
Terra Tower

Story of a Young Man completing his journey of clearing the tower. WILL HE BE ABLE TO CLEAR THE TOWER? Will he clear tower from its misery? What more mysteries will unlock as he moves up the towers. Author- I just wanna say some things 》This is a little bit slow progrssing manga but still it is enjoyable l. 》If you like op mc to fight op villains at his own level 》i will produce 14 chapters per week.So cheer up and support me and my team

Anubhav_Thakur_6869 · Fantasi
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9 Chs


Shin started to move to the second floor now .


As Kaito and Shin was moving to resting area. Manger appeared in front of Shin asking for the package which was to be delivered .

Shin opened his inventory and game him the package.

After some time, The test of second floor started.

Second floor was known as the Floor of Riddles.

Shin saw a wall with a message written on it.

"The thing which has been lost

Will never be found again

If the person who has lost it

tries to find it"

Shin started thinking about the message written on wall.He was walking towards the wall again and again.

After some time,He found the Answer to the riddle.

"The thing which has been lost

Will never be found again

If the person who has lost it

tries to find it

The thing which has been lost

Is nothing but one's memory

If the person who has lost it

tries to find it

The person who has lost it

Will never be happy

If the person who has lost it

tries to find it"

As Shin solved the riddle, a door opened.

It was a maze with dangerous monsters inside it. Shin had to clear the maze to get to the next test.

Shin walked inside the maze.Shin was attacked by monsters.Shin was badly injured due to monsters.

But still he didn't give up.

He kept walking inside the Maze.After some time he reached the door of next floor.

It was the Floor of Longing.

After some time, A test started.

The Throne of Longing

The test was to jold onto the throne for at least 2 min. But Shin and Kaito just passed the test because they helped manger to deliver the message.

Kaito and Shin were waiting for some time for the next test.After some time a stranger approached to them.

Kaito and Shin came to know he was called 'Jagshir'. Jagshir was a pretty scary looking guy with a scar on his face.

Kaito and Shin were looking at each other and wondering why this guy has approached to them.

Jagshir started talking to them.

"I have been watching you both for some time now," Jagshir said, his voice low and dangerous. "And I think you two have potential. Potential to help me with a little problem I've been having."

"What kind of problem?" Kaito asked, eyeing Jagshir warily.

"It's a business problem," Jagshir replied cryptically. "I need some muscle to help me protect my interests. And I think you two could be just the muscle I need."

Shin and Kaito exchanged a look. They weren't sure if they wanted to get involved with this guy and his shady business dealings.

"But what's in it for us?" Shin asked, crossing his arms.

Jagshir smirked. "I can make it worth your while. I have connections, resources. Money, if that's what you're after."

Kaito and Shin exchanged another look. They needed all the resources they could get if they were going to climb the tower and reach the top.

"Okay, we'll help you," Kaito said finally. "But we want to know more about what we're getting into."

Jagshir nodded, looking pleased. "Of course. Let me show you what I need help with."

He led them through the streets of the Floor of Longing, pointing out various buildings and businesses as they went. Finally, they arrived at a large warehouse on the outskirts of town.

"This is where my problem lies," Jagshir said, gesturing to the building. "I have some goods stored inside that I need to protect. But recently, a group of bandits has been attacking my shipments and stealing my merchandise. I need you two to help me fend them off and protect my goods."

Kaito and Shin looked at each other again. It sounded like a dangerous job, but they needed the resources and money that Jagshir was offering.

"We'll do it," Shin said.