
Ch. 19 3D2Y or not...

Zheng, Zero, and Kampa were the first ones to wake up from the shock. Zero and Kampa both did the same thing, Zero held onto the grenade with a finger through the ring. Kampa dropped on one knee and shouldered the AA12 As soon as another Alien shows up, Zero would throw the grenades at it and Kampa would pump it full of wholes. heng, Zero, and Kampa were the first ones to wake up from the shock. Zero and Kampa both did the same thing, they held onto the grenades with a finger through the ring. As soon as the Alien appeared, they would throw the grenades at it.

Then as the rest was about move towards Xiaoyi's fallen form, Another Alien dropped from the ceiling grabbed Xiaoyi and dash pass Kris; while giving him a tail swipe, smacking him in the chest. But he was able to cushion the blow by using the tail as a spring board with the using of his TK he pushed his body back to go along with the momentum; effectively throwing him pass a couple of coridors and disappearing from the groups sight.

Around the corner, three Aliens were ripping into Xiaoyi. He was still not dead. His whole body was twitching. The Aliens' strength was so powerful. Their tongues would touch him lightly and his body would be ripped apart like paper. Zheng could only take a last look of those despairing eyes before Xiaoyi's head was crushed. Another Alien turned around to look at Zheng. It extended it's tongue out, saliva dripping on the ground. Then it screamed at Zheng. The scream woke him up from the shock. He looked at Xiaoyi again, no, the pieces of his body, before he turned around and ran back. "Run! Shit! There are three Aliens!", He yelled as he ran. Zero threw the grenades then ran back. Jie, Xuan, and Shuai followed behind. Kampa providing cover fire to no avail; the regular rounds of the AA12 did nothing to the aliens exoskeleton. Lan was running at the back near Zheng, but her speed just wasn't fast enough, the explosion was likely to affect her. Zheng picked her up when he ran by. When the explosion wave came, they both got knocked to the ground. Zheng forcibly turned his body around right before he reached the ground, taking the impact while Lan landed on him. She looked at him in surprise then smiled. Zheng's mind went blank for a moment due to the explosion but then he yelled, "What're you smiling about, hurry and run!" Then he pushed Lan off him to get up and carry off to escape the aliens lunging at them.

While this all happening... Kris who was flung far from the group, skidded to a stop. To his atmost luck he only got a broken rib and a bruised ego from his attrication from a 3rd stage alien, the genetic mutations resulting from his brew and the constant practice he did during the time in god's domain; save him from a caved up chest. Standing up with dificulty, he hurriedly waded to find a temporary hiding spot to heal him self.

Mean while with Xuan's group...

"Yes. My deduction is correct. Every important room has a communication device and a number. We just passed by room 25. In other words, the control room is near." Xuan said to the other four people as they walked out from a room. The other four looked around nervously. Jie suddenly asked, "What can we do if we find the control room? I say we should go look for Zheng and Lan, he's the strongest one among us." Xuan said without emotion, "Regardless of whether they're alive or dead, in order to find them we have to first get to the control room. We are not familiar with the locations on this spacecraft. We don't even know where the Aliens are, where the weapons are, where the food and water are, and… do you know where the toilets are? So we have to find the control room and learn the map and locations of the spacecraft, if only Kris was not separated from us then we would have the ability to fight, the AA12 Kampa has wasn't effective againt the aliens at all; if we have better ammo maybe we have a chance to go room to room but as we are its not posible."

Jie was about to say something, but at last he remained silent. Zero said coldly, "Hurry up. I keep feeling there's something following behind us. Even though it's still far away, this sense of danger is very obvious." Kampa also nodded and said in choppy Chinese, "Yes. Very dangerous. I am certain it's an Alien." Xuan frowned. "Okay, we will choose to go through the left hall. Everyone start to run, we have to find the control room no matter what. If my deduction is correct… finding the control room will increase our chances of survival."

The Kitchen with Zheng and Lan...

The kitchen was filled with all kinds of packaged food. They looked at each other and could see the delight in their eyes. Suddenly, the communication device on the wall started ringing. They almost fell to the ground from the scare. Zheng reacted immediately, he ran to the device and pressed the button blinking with green light. Xuan's voice came from the other side, "We found an Alien corpse outside room 22, did you kill it? Did you find the arsenal?" Zheng sighs. "I'll tell you the details face to face. Where are you guys? And how do you know we are here?" "Every important room has a number. We are in room 27, the control room. This room has access to the security system. If you don't enter a room, we won't be able to reach you. And you are probably in the kitchen right? If you can, take as much water and food without slowing yourself down. Then follow the numbers on the doors to room 27." "What I am going to say next concerns your lives. Long story short, there are three Aliens following you, about the distance of ten rooms. According to their speed, they will reach you in two and a half minutes. I don't know the reason but they have been following you all along."

Scent!, it's the scent of Alien blood on Zheng's body. Zheng and Lan immediately realized it. Xuan continued, "I will give you two minutes. Run straight then on the intersections go straight, straight, straight, left, straight, left, straight, left! This is the path to reach the control room. Remember it! You have one minute to collect food, and must reach the control room in two minutes. At two minutes forty five seconds I will put down the walls outside the control room to isolate it. If you can't reach the wall within the time frame… then I'm sorry I have to give up on you. We have five people here after all. "The timer starts… NOW!

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