
That time I got reincarnated as a slime lord

Come read if you love slimes or wanna hear my story

Tristan_Jiles · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

The chase pt 1

Jane thinks while running she thinks of combining water with fire to make gas

Jane's mind: If I do that it'll give me enough time to get further away

Jane Uses flame and water and combines them getting more skills Smoke related she uses smoke skills and runs left while the guards go right the guards go left after going into a dead end

Jane's mind: Please let there be something to...wait.. Im stupid

Jane stops running and shoots fire and pressured water that can cut and put a hole in trees the guards pull out they're shields and defend the weird mysterious girl 

Jane:can we just chat?

The weird Girl: chat hmm how about no we got orders to kill

Jane puts the water in fire together but instead on steam or smoke they become a laser with the fire spiraling around the pressured water

(Authors Note: She only learns 3 elements there's more but I can't spoil the story but Jane has 3 elements 2 for each the smoke was off the fire the skill smoke bomb is hers to use the smoke can make them dizzy from the effects or so she has a steam skill also And idk why i named her weird girl she's shezu )

 The weird girl: okay okay lets chat

Jane: no introductions?

Shezu: I'm Shezu the leader sorry for not listening 

after a few minutes there's a weird smell

Shezu: Do you smell that It smells like 

Shezu/zu for short :D she soon coughed blood from the smell she was getting taking over by something