
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime In Naruto World

While a soul was crossing through the dimension in direction of the cardinal world. a certain Manas took interest in that soul named it and changed the course of the soul to a random world, and gave it some false memories, all in hopes to surprise its master in the future Read how that soul overpowers the world where it fell the Naruto world OBS: AU. new OC´s and powers. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. only my OCs

Joao132135 · Komik
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179 Chs

31 -=Mirror world and motivation=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



Naruto suddenly found himself on his bedroom, he looked around confused

'Wait, why am I here? I was about to fight Kaede-chan in the chunnin exams...'

*Knock Knock*

"Naruto! Are you okay there? I heard something falling..." An unknown voice said as the person knocked on the door

"Uh... I am okay, but who are you?" Naruto answered, as he found it too awkward to not answer, but still ultimately voiced his confusion

'I have never heard that voice... but it felt so... familiar? I wonder why?' He thought


Opening the door, the person walked into the room

"*Gasp* Naruto! did you hit your head? is it hurting? here let me see" The person said, approaching Naruto

"...you... why do I feel like I know you already?... and why do I feel so... sad, all of a sudden?" Naruto asked with a trembling voice

confused as to why his voice was trembling, and why he felt like he knew that person in front of him

"You don't remember me? I am-"


Back to the real world, while Naruto was stuck inside a illusion that affected his mind, senses and chakra, making it impossible to free himself since he wasn't actively trying to, Sasuke was in a dire situation

Dodging one more sand construct, he backflipped twice before stopping, breathing heavily but Sharingan moving frenetically trying to see any attack

"Why do you have to win this fight?" Gaara, who was once again seates at his sand throne, asked suddenly

"... what... haaah do you... haah... mean?" Sasuke asked between heavy breathing, not understanding why Gaara suddenly asked him a question, but thankful for the time he got to catch his breath

"What drives you forwards?" simplified Gaara

"... I want to reestablish my clan and kill a certain-"

"No, not that. Why do you need to win THIS fight, not your dreams, forget the future, why are you fighting NOW?" Gaara interrupted Sasuke boring dreams, and askes the question in a way he could understand easily

'Why am I fighting?...' Sasuke started thinking about the question, giving Gaara a easily exploitable opening, but Gaara didn't attack him and waited for his response


In the mirror world

It has been some hours inside the illusion, Doing this wasn't an easy feat, but inside the [Illusion domain], and with the [Sharingan]'s [Eye of hypnotism] supporting it, Kaede had almost no problem making time move faster for those affected by the illusion

It wasn't a Tsukuyomi level where one second equaled to 72 hours, that is a 1:259200 time difference, but it was noticeable, it made the illusion easier to be broken through if Naruto actively tried it, but he didn't yet

Naruto was sitting on top of the hokage monument, specifically on top of the fourth's head, while thinking

'... I am in a genjutsu, that is for sure. But why would Kaede make a genjutsu like this?

Here I am respected by everyone and my family is alive, but I still can't believe anything...

Maybe she is just trying to keep me here with good feelings? but then why would she make my father be the fourth Hokage?' Naruto asked himself

In the past 3 hours, he got to know a world completely opposite to the one he lived in

He was respected everywhere he went, his family was there, alive and taking care of him, He still couldn't believe when he heard his mother's and father's name...

He asked and got to know that he is the best student of the academy, placed on team 7 with his close friends Sasuke, who looked up to him and Kaede, who in this place was a cheerful girl that loved to talk with him

The Kaede his 'mother' described to him made him think back to the Kaede pre-uchiha massacre, who was just like that

"Sigh..." Mentally torn between staying a bit more here, or trying to break the genjutsu, Naruto sighed in indecisiveness

Since the genjutsu is still up, either the fight didn't end yet, or Kaede is pulling a prank on him... he really hoped for the second to be only his imagination, he didn't want to be pranked by Kaede who apparently had some problems with him still, because of her two friends

"Naaaaruuuutoooo" Naruto hears a cheerful voice behind him, one he almost didn't recognize, just because of the different emotion he was accustomed to hear in that voice



Back to reality

Kaede was boredly waiting for Sasuke to loose, so 'Gaara' could immobilize Naruto and they would be declared winners, but changed the plan to ask Sasuke one question that suddenly popped on her mind

