
Hey isn't that bullied girl?

So the story of Lady's went as expected

Basically, her father became fascinated with spiritual users and Yokai. He wanted them too. So he begins to work with the organization to gain powers. He even helped create the Evoker...but it wasn't enough! he couldn't summon a persona himself.

He realized that only a few unique people can summon one...he grew mad from that...why couldn't he have one...Then he tried experiments he saw his loving wife and experimented on her with his data and she turned into a mad yokai. He loved it but he hated the fact she lost her sanity so he just let her lose in town. She begins to kill people. then he saw his cute daughter and experimented on her with an Esper (I'm calling everyone who is spiritual that)

He notices she couldn't handle much but was able to summon a persona, however, the effects caused her mind to go berserk...

The last time thing she remembers of her father is he sold his soul for the power to a devil and now host a powerful Yokai inside him.

Ryouta informed her that the organization has something to do with this Dark hour and he is investigating.

She asked if she could join but Ryouta refused instantly...


Not too much happened after that. Ryouta once sneaked into the high school again and notice there were the midterms...he also noticed that his cake comrade has a nice butt

Ryouta would spend some days going to classes, going shadow hunting, Playing basketball, tennis...he wasn't able to find a new ballroom partner through

He, of course, spent some time with Botan...

He wanted to spend time with Mari but she was in training. She couldn't be distracted


Like that a month had past

Ryouta was bored so he explored the streets. Lately, Ryouta helps the streets by destroying gang hideouts...it not like he pockets some of their money...He returns most of it to the cops...

Ryouta sees that there were three HS kids that seemed to be on the wrong area

Ryouta sighs and goes to help them out when he notices they are the SEES trio Lady, Yukari, and Junpei

One with a nose piercing tried to punch Lady but Ryouta comes out of nowhere and judo flips him

Ryouta: Guys I know its been a while but attacking me like that

Thug 1: Hey isn't that

Thug 2: Its the prince of darkness

Thug 3: Sorry we didn't know they were with you prince

They all were scared the even wet their pants and all started running

Ryouta: 'Prince of darkness...why am I called that'

He didn't realize that the gangs have spread his a secret video of him easily taking down a crime lord

They were there searching for information on girls being hospitalized.

Ryouta: Oh yeah I heard about that...Those girls bragged about how they were bullying a classmate of theirs named...Yamagishi...

Junpei: Oh...so she was bullied

Ryouta: Everyone thinks she summoned a vengeful spirit to attack everyone.

Yukari: Yamagishi vengeful spirit? What do you mean?

Ryouta: Don't you know? They say that she might be dead...

Junpei/Yukari: eh no way

Ryouta: Word has it that she hasn't come home in a week or so. But you guys are in the same class right? How come you don't know this?

Junpei rubs his goatee

Junpei: But we heard. She was out sick...

Ryouta: Well that's about all the information I have...

Yukari: Th-thank you very much

Ryouta: Geeze what are you guys doing here on the wrong side of town anyway...I don't want..." he blushes "Mikan would be sad if you guys got hurt

Yukari smiles

Yukari: Your a softy aren't you Ryouta-kun

Ryouta:....just be careful. Junpei-san make sure they get back safe alright

Ryouta disappears


***Lady POV***

The next school day we summoned the girl who was bullying Yamagishi. Kiriji-senpai explains what had to happen

Mitsuru: The day prior two students being found unconscious, The four of you had stayed inside the school. What were you up to? What did you do to Yamagishi?

Bully: We were just...We were just messing around!

What happened was she and her friends had taken up bullying Yamagishi, eventually thinking it would be fun to lock her in the school gym at night as a prank. She claims she enjoys messing with Yamagishi because it's "fun" and "She is easy to mess with"

Bully: My crew was worried the night she might commit suicide, so they went back to the school.

She starts crying

Bully: But they never came back!

Yukari: And they were found unconscious in front of the school the next day.

Bully: I was scared! I went to the gym to let her out but the door was still locked and when I opened it she had just vanished

Mitsuru: Vanished!? I see...did you noticed anything strange about your friends

Bully: Voices they heard voices

Mitsuru: There can be no doubt. We had always believed that there was no way of knowing who would fall into the Dark Hour. Seeing firsthand the damage they cause drives home one thing: The shadows are targeting humanity

Yukari: But why is Yamagishi-san missing

Junpei: The shadows are behind this right

Mitsuru: We'll recover Fuuka Yamagishi at all cost. She is most likely hasn't left the school building since she disappeared. I'll contact Kise and inform him

she looks at the bully

Mitsuru: as for you. We'll put you in protective services


Right now Ryouta is called to the roof again. It was Setsuna again

before Ryouta could dump her again she interrupts him

Setsuna: Wait! stop I'm not asking you out

Ryouta: Oh then what's going on?

Setsuna: I want to know what is your connection to the second head. You look like him in your demon form but normally you have so enormous spiritual aura, it makes me doubt the demonic aura I felt before'. I would think you with the organization but you seem to attack them...are you an illegitimate child of the second head.

Ryouta was kind of pissed off. He doesn't bother anyone of the Nura clan and they are bringing up annoying memories

Ryouta: Well simple. I am the biological brother 100% or Rikuo. No genetic modification or anything else. The second head and Rikuo's mother didn't want me so they sent me to live with her family...happy now.

Ryouta jumps all the roof and leaves school

Setsuna wonders what happened in the past and wonders if she asked too much.

Ryouta knew where he wanted to go.

He summons his yokai and teleports to see a beautiful girl about to go under a waterfall for her training.

She senses someone near and prepares to attack and sees Ryouta. First, she was shocked when she was happy...that girl was Mari

Mari: Ryou-kun I missed you so much

She jumps into his chest hugging him..

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