
that time I got the body of Satoru Mikami

Hi my name is Rex Alexander and I just graduate of first year college and I drop out because I need a job, I also need a money to pay all of my Debt From my parents, At first I tried to get a part time job but it didn't work

for the reason that I don't earn enough money to pay off all my parents' debt and from strange reason when I'm done from my interview on Applying a job Suddenly

I was walking in an unfamiliar place and all of a sudden my head is hurt from an unfamiliar memory And this body my name is Satoru Mikami

I'm just 37 Old dude and I don't have a girlfriend I mean I didn't even have girlfriend

since birth and I thought is just dream because the name Satoru Mikami is familiar name and I just went home

thinking I'm just tired and went to my house also I thought at first I would get lost because I am not familiar in this place and not because I have a memory of this

guy in me since then

I wandered around the area So that I could learn The unfamiliar place And after I wandered around I went home and sleep thinking is just a dream.....

The next day

He had a dream the same as canon

Author note : sorry from the lack of information

Rex: so It's not a dream but what is that dream of mine Now Rimuru tempest Rimuru tempest Rimuru tempest I heard that before .... OWWWWW I'm Stupid I read this in a novel and I watch this in anime Satoru Mikami the over power slime that became a God

And just like that my life as Satoru Mikami begin

Author note: from now on his name is Satoru and this not permanent

And I got up and clean the house and take a shower and brush my teeth and remembered

Satoru: I Remember I gonna meet Tamura And his gonna brag about his girlfriend to me

And I Get out on my house for meeting of my friend or friend of Satoru Mikami and just like that I walked again after my Walk I starting to see my destination of meeting of my junior and I to wait to him to arrive

Tamura: senpai Thank you from waiting

Walking towards me with a smiling face, was refreshing young man. together with the beauty who was alongside him

More specifically, the young man, Tamura, is a junior at the same company I work at; the one by his side is our company's renowned Madonna, the receptionist Sawatari-san.

Yep, I have been asked by these guys to offer consultation on their upcoming marriage. And by the way, this is the reason why I started wondering about my own unpopularity.

and even that previous life of mine I don't have any experience to the word of love and I'm just 19 years old at that time and still I don't even have a girlfriend because of my Debt life

Satoru: Yeah. So, what kind of advice are you looking for?

And I said the same thing because I remember It

I ask while greeting Sawatari-san.

Sawatari : Hello, pleased to meet you.My name is Sawatari Miho. Although we have seen each other before, this would be the first time we are speaking, right? Makes me nervous, somehow.

The nervous one is me, damn it! I mean, I am not that good with speaking to girls in the first place. Cut me some slack! With such words, I silently complain to myself.

Because I didn't have a chance to get girlfriend in my previous life.

How I'm gonna answer them? And I'm thinking I'm just gonna answer them that exact thing in the novel because I'm not used to Talk to other people

Satoru: Hello. I am Mikami Satoru. No need to be nervous or anything. Sawatari-san is famous with us, so I know who you are even without the introduction. About Tamura-we went to the same University, you know, so we've had lots to talk about. After which we naturally hung out a bit.

Shehhhhhh Good thing I'm smart and And I have never forgotten what Satoru says in the novel and anime and manga

Sawatari: What's this about being famous? Are there weird rumors floating about?

Satoru: Yeah. Like having had an affair with Chief X, or going on dates with Y-kun-things like that.

And just like that I'm teasing a girl for the first time

Well, my jokes lack both delicacy or tact, and I am often told to keep my mouth shut... but I end up saying them because I don't even know what to do or what I'm gonna say to this girl

Yep, and that failed , huh? Yep, I am just bad with women.

Satoru: This is your fault author San

Author: why me and don't just break the forth wall

Satoru: oh sorry but You're too lazy to write a conversation to another person

Author: I'm not because being lazy I'm just not used to talked to other people

Back to the story

And as if on cue, in steps Tamura, lightly tapping her shoulders.

Daman it Tamura you bastard! It's these situations where you riajuu should just all explode! I should shout this, right?

Tamura: Senpai, please leave it at that! And, Miho, you are just being teased!

With a laugh Tamura continues mediating the situation. Aren't you dandy, junior!

Just like I remember Bright, cheerful, and without a hint of sarcasm. Isn't he a lovable guy...

And if I remember correctly Tamura's only 28. And although we are so many years apart, we've got something in common. Well, nothing to do I guess but to give them my blessing...

Satoru: My bad. I'm just not that good with women. And, well, the location doesn't help much, does it? Let's get something to eat and talk there

Girl: Kyaaaaaaaaaa

Screams. Confusion.

And with that scream I know my life is gonna end again and I'm gonna reincarnated as lovely slime

Man with a knife: Move it! I'll kill you!

Turning to the sound of the voice, a man brandishing a knife and holding a bag is running towards us.

I see the man. I see the knife. Where is it pointing? At....

Satoru: Tamuraaa!

And in an instinct my body move to save this junior of mine

*Don* I hit Tamura out of the way.

*Dosu* There's a burning pain in my back.

Man with a knife: Tch, damn hindrance

Having shouted thus, I see the man escaping and turn to make sure Tamura and Sawatari-san are safe.

With a shout that resembled no words, Tamura runs up to me.

Sawatari-san is stunned by the sudden turn of events, but appears without other injury... thank god.

That being that, my back burns. Feelings of pain aside, it just burns.

What's up with this? It's too hot... can't it let off a bit?