"...I... I don't want ro be left behind by him... I want to impress her, and I want to be strong, like my father told me to be when I was little..." Sasuke said, the last part was obviously distressed, and with a tear stuck on his eye, but he refused to cry

"...I see... You are doing it wrong then..." Gaara said, inside the sandstorm, only he could hear Sasuke, and only Sasuke could hear him, people outside saw Kaede who appeared to have put Naruto into a genjutsu, but couldn't move or it would break, and a huge sandstorm, the konoha ninjas were only not breaking through to save their last fertile uchiha yet, because the sensor ninjas could tell he wasn't in danger.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked the same question again, this time with a frown on his face

"Heh, you really are a kid, huh?

Don't want to be surpassed by 'him' who I assume is your teammate you don't seem to be in good terms with, then shouldn't you just fight him? what do I have to do with that?

Want to impress someone? And what if this person is not impresses by strength? do you even know what impresses that person?

Want to be strong because your family asked? why? you shouldn't follow what your family said years ago, shouldn't you try to surpass that? maybe be THE strongest? why are you so stuck to the past?

No one in this world has a happy past, we need to live the now, not the past.

Think about the future, you said you will reestablish your clan? and how will you do that? you want to kill someone? how will that affect you or your other objective? and what will you do after you did one of those objectives?

After you think about all of that, then tell me Uchiha Sasuke, why are you fighting? what motivates you? your revenge? your rival? the person you want to impress? then why did you want to be strong before you had these three?"

Gaara asked quickly, giving Sasuke one blow after the other, not physical, but mentally

Albeit his view of the world was distorted by his mad wish for revenge, after having a 'happy' life until now, Sasuke didn't really have a reason to grow stronger, he had his revenge, but had no clue how strong Itachi actually was

He had Naruto, who he didn't want to lose to, but Naruto never really won against him in anything, yet

He had Kaede, who he wanted to impress, but he didn't even know her all that much, they spent one year training and playing together but after that they almost didn't talk before being put on the same team

After thinking about all of that, he asked himself

'...Why do I wanted to be a ninja?'

It wasn't for revenge, it wasn't to surpass someone and it wasn't to impress anyone

'I... I wanted to make my family proud... I wanted to honor their names...'

As if struck by lightning, Sasuke found his reason

'That is so obvious... why didn't I think about it before?

my reason... it has always been, my family

I wanted to impress them, I wanted to avenge them, I wanted to have them back, but I never even noticed that... as much as I hate to admit, I was blinded by my stupidity...

And here I was calling Naruto stupid... how ironic'

Sasuke laughed lightly, finally his confusion changed into resolve

"I see you have finally found your reason..." Gaara said

"Yes... I did. Thank you" Sasuke said, as he assumed a fighting pose, time to finish this fight


Mirror world

"So you are telling me, that you made a genjutsu that shows someone what their life would be like if everything important in their life was the opposite of what happened?" Naruto asked astonished

"Yes! It was awesome! I used it on Sasuke and he said that he saw our clan destroyed by Itachi-san, but that is impossible right?" Kaede said cheerfully

"Yeah, Itachi would never do that... oh, it is already late Kaede-chan, do you want me to take you home? It has been a while since I saw Mikoto as well"

"Yay! Aunt Kushina will go with me! Bye Naruto, see you tomorrow!" Kaede jumped in joy as she and Kushina left Naruto in deep thoughts

'Is that genjutsu the one she used on me? until now every jutsu has been the same, and even our missions were the same, only big events like Haku and Zabuza dying changed...' Naruto thought

Since he entered the mirror world, his stupidity turned into calmness and his brattyness turned into thoughtfulness, he didn't even notice it

(That is NOT permanent but will have some interesting effects on Naruto)

'...if that is the case then... isn't the fourth hokage my dad? also, why did mom and dad die? they said it was because of the fox, but here there isn't anyone who knows about the fox, mom said she had it, but lost it when I was born, but didn't tell me why... I need answers'

Naruto thought, at this point he couldn't care less if he and Sasuke lost their fight, he had a chance to not only know who his parents were, but to also live with them for a bit, and to discover the truth of what happened to them