
Tensura: Alter/DEEP-RED

Hello! Readers! Explorers of the realms! I share you my story of baginning of reincarnating weirdly, wish granting, to being one of the most powerful beings of my new world!

Nakamura_Shun · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 7: Let’s duel!

Rimuru and Akari had gathered all the goblins in the middle of the village.

The goblins that were there had weapons brandished and was ready to fight.

Some goblins were even barehanded, but that didn't stop them from being brave.

'Haaahhh… with these numbers, we could only hope to beat 6 dire wolves.' Akari thought.

'I shouldn't have expected to have many goblins that could fight either.' Rimuru also thought of the same thing.

There was too much difference in numbers, little skirmishes wouldn't even work and would only cause more friendly death toll.

"They all look so scrawny and beat-up…" Rimuru commented.

"Uh, yes… I expected them to at least have proper equipment but…"

Akari answered and turned to talk to the goblins.

"Everyone! Do you understand our situation?"

"Yes!" The goblin from earlier answered.

The goblin raised his right hand in salute while another curtly followed behind him and spoke.

"We are prepared for a life-and-death battle. We will give it our all!"

This time Rimuru spoke.

"No need to get all worked up. Just relax. Do not mind the pressure and do whatever you think will help you strengthen yourself."

'Bruh…' Akari spoke through ETC.

(A/n: I am now changing "Enhanced thought communication" to "ETC" because writing very long words repeatedly are annoying.)

'I didn't mean to sound so cool…' Rimuru answered. "But first, please lead the both of us to where the injured are."

Akari and Rimuru were shortly after brought to a tent that leaked the smell of blood and wounds.

There was a total of 14 goblins that were inside the tent.

The elder goblin that had accompanied them spoke.

"We did all that we could do for them, but their wounds… they're too deep."

Akari bounced to a wounded on the right column and thought.

'That is deeper than what I imagined it to be… I guess the dire wolves really are killing machines then.'

Rimuru on the other hand, had only one thought. "Now that's a lot of damage."

As Rimuru was about to try something that would immediately be misunderstood, Akari brought out a salve of the hipokute herb potion and slapped it a patient.

The patient's wounds healed at a visible rate as he waked up from the sudden splash.


The goblin noticed that all the wounds, all the pain he felt was no more.

Rimuru looked at the scene stupid struck.

He hadn't even thought of bringing the potion out of his body!

Rimuru had repeated the same process as what Akari did and soon, all 14 heavily wounded goblins were now up on their feet.

The elder goblin had opened his eyes for the second time this day, even though they were weary.

"Y-your wounds…" The elder goblin had spoken while his hand on his staff was shaking dearly in awe.

"You are magnificent, Rimuru-sama, Akari-sama." The goblins knelt down in worship.

Akari "blushed" at the compliments, not like they would see it. "Now, now. Stop it. You can complement me later. For now, we need to build a fence!"

Rimuru nodded and added. "Fortify the village's defences! We will need them in a defence type battle."

"Right." The elder goblin responded.

The goblins first worked on creating a sturdy fence while Rimuru and Akari set up string traps with "steel threads".

After that, Akari had set up a line of archers behind the wall, while Rimuru created all the necessary equipment for the archers.

After that, morning had ended.

Akari and Rimuru had also repaired the swords and other metal weapons of the goblins with magisteel if close quarters combat couldn't be avoided.

Rimuru also made some torches for the archers to see more clearly by Akari's suggestion.

Afternoon had passed as they readied.

And just before the sun set in the horizon, Rimuru and Akari did speeches that would make the morale go up and steel the goblins for the fight.

After that, Akari went on a long discussion with Rimuru and explain all that she had planned for tonight, and after.

As soon as the moon had reached high in the night sky, dire wolves also prepared to attack.

The leader of the dire wolves had perched up a jutting out rock formation together with his son.

"It's a fine night." The dire wolve boss grred.

"Veldora's protection has disappeared from this forest. We nothing to fear anymore."

"Tonight, we will destroy the goblin village and create a foothold in the Great Jura Forest!"


"We will rule this forest!"


"Our claws can tear up any monster apart, and our fangs can chew any monsters to pieces!"

The dire wolve boss howled and the others followed.


The dire wolves ran with their all.

They ran through the trees, not hitting any one due to their excellent vision.

They ran through the shadows, they are, the shadows…

The dire wolves ran swift and soon arrived at the village.

The pack stopped as they saw the village.

"Ha! What could such a flimsy fence do?"

A wolf with 2 different colours and a star on his head spoke. "Father…" pointing at the slimes at the entrance of what seemed to be a gate.

What stood in front of the said gate was 2 slimes.

One red, one blue.

"Slimes?" The dire wolf boss asked baffled.

"Turn back now, and we won't take any action."

"Leave this place at once!" The siblings announced.

The dire wolf boss trembled in rage and spoke.

"Insolence! No mere slime could order around dire wolves! Trample down that flimsy fence and spill the blood of those goblins!"

The dire wolves charged, and the goblins wavered.

"It's all right! Do not be afraid! Do your part best, because even if you die, you will be written down in eternity!" Akari promised.

The goblins hearing her voice, calmed down and burned their lives with newfound conviction.

They picked up and snowballed the courage and "strength" to fight.

The goblins released volleys of arrows, wave after wave as the dire wolves' numbers whittled down quickly.

Akari saw a corpse of a dire wolve nearby as a thought came to her mind. Akari approached and consumed the corpse with "Excess". Akari then used a subskill of Excess.


Akari transformed into a dire wolve of white with red streaks and challenged.

"Dire wolve boss! I challenge you to face me in a one in one confrontation! If you win, we will surrender. If I win, you and your pack will surrender!"

Akari had done this in order to minimize the number of casualties on both sides.

Akari had also thought of taming the dire wolves so they could work with the village.

Decreasing the number of casualties on both sides is important to the part of Akari's plan.

The dire wolve boss stepped up and spoke.

"I accept, I will avenge the dead you have desecrated!"

(A/n: I will now change "dire wolve boss" to "DWB")

Akari and the DWB charged at each other.

Akari had swiped at the DWB with her unique skill "pierce and cleave".

The DWB dodged the strike but was shocked the next second.

A wound had opened at his left leg. "Wha-what?!"

The DWB had dodged surely, but why did he have a wound?!

Akari, seeing the DWB's confusion smirk and explained.

"That is the effect of my unique skill, "pierce and cleave". If I strike at you with the right intent carried in the strike, you won't be able to dodge nor ignore the damage."

This was a major reason as to why Akari had bypassed unlimited imprisonment, but also the reason why it drained all of her magicules and almost left her dead back in the cave.

The skill takes the corresponding amount of magicules in order to pierce or cleave through defence, and it was sure that the dire wolve boss doesn't amount to much compared to her vast magicule reserves.


OH NO!!!

I'm so sorry!

I forgot, I really apologise for not following the updates earlier!

Again, I'm really sorry readers!

I hope you spare me some forgiveness.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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