Voice of the world: <<Confirmed. Establishing heat resistance. Success>>

Satoru: Ohhh voice of the world

Voice of the world <<Confirmed. Unique skill caller has Successfully aquire>>

Satoru: Ohhh sheet ineed another skill before is to late

Satoru: Could it be... was I stabbed?

Satoru: Can't be dying from a stab wound....

Voice of the world: <<Confirmed. Establishing pierce resistance. Success. Additionally, establishing physical attack resistance. Success>>

Tamura: Senpai... there's blood coming out... it's not stopping... it's ain't.....

What's up with this loud guy. Feel like his voice was strange just now; well, that much can be expected from Tamura.

But blood? Yeah, that's clearly leaving. I am human, after all. When stabbed, I bleed!

But pain is unpleasant, isn't it....

Voice of the world: <<Confirmed. Removing perception of pain. Success>>

Satoru: Ta... Tamura... you are damn loud. It... is not that big of deal, right? Stop worrying...

Tamura: Senpai... the blood... you Keep.....

His face blue, on the verge of tears, Tamura continues to hold me. That's the face that is the ruin of handsome men.

I tried to take a look at how Sawatari-san was doing, but my vision is too hazy. Can't see.

The burning sensation in my back is gone. Instead, a ferocious cold strikes me.

This could be bad... when people don't have enough blood, they die, don't they

Voice of the world <<Confirmed. Creating a bloodless body. Success>>

Satoru: Ineed a ultimate skill I requeste a ultimate skill raphael

Voice of the world: <<Confirmed. Ultimate skill Lord of wisdom raphael successful aquire in anddtion unique caller is merging in. Raphael.... success>>

Ineed gluttonous king Beelzebub

Voice confirm: <<Confirmed. Ultimate skill gluttonous king Beelzebub has successfully aquire>>

Ineed a strong defense that can block anything and I need a skill that can copy anything and ineed a infinite magicules

Voice of the world<<Confirmed. Ultimate skill God Uriel and ultimate skill God copy cat sharingan and Magicule Breeder Reactor has successfully aquire>>

Ineed a power that can destroy that can destroy that I can see that single look and a ultimate skill that can create anything

Voice of the world: <<Confirmed. Ultimate skill anos God of destruction has successfully aquire and requiting ultimate skill that can create anything Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation success... fail repeating attempt success...fail reapting attempt faillllll.... error???????>>

Unknown??: Promote Ahura Mazda to creation God yahweh

Voice of the world: <<Confimed. Ultimate skill Ahura Mazda Lord of Creation has promote to the creation Yahweh has successfully aquire >>

Satoru: ha what the what's that never mind ineed Another skill I know I'm greedy but I want to protect that important to me

Voice of the world: << confirmed ultimate skill Mammon, Lord of Greed has successfully aquire ultimate skill Mammon, Lord of Greed and God copy cat sharingan is fussing Alone together... success ultimate skill unknown is born error??. Ultimate skill guardian God has successfully aquire>>

Lastly ineed a skill that can control a void and a ultimate skill that has record of anything anything

Voice of the world: <<confirmed. Unique skill void has successfully aquire and ultimate skill "Information King" Akashic Records has successfully aquire >>

Satoru: But it's cold. So cold, and nothing I can do about it. What's with this... I am too busy of a man to be freezing in this cold.

Voice of the world: <<Confirmed. Establishing cold resistance. Success. Additionally, heat resistance has successfully evolved into thermal fluctuation resistance EX>>

At that time, the dying brain cells of mine, with a flash of inspiration, have remembered the truly important things!

Yes! The contents of my PC hard drive!

Satoru: Tamuraa!! If and only if, I say, I die... take care of my PC. I beg you... submerge it in water, turn it on, and completely wipe the data clean...

Satoru in his mind: Sheeeet this is embarrassing why me 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Thus I, having summoned the remainder of my strength, have conveyed the matters of most grave importance.

Voice of the world: <<Confirmed. Attempting full format of all information. Error, impossible due to lack of definition. Attempting alternate interpretation. Establishing electricity resistance. Success. Additionally, paralysis resistance has been acquired>>

I don't know exactly what Tamura was saying at that moment, while giving me that blank look.

But, I understood the meaning of what was said because I watched read this and I'm embarrassed to the point I'm crying inside

Tamura: Haha... that's so like Senpai...

He said with a bitter smile. Who would even want to look at a man's crying face? That grin is so many times better

Tamura: You know, I... about Sawatari, I wanted to show her off to senpai...

Heh, I knew it.. .this bastard.

Satoru: Tch... jeez. I've forgiven all of it, so your girlfriend, make her happy, got it? And take care of the PC...

Satoru in his mind: Wahhhhhh 😭😭😭 this is embarrassing why me my dignity In my previous life is destroy

The last of my strength, was only enough to say that much.

Completely unsatisfied, Mikami Satoru died.

And at that instant, Mikami Satoru's "soul" linked with a spawned monster in another world.

Into a dimensional crack so small that no eye could see. His soul linked with a mass of demonic energy.

This mass was the origin of demons, and to Mikami Satoru who had linked to it, his thoughts as a base, the mass constructed a body.

What is normally is essentially an impossibility with an astronomically small chance of occurrence, Mikami Satoru was reborn as a monster in another world.

Tobe continue

Author note: Haaaa I'm success In creating this fanfic and by the way I'm new to this and please don't bash me because of my grammar and spelling

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