
Tethered (Unfinished, rough draft)

Penulis: MindiLooWho
Fantasy Romance
Sedang berlangsung · 516 Dilihat
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  • NO.200+

What is Tethered (Unfinished, rough draft)

Baca novel Tethered (Unfinished, rough draft) yang ditulis oleh penulis MindiLooWho yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. 19 year old college student finds the world covered in a purple fog....


19 year old college student finds the world covered in a purple fog.

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In her cycle all her friends are looking forward to getting married to affluent handsome men that would elevate their status. but what intrigued amna more is that, none of them were looking forward to work hard to achieve that affluency for themselves. And at that, an epiphany dawned on her resulting to a conclusion. And that was nothing other than becoming one of the affluent women in the society and a registered nurse. No! She won't sit at the table where all they discuss about is getting married to influential people just to be famous instead, she'll work hard and late on becoming one. Despair should be out of the equation because she won't ever encounter that and if it happens she does, she won't let it monopolize her. She made peace with the fact that at some point in her life she'll be married to someone who may or may not block her ambition. But before that, starting from now wouldn't hurt.. would it? As the saying goes what a man can do a woman can do, may be not better but you won't know how far you could go if you don't even try. So, comes what may, she's going to strive, strive to be the nurse she could give up everything for, and to be an independent lady. But, what would happen when someone out there was after her. Trying all his might for her to acknowledge his existence? What will happen when she's the one he's striving for? And her? She's just striving to make it in life and be the nurse she so badly love to be and maybe, wait for love to find her.su

Aishatu b.s · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


"kamu tau kan kalau aku suka sama kamu? " "iya, aku tau kok. emang kenapa? " gadis itu tersenyum dengan senyum khasnya yang menggemaskan. "enggak ada sih. cuman ngingetin saja. siapa tau kamu lupa." itulah hal yang paling sering aku katakan meski aku tau gadis manis itu akan menjawab apa. meski aku tau aku akan kembali terluka. aku selalu bersemangat mengingatkannya jika aku menyukainya, aku menyayanginya, atau katakan saja aku jatuh cinta kepadanya. Bintang Ayatha. itulah nama gadis manis bermata senja dengan senyum khasnya yang menggemaskan. dia suka coklat. katanya coklat itu bisa membuatnya bahagia. dia suka duren, katanya duren juga bisa membuatnya bahagia. dia suka pantai, katanya pantai itu menenangkan dan mebebaskan. dia juga suka film-film korea, film india, film thailand, film almarhumah Suzana, doraemon, spongebob, dia bahkan suka film yang belum dibuat film. Ayatha suka semuanya. kecuali satu hal. AKU. dan aku? aku bisa bilang apa selain aku suka Ayatha. haii.. kenalin. namaku Arka Langit, dan ini adalah kisahku yang jatuh cinta kepada sahabatku sendiri. ayolahh... bukankah cinta memang sering datang tanba aba-aba? bukankah cinta memang tak pernah bepikir panjang kepada siapa ia melesatkan panah-panah asmaranya? kita bisa jatuh cinta kepada siapa saja. kepada sahabat, kepada teman, sepupu atau bahkan kita bisa jatuh cinta kepada seseorang yang tidak kita kenal, dan untuk jatuh cinta? kita tidak harus selalu memiliki alasan. we never know. so. mulai lah buka bab sebelah dan aku akan menjamu mu dengan cerita yang bisa membuatmu bertanya-tanya kenapa ada seseorang yang jatuh cinta dengan begitu dalam.

muhammad_M · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Twilight saga

Headstrong, sun-loving, 17-year-old Bella declines her mom's invitation to move to Florida, and instead reluctantly opts to move to her dad's cabin in the dreary, rainy town of Forks, WA. She becomes intrigued with Edward Cullen, a distant, stylish, and disarmingly handsome senior, who is also a vampire. When he reveals that his specific clan hunts wildlife instead of humans, Bella deduces that she is safe from his blood-sucking instincts and therefore free to fall hopelessly in love with him. The feeling is mutual, and the resulting volatile romance smolders as they attempt to hide Edward's identity from her family and the rest of the school. Meyer adds an eerie new twist to the mismatched, star-crossed lovers theme: predator falls for prey, human falls for vampire. This tension strips away any pretense readers may have about the everyday teen romance novel, and kissing, touching, and talking take on an entirely new meaning when one small mistake could be life-threatening. Bella and Edward's struggle to make their relationship work becomes a struggle for survival, especially when vampires from an outside clan infiltrate the Cullen territory and head straight for her. As a result, the novel's danger-factor skyrockets as the excitement of secret love and hushed affection morphs into a terrifying race to stay alive. Realistic, subtle, succinct, and easy to follow, Twilight will have readers dying to sink their teeth into it.

xyz00208 · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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General Audiencesmature rating