
That Time I was Reincarnated as a Hybrid

It's going to be based on the anime That Time I got reincarnated as a slime but you will notice the slight differences. Dione was at the prime of her career leading in all fields of business and acting. On the way to one of her shoots in Japan the necks for anime her excitement couldn't be contained but as she was on her private jet she had a gut feeling that something was going to happen and her instincts are usually right. When she was about to tell one Stuarts to have the pilot turn back the plane started to fall. When she next opened her eyes She couldn't believe where she was.

Elijah_Salmon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

The dimwit ruins his own career/ Destined one and My true Lover part1

Rimuru: Really then let's sit n watch the show, if it gets out of hand we can intervene.

I say ok but when he tries to pour the alcohol on us I'm going to growl with some of my aura leaking ok so we won't think about pouring it on us.

As I switch to my natural form which is my beast form as I hoped on the lad Elve that found Rimuru Destined ones as Vesta speaks.

Minister Vesta: Getting up from my seat with a smug look as I'm looking at Kaijin saying " Is this really the best time for you to be wasting time at a place like this Kaijin emphasizing his name".

Kaijin: That's him minister Vesta whispering his name to Rimuru and Dione.

Minister Vesta: I recall if you don't hand them in as I have a finger up you will...

Kaijin: With a deadpanned look I say " I've already handed them in"

Minister Vesta: I stumbled upon the shock opening my eyes I said really.

Kaijin: wanna see the invoice?

Dione: see what I mean he's a pain in the ass can we not just beat him up and get this over with.

Rimuru: Dione he's an important person in the dwarves nation despite him being an...

I released my aura cutting him off and growling Vesta even though I had made shrunken my size to sit on her lap.

My aura and intenseness was still that of me in my full form.

Rimuru: This idiot even if Dione wasn't releasing aura before he should have noticed her bloodlust focused on him.

Minister Vesta: How dare an p...p...pathic monster dare bare it fangs at me as I changed my direction to the wolve.

I was about to pour the drink on it, I got punched making me drop the drink and stumble back with a shock expression.

Kaijin: VESTA! you better be prepared for how you just tried to pour that drink on them after insulting them.

Placing my hand where the bruise is from the punch, I look up to see Kaijin preparing for another one.

I look at him placing my hand on my chest " Kaijin how dare you do this to me I'm..."

Kaijin: SHUT UP! throwing another punch at him square in the face sending him fly to his assistant as he caught him with him unconscious.

I ask " Kaijin are you sure you're ok with what you just did? you know he's a minister.

Kaijin: Dione, Rimuru you guys are looking for an artisan would you settle for me.

I jump off the lady Elve lap transforming into my human form before Rimuru could answer.

Stretching out my hand with a smile, we are not settling your one of the great artisans on the magic continent we'll be glad to have you.

Rimuru: Hoping to them I say " well this may be a happy time for now but it won't last because as we all look at Vesta".

(30 minutes later)

We sit in a jail cell waiting for the trail, as Kaijin says sorry everyone.

I say it's not your fault, and we appreciate that you stood up for us.

Rimuru: right it's not a big deal once we've finished our business here we'll take you to the village.

Kaijin: hehehe thanks, huh he used to not be this bad, but after that incident....huh.

I say right even though that happened it was your fault, he should have chilled out after...stopping myself before going too far.

Kaijin: So you know a little about our, history then Dione.

Nodding as I think if I keep on giving out too much info that doesn't involve fighting or threats Rimuru is going to pick up on it that it's not all based on my skill.

Rimuru: Do you mind telling the rest of us that doesn't know about it Kaijin.

Kaijin: mhmm it started when I was the captain for the seven royal knights, he was my adjutant that must've not sat right with him.

Being that he was from a Marquise family, as my family was peasant back then we used to crash a lot and he was working on a project of magiculs soldiers for the majesty that had him under a lot of pressure until one of the soldiers went high wire and it went up into flames.

He blamed everything on me and for the troops on his side by bribed them he even came up with a false testimony.

So I took the blame and quit the force, and he still has a grudge against me.

So if I leave the country he might mellow out, and go back to being the hard work he is.

Garm: About that if Kaijin is going to leave we're going to follow him, Rimuru are we going to be in the way if we also join as his two brothers stand up to.

Rimuru: of course not! I'm going to work the 3 of you to the bones along with him.

Dione: hey guys someone is coming, as they look towards the door a figure appears.

I say so I guess he decided to handle before we got the court being that he sent you.

Spy: Nodding he opens the cell door, and says follow me as he turns and walks away.

(10 minutes later:

Rimuru: Dione is this the guy with the king when you meet him earlier?.

Dione: Nodding he is one of king Gazel top advisers, he is his informant and he is an elf.

Rimuru: Why do you think he sent one of his top advisers to come get us.

I say most likely to let us know well more specifically me, know that he will be watching us until he deems us worthy of being trusted.

Plus I take out Mureavesame placing it around my waist and say before you ask it's like your skill to store things ok.

Rimuru: Mhmm then we should make sure that, we're prepared for him just in case.

Dione: Your finally starting to learn how to prepare for the unknown like taught you and not always seeing just the good in people.

Rimuru: Oh shut up it seems like we're at our destination ending the skill.

Spy: knocking before saying my majesty I have brought them as you have requested.

King Gazel: Enter as the door opens as I see Dione and the others walk in.

Spy: my lord here are the guests that you have asked for.

King Gazel: thank you you may leave, upon hearing my order he left.

Looking to Dione before looking to the others as my eyes land on the slime next to her as Kaijin and the 3 bow.

Leaving only Dione standing, so I take it that the slime next to you Dione is your brother then.

I sense the hostility in his words, and I say yes it is as I would like that you would respect him the same way you do me meeting his intensity and aura.

King Gazel: It seems that for now she is trustworthy with how she is protective of her brother but I won't truly know until that day I test them.

Lowering my intensity as I put my aura away, I apologize by getting up and walking in front of my desk doing a slight.

I am sorry to have tested you, but I had to make sure that you are trustworthy as I go back and sit now are your worthy of this trust we will see when that day comes as for what we talked about before.

Kaijin, Garm,Dord, Myrd you may stand now as they get up.

Dione: Mhmm right it was just a simple test.

Rimuru: Dione! I'm sorry for how my sister has acted doing a slime bow.

King Gazel: I do not mind your sister, she means well it also seems that you do not know.

I release my aura at full strength warning Gazel to tread lightly with what he says.

Kaijin and the others tremble before kneeling because of my aura pressure.

I say Gazel be very careful with your next words very, careful.

Rimuru: Dione! Stop reel in your aura!

Doing as Rimuru says I absorb my aura but still let my bloodlust leak out to still tell Gazel if he says anything I will kill him.

King Gazel: Mhmm it seems that he really doesn't know based on how she acted but he really is the key to controlling Dione.

If something were to happen to him, the world would be thrown into Chota's and she's very smart she might even rival that old bastard when it comes to intelligence.

(Some were far away)

Old bastard: Achue rubbing his nose is someone talking about me wait was it...!?

(Back in king Gazel office)

King Gazel: Even though her brother played a part in it but she also released her aura to let the guards that I have around outside in secret know that's there that they would need to think twice before trying to enter.

Also I sensed that she didn't truly release all of her aura some of it was hidden I'm going to have to look through the history books to see what race of monsters she belongs too.

Also that's why she's also letting her bloodlust remain and her brother must have noticed too, which is why he is not stopping her.

Rimuru: Stepping forward well my sliding I say " my name is Rimuru I am Dione 2 brother and I would appreciate it if you would stop testing my sister as you know what she can do" with the true meaning behind my word hidden.

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