

A few years have past and the once peaceful place of Tempria has fallen. Three sisters must come together with some strange people to defeat the darkness that awaits them all.

GeekyCryBaby · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Episode 6

"Enough!" Margret stands between Morgan and Melody. "We're sisters for freak sake!" She looks at Morgan. "Micky,take her for a walk."

He nods. Walking towards her.

"Fine. But you need to talk some sense into her!" Morgan walks off with Micky.

Melody sighs. "I'm sorry.."

"Don't." Margret turns to her. "I understand."

"You do?" Kai looks confused at her.

Margret nods as she crosses her arms. "I trust you. I know its a long stretch but I know you. You wouldn't do this unless you knew in your heart that he was "good"."

Melody smiles. "Thank you." She looks over at Kai.

Kai walks beside her. "I'm also sorry for causing all this. I didn't mean any of it."

"Its okay. Just don't hurt her. Or I can't help what my sister does to you." Margret winks at him.

He chuckles nervously. "Understand."

*Next Scene*

"AHH!" Morgan punches a tree. "Why him? Why a vamp?!" She punches it again.

Micky sighs. "Listen, I know its not my place but-"

"Shut it!" Morgan turns to him. "If it wasn't for your stupid flying thing crashing here we probably wouldn't have this problem!" She punches the tree once again.

Micky bites his lip. "You never listen."

"What?" She stops. Looking at him angry.

"You!" He glares at her. "You don't listen to others!"

She walks towards him. Growling. Her teeth showing.

He gets a little nervous but stands his ground. "You need to listen to your sisters more."

"You don't get to-"

"I don't care." He gets more in her face. "Kill me. Or don't. I don't care."

She sees fire in his eye's.

"You care too much about them to realize that sometimes they don't need you to protect them sometimes." He stares down at her. He stands there expecting her to hit him but nothing.

Tears form in her eyes. She goes onto his chest. Sobbing.

He stands there shocked. "M-morgan?"

"I know.." She buries her face. "They just need me!"

He sighs. "I know.." He hugs her gently. "I get it. I do."

"You do?" She looks up at him.

He nods. "Yeah. I have younger siblings that I can't help but to protect." He chuckles.

Her eye's widen. He was kind of handsome when he smiled. Her cheeks burned. She quickly pushed away. "T-thanks." She says as she wipes her eye's.

He nods. "Anytime."

*Next Scene*

"So, you came here to find out more about your past?" Margret asks Kai as she examines the rock.

Kai looks at her nervous. She was messing with the rock that blocks the portal. "Y-yeah."

"You okay?" Melody asks him.

He nods. "Yeah. Hey what are you doing?"

Margret stops. "Oh. I'm just trying to figure out why this rock in general looks different than the rest." She moves her hands over the rock. "I mean look at the markings."

"You know.." Melody jumps up. Walking towards her. "It kind of looks like the rock from the stories mom and dad use to tell us." She too looks at it.

"Say, it really does." Margret bites her lip. Thinking.

Melody bends down. Moving her hand down at the bottom. "So weird.."

"Hey, Melody I wouldn't touch it if I were you" Kai walks to her.

"No...I'm fine.." Her eyes shinning as she moved more.

"Melody!" Margret yells as she sees her sisters hand bleeding. She goes to touch her but Kai stops her. "Hey!"

"Don't!" He looks at Melody worried.

Margret looks at her too worried.

Kyle goes to them. "Whats happening?"

Margret's eyes widen. "Oh my god.."

"What?" Kyle looks confused.

"OH MY GOD!" Margret walks back. Still looking at the rock. "It can't be.." She stares at it.

"What? What is happening woman?!" Kyle goes to her.

"Look!" Margret focus his head to the rock. "When we were little our parents told us about a portal to the other world." She smiles. "I can't believe we never found it! I mean I've tried but never..." She bites her lip.

"A-a portal?" Kyle looks scared. "You mean to-"

"Different dimensions." Kai answers him.

Margret looks at him. "You knew. Didn't you?"

He nods. "Yes."

"You been trying to open it haven't you?" She looks at the moved rock. "But you failed."

"Why? Was he not strong enough?" Kyle looks at her.

She shakes her head. "No. That's not it." She looks at Melody. "It needs the blood of a decedent of the ones that locked it."

Melody doesn't move.

"Yes." Kai clutches his fists.

"And you just let her do it? You were going to use her! Weren't you!?" Margret yells at him.

Micky and Morgan look at one another when they hear yelling.

"Damn!" Morgan runs back into the woods.

Micky follows.

"I didn't want to do that to her.." Kai shakes his head.

"Yeah right!" Margret dumps her bag. She goes through it.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to hurt him?" Kyle looks at her confused.

Margret talks to herself as she throws things out of her way.

"Margret?" Kyle groans.

"We can't do anything. Once it cut her she can't be helped." Kai looks over at Melody. "I wish it wasn't you." He bites his lip.

"What happened?" Micky and Morgan approach them.

Morgan looks at Melody. "NO!" She growls. She jumps off the small cliff, turning into her wolf form. She jumps onto Kai.

"MORGAN! NO!" Micky yells. He jumps down. Running to her.

"Come on Margret!" Kyle goes to her level.

She continues to talk to herself.

Morgan slings Kai against the rock.

"STOP!" Micky runs in front of her. "Stop this!"

She growls. "NO! HE DID THIS!"

"Morgan this isn't you!" Jason shakes his head. "Maybe he can explain himself."

Kai stands up slowly. Sort of hurt. "Crap.."

Morgan looks at Kai than back at Jason.

"Don't.." Micky swallows hard. Nervous.

She turns back into her human form. "Fine." She glares at Kai. "You better start explaining." She turns around.

"Bitch.." Kai says under his breath.

Micky turns around. Punching Kai in the face. "Don't say that."

Kai coughs. "Why?!"

Micky turns around. He sees Morgan smirking.

"I GOT IT!" Margret yells.

Everyone looks at her.

She notices Morgan. "Hey. When did you get here?"

Morgan rolls her eyes. "What did you figure out?"

"Right!" Margret goes to Melody.

"Is she going to be okay?" Kai asks.

"Like you care." Morgan walks over to her sisters.

"Both of you shut it. I'm trying to do something." Margret looks at Melody.

Melody's eye's were colorless. Her skin also losing it's color.

"Don't die on me now.." Margret says nervous.