
Temping devil

After long years of hiding from the person who gave her nightmares after nightmares.Emma is back in high school again.little did she know her childhood bully and schools bad boys will be back in her life as well. Oh boy!! How is she going to cope again..? Read more to find out..

Vic_To_Ria · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


I got home really tired and hungry,I went straight to my room,I really needed quietness.

"Emmy!"I heard my mom knocking on my bedroom door.

"Yes mom,I'm here"I walked lazily and opened the door then my mom came in.

"How was your first day?"She asked me excitedly.


"I'm glad to hear that"I felt bad because I lied,it wasn't that really bad though."I'm going out tonight"my mom said."Dinner is in the fridge"


"Are you not invited anywhere"she said worriedly.


"Then make sure to do the dishes afterwards!"mom warned.

"Yeah yeah".

Mom kissed me and left for the exit,my mom had more exciting social life than me.I felt devastated I lazily went downstairs to eat something.


It was dawn everywhere seems so magical.i lad on my bed,I was reading astronomy I contradicted earlier,silly me.I suddenly heard noises from the streets,how weird I thought.i got up from bed and stood by my window there were lot of people outside it was like they are having a....party.i saw two girls earlier who were arguing about Carter they were heading for the building the music was coming from,I suddenly saw the girl I spoke to earlier about her fish,she was sneaking to the party.i got out and asked some students what was going on,they said what I couldn't believe.

It was Carter's party.

And he lived there.


I was horrified,I felt like puking right now,my heart started beating fast again.


Carter is my neighbor?!

I saw the girl from earlier sneaking into the house,I heard her name was Sophia,I didn't know what happened but I followed her,then I stopped.

Holy sh*t,is Carter really my neighbor?

My life just became more miserable,but then something occured me.


I can't just let her walk into the lion's den,Carter is ruthless.if he finds her she's dead,I took In deep a deep breath and walked in slowly,I need to find her first!

I remembered I didn't change my dress I was putting on a sweet pants and a jacket.I looked awful!

It was cozy out here,I gather up courage and walked in boldly.i was caught off guard when I entered Carter's place,not only was it humongous and made our house look like a shack-

But seeing all these people my age, dancing, drinking and screaming idiotic things.it unlocked a new fear inside me.i stopped walking and stood in the entrance like an awkward fool.i had to restrain myself from taking steps back and running back to my cozy room, being home schooled for several years had put social anxiety on me.

As if I wasn't like that even before home school.i was never once invited to a party before.i never met up with friends to"have some fun".

Are his parents just okay with this....?,it was weird, really weird.Anyway I gotta find Sophia....

I needed to be careful, knowing whose house I was in, notably not invited,I better make sure not to attract His attention.

Why the hell are there so many people here?!

Then some one bumped into me,it was a guy."shit! are you okay?"he asked worriedly.

"Yes... I'm fine"

He was really staring at me now in a silly way."Do we know each other?"

"I don't think so"

"I'm Julian,and you?"


"You look pretty "Julian said in a slightly drunken voice.hopefully he will forget my name by tomorrow I concluded."I need to go now....so-"

"Where to?"Julian asked."Why don't we talk a bit more,I haven't met a girl this pretty in a long time "he said with a smile.

"Oh...thank you"I blushed."But I still need to live,I'm looking for someone"

"Your boyfriend?"Julian asked shyly.

"Yes,my Boyfriend"I lied.

"Dang.....here I thought I had a shot"he cursed.

Well.... he's actually kinda cute.i heard a girl exclaimed"Julian! what are you doing?!"I was caught aghast,she angrily walked towards me and Julian,I guessed he was shocked too."Rebecca"

She gave me a cold, suspicious look.i recognized her,oh sh*t.. one of the cheer leaders.

"Are you flirting with this girl?"Rebecca asked coldly.

"We just talked,chill"Julian said he was scared.is that his... girlfriend?I


I looked at him,maybe he's not so cute after all."Aren't you that new girl?"Rebecca asked with disgust.I got frightened,I wanted to lie that I wasn't new and I was invited but instead"I'm"just came out from my mouth poor me.

"Yes,yes you are"she mocked."Are you even invited,new girl"


"I can't even believe it,who do you think you are to just invite yourself to Carter's party?"

Some people stared,I need to make a move like I need to run now!

I ran as far as my leg could carry me,I was weird.i found myself in an hallway and I mistakenly bumped in two love birds kissing."Oh sorry"I apologized and ran off again.i walked into a room and yelled"Sophia..."There was no response,I yelled again."Sophiiiia?"same no response.

Wait! is this... Carter's bedroom?

There was footsteps approaching this room,oh my goodness,what will I do, I got scared.Then I did a panic dance,how stupid of me.i need to hide!!

I hid in one of his closets,great Emma!!

Now you're hiding inside Carter Davis closet.


I saw Carter and a pretty fair skinned girl entered the room...they were kissing badly.


And who is that girl with him...?

Oh it's that one popular cheer leaders... right