Universe that you wish to receive training from.]

'What Universe should I choose?' I think to myself as I read over the new options.

Dragon Heart Mastery: 1% ---> 3%


{P.S: I'd like to know what Universe Arthur should recieve training from next! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!}

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