
That Night with the CEO

Isabel Grace Smith woke up one morning with a handsome man in bed next to her. What happened is against her will, but she knows that she only did that to earn money for the medicine of her brother who has asthma. She left the man without waking him up. Until she found out that the Resorts she worked as a waitress was owned by Gideon Tyr Fierro—the man she had one night stand with. Will Gideon recognize her? How far will she go to avoid him? Is there a chance that a particular night will lead to them ending up more intimate?

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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Best Closer in the City

Past eight o'clock in the morning, when Gideon got out of his car. He increased his pace while fixing the button on his suit.

Everyone greeted him when he started to enter Fierro's Enterprise Building.

"Gideon you're late." Sam told Gideon emphatically as he hurriedly walked to the conference room.

"Is Mr. Carter here either?" Gideon ignored his Uncle's enraged but continued walking.

"Yes, and you're the only one waiting." Sam replied, annoyed.

When Gideon entered the conference room, their emotions as he entered the meeting room were disappointed.

"Move over." He ordered his associates to begin the marketing data analysis that he would explain to the investors.

After Gideon sat down, a small letter was placed on his desk.

"You owe me today." he looked at Freya and she winked.

After a few moments of explaining the data analysis, Gideon asked for a break to talk to the investors in private. But before that happened, he pulled Freya outside the room and asked what the letter meant.

"I will take care of Mr. Carter, I'm sure we can get them to invest in the company." Freya said in a whisper.

Gideon smirked at her. "You actually intend to do it for this business, huh?"

"Yes, and I'm going to do it for you." Freya touched Gideon's lips. But Gideon didn't like that and he rolled his eyes. He left Freya hanging with her imaginations, then he got back to the conference room to continue the meeting with his investors.


After an hour, Gideon and the investors leave the conference with a smile on their face.

"The journalists are right, you are such a brilliant CEO in New York, I am sure that I'll never regret investing with your company." Mr. Carter said with a smile.

"Of course, Mr. Carter. Not just handsome and brilliant, but I'm also the best closer in the city. Just call my name, I got you!" Gideon boasted.

Freya, on the other hand, was about to congratulate Gideon when he abruptly excused himself to the investors, leaving Freya to walk behind him.

"Hey, I'm ready to deal with Mr. Carter." Freya said, smiling with Gideon.

Gideon sighed and rolled his eyes. "It's over, Freya, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Does that mean they're gonna invest in Fierro's Enterprise?"

"Of course, and—" he stopped walking. "Don't ever touch my lips again because I know what you want and it's never going to happen," he said as he walked towards his office.

While Freya was disappointed because she thought she could persuade Gideon to do what she wanted. But her strategy is still sloppy this time.




In the office, Sam happily followed Gideon and congratulated him too.

"Well, we need to celebrate this small success, Gideon!" Sam said to him.

"No, Uncle, I'm not in the mood right now. I still have a lot of papers to sign," Gideon said as he sat in his chair.

**Knocked in the door**

"Are you expecting someone?" Sam asked with a frown.


Until Kevin, Gideon's private lawyer/assistant entered. Kevin is his assistant for some of his businesses in New York, including the famous Resort also owned by the Fierros.

"Sir, I just want to give you the report from Fierro's Resort." Kevin said and politely placed the papers at the bottom of Gideon's desk.

Gideon frowned when he read it and he was almost insulted by its low rate from customers and some businessmen.

"What the hell happened to this?" Gideon asked Kevin, referring to the reports.

"Lazaro claimed that there are a lot of customers who disagree with the services and even a lack of manpower in daily work." Kevin explained.

Gideon slid the papers onto his desk."That stupid Lazaro!"

"What are we gonna do now, Gideon?" Sam asked Gideon.

"I have to go to the Resort. Prepare the records because of their negligence, I have to change employees." Gideon said seriously.

Kevin bowed his head when Gideon walked passed. It is obvious in Gideon's face, the sharp eyes, that he is indeed a perfectionist when it comes to work.

"The car is already outside. I've already started putting out paperwork to hire another employee—"

"Keep it, Freya. I need to talk with Lazaro." Gideon ordered coldly.

"Wait–are you going to the Resort?" Freya asked.

Gideon narrowed his eyes. "Isn't that what CEOs do when there's a problem in the company? Go into the business and figure out what's the problem, right?"

Freya was speechless; she simply nodded and followed Gideon's order. "I'm sorry; I'll keep the records and travel with you to the resorts," she said.

"Let's go." Sam said and assisted Gideon into the car


In the Resort, everyone is busy cleaning and also arranging stuff. Lazaro almost fainted when the news reached him that Gideon was coming to talk to him.

"Shit—This is exactly what I don't want to happen!" Lazaro's expression as he held his phone.

"All of you, go to your assigned tasks, and the Resort's owner will arrive today. You need to be patient because our boss is not in a good mood, we need to be careful with our actions. Do you understand?" Lazaro explained while the waiters and waitresses agreed with him.

"All right, now get back to work," Lazaro said.

"Isabel, are you okay?" Alice said, observing that she appeared to have fainted.

"Y-Yes, Alice. I really didn't sleep much last night." Isabel answered, still yawning.

"Okay, we'll talk about that later. Right now let's get work and I hear that our boss is grumpy and a perfectionist." continued Alice.

"Really? I've only been working here for a few months, I haven't met him yet."

"None of us have met him, and what I also know is that he doesn't mix his personal and professional life at work. If you have a personal attachment to him, he won't hesitate to fire you," Alice continued.

"Come on, who wants to be in a relationship with a boss? Let's be safe, Alice, because we can't be attached to a famous and wealthy man," Isabel shook her head.

"But I've heard he's also extremely handsome!" Alice added with a smile.

"No, Alice, even though he is the most beautiful man in the world, we are only at the bottom, he is at the top, so don't fantasize about him, let's get to work."

"Come on! Maybe later when you see him, you will swallow everything you told me!" Alice objected, as if she was still teasing her friend.

Isabel scowled and was about to say anything when the manager screamed again.

"Get down to work! Don't talk!"

Isabel and Alice separated quickly.

Until a driver runs up to the manager.

"Sir, Sir Gideon is here."
