
Chapter 0- Read nefore readimg the novel


I have rewritten this novel with the name -I Fell Inside My Own Novel(Rewrite)..You can find it in my original work. Donot read this.

Although the initial two chapters may seem sluggish, they are worth savoring before the story takes off at a rapid pace.

This particular novel deals with transmigration, in which an author is transported into their own book, much like The Novel's Extra or Author's Point of View.

But if I were to compare my Novel to The Novel's Extra or Author's POV, it feels like I am comparing gems with stone(My novel being the stone)

However, I will try to presents a unique take on the genre.

As I write this sci-fi fantasy, I'm careful not to give the main character an excessive amount of plot armor. After all, adversity is a part of life, and while magic may exist in this world, I want to keep the outcomes realistic. Matters such as money and power can't be ignored, and one should never rely on a hero to save the day. These are all valid truths worth exploring, and I intend to bring them to life in this novel.

If you're hoping for a harem or an OP, super-smart protagonist, then you might be disappointed as this place isn't for you. The main character will not start off overpowered; rather, he will slowly develop his abilities to reach that level.

Although he will possess intelligence, he will not be capable of manipulating others like in other literary works.

However, he will still display moments of genius and make human mistakes like an idiot at other times.

The story begins in the recreated version of Earth, far into the future, where no magic, fairies, or demons exist - similar to the real world - and the protagonist lives there before transmigrating to another world.


This novel contains an elaborate power scaling system, with the highest rank being SSS+. The lowest rank is G-, indicating a broad range within the system.

The world is powered by mana, aura, ether, demonic energy, and life force, each with unique properties and abilities.

Additionally, the novel features special items such as mythical grade items reminiscent of those found in video games, as well as legendary rank items.

The protagonist also has access to skills, mysteries, and various forms of art to aid in their quest.

In conclusion, it's worth noting that not all stories in different genres have a victorious hero at the end.

Sometimes the hero may face defeat, and sometimes the villains are not always true villains.

Moreover, unfavorable events might occur not because of an elaborate plan, but because of the compounding effects of small actions, just like the Butterfly Effect.

Note: This is my first time writing a novel so please go easy on critical reviews :)


The character strengths and weakness are updated and monitered by the 'System Window', just like in the other novels of this genre. Additionally there are other usage of the System Window. The System Window do have the power to increase the stats of an individual but it generally does not happen.

In this setting, individuals are ranked using a scale that ranges from the lowest rank of G- to the highest rank of SSS+. Within this scale, there are several levels of ranking. The lowest ranks include G-, G, and G+, which are assigned to individuals possessing only base level strength and Mana- attributes.

As an individual's skill level improves, they progress through the ranks of F-, F, and F+. Those who are ranked in the F tiers have demonstrated physical abilities such as strength, speed, and stamina, along with mana capacities superior to those of G-ranked individuals.

Moving up the scale, individuals are assigned the E-, E, and E+ ranks if they are above F rank +. The D-, D, and D+ ranks are assigned to those who are stronger than E-ranked individuals in every area.

As an individual becomes more powerful, their tier becomes higher. The tiers progress from C-, C, and C+ all the way up to A-, A, and A+. The ranking system for the S to SSS+ tiers is different and will be updated later.

In this setting, there are Eight main classes of individuals based on their profession:

1. Warrior - these individuals are skilled in combat and use weapons, such as swords or axes, to deal damage to their opponents. Warriors are particularly effective in close-range combat and are capable of taking on multiple opponents at once.

2. Assassin - these individuals specialize in stealth and are skilled in taking down their opponents quickly and efficiently. Assassins use a combination of surprise attacks and deadly poisons to eliminate their targets.

3. Support - these individuals are responsible for keeping their allies alive and providing assistance during combat. Support characters typically have healing abilities and provide buffs to their allies to boost their effectiveness in battle.

4. Mage - these individuals possess magical abilities and use spells to deal damage and control the battlefield. Mages can cast offensive spells to deal damage to their opponents as well as defensive spells to protect their allies from harm.

5. Priest - these individuals utilize holy magic to heal their allies and smite their enemies. Priests are often seen as the embodiment of good in the setting and use their powers to cleanse evil from the land.

6. Ranger - these individuals are skilled in using ranged weapons, such as bows or crossbows, to deal damage from a distance. Rangers are particularly effective when attacking from stealth or from a distance, and often utilize traps and other tools to control the battlefield.

7. Druid - these individuals are connected to nature and possess a varied set of abilities, including healing, shape-shiftifting, and elemental control. Druids can transform themselves into various forms, such as animals or plants, to gain new abilities or to sneak around undetected.

8. Fighter - Fighters are individuals who primarily rely on hand-to-hand combat techniques such as martial arts, distinguishing them from warriors who rely on weapons. The key difference between the two is that fighters depend on their own physical abilities rather than external tools.

Unique classes: These are not general classes but unique classes which only a handful of individual posses in the entire world-

A. Paladin - these individuals are holy knights who fight for justice and righteousness. Paladins use their strength, resilience, and divine powers to protect their allies and bring order to chaotic situations.

B. Warlock - these individuals have made dark pacts with powerful entities in exchange for magical powers.Warlocks can cast powerful offensive spells and summon demons and other infernal creatures to fight for them.

C. Monk - these individuals are skilled martial artists who rely on their physical agility and strength to fight their enemies. Monks can use their ki energy to perform supernatural feats.

Elements and attributes are crucial. While attributes can refer to specific characteristics of an element, whuch can extend their property to weapons or items, elements form the foundation of those very things.

The six primary elements are Fire, Ice, Air, Light, Darkness, and Earth. Each of these elements has specific traits and characteristics that define them. Fire represents passion, bravery, and destruction. Ice represents calmness, control, and preservation. Air represents freedom, mobility, and change. Light represents wisdom, justice, and purity. Darkness represents mystery, malevolence, and secrecy. Earth represents stability, growth, and steadfastness.

Individuals may also have a unique affinity to a particular element.

Items are devided into different grades. Highest graded item is Mythical grade item followed by Legendary item, Epic, Special, Unique, High grade, Mid grade and low grade.

I have not mentioned mystries here and as the story progresses you will understand why.

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