
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

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Meanwhile Tec Finally went home and Liz along with the Pets In the living room watching Tv are waiting for Him when he Teleported Right in front of the Tv

"... Welcome Home. " Said Liz

" Mmm I'm Home " Said Tec as he slowly walk towards Liz giving her a Kiss along with a Hug

" Oh... This is something new... did you learn this when you go to an adventure? " asked Liz

" Indeed i learned it to a Guy i killed " Said Tec

" I see... you've changed So.how many have you killed this time? "

" Why ask when you already know? "

" 893,937,288,093,185 Beings This time huh... The System Actually gives you Alive People to play with... " said Liz

" These People Help me for 3 Billion Year's Teaching me New stuff and as well dying for me even though the system created them They are Still Alive and I killed them for my own personal use," said Tec

" That's right you did kill them for a Child you didn't know you lost your Self for something so insignificant and killed millions upon millions Life for something so Insignificant to this place an Ant that everyone capable of killing but I'm glad you did as you still have human left in you. " Said Liz as she Hugs Tec Tighter than before

" Human huh..."

" And One more thing stop scaring our pets " said Liz

" Huh? What do you mean by that? " asked Tec

" Your Auro the air around you will make everyone Fear you even though you're not doing anything it's because the countless battles and killing you've been through it's emitting out even if you try suppressing it and your scars looks good on you " said Liz

" Hmm but how do I change my Aura then? I've been killing for 3 billion years I've learned a lot of things but I didn't learn this kind of thing "

" Just let that be it will go away eventually and as for the pest ill cast something to prevent them from feeling scared "

" Thanks I guess... And how long was I away? " asked Tec

" 3 Months," said, Liz

" Couple months? Must be a time delay? "

" you could say that " Said Liz

" I see... I'll go out for a minute to check what's happening to the company. " said Tec as he Walks outside and Teleport Right into Leonard Office that's on the Highest floor on Tec H.Q.

" Leonard... It's good to see you... " Said Tec but Leonard seems to die on the spot

" A-A-AH My Lord! Your Back! I'm glad that you are back! " said Leonard who's Kneeling and didn't dare to look Tec Eyes right now his Body is Telling Him to Run or else he will die But Leonard Still stay

" Forgive me, Leonard, I see that you're affected by me... " said Tec as he Protected Leonard using his Energy and Leonard can now finally Move freely

" my lord once again I'm glad that you're finally back... Said, Leonard

" Mmm Tell me the situation of the company and the Vr Game as well our Hunters "

" Our Company is doing Well these couple of months our company have been recognize to be the Successful Company of all time and many Smaller companies want to join us as for the Vr Many Government Officials still want out Vr And they want to use our Vr to their Military training and of course I rejected them all by saying I don't have the privilege to give them The Vr and Slowly The world depending on the Vr to make Money and do business and the Exchange rate of the Gold in Vr is not $100 dollar for 1 Gold as many seem to Value in-game Currency and of course in-game currency can be now use in our store around the world as of the Hunters Some of them start playing the Vr and some still do training same of the 10 main Members "

" Hmm much faster than I thought. Do the same as always don't give any country government the Vr if they threaten you Call the main team to clean them up "

" Yes my Lord "...

" Hmm Good I'm going now.... Stay healthy Leonard Don't work too hard human Life is short enjoy it while you can," said Tec as he Teleports back to his home in Japan


" Welcome back" Said Liz who's still watching Tv in the Living room

" Thanks " said Tec as he walk toward their Sofa to sit Side Liz along with the pets

" so how's your company going? " asked Liz

" Quite good... Leonard is doing his Job too well that in a couple of years Government money will collapse and only Gold In The Vr will be useable as Money in every country is dropping quite fast "

" is that so... Anyway, what's the game name? It's been out for quite some time, now and the game still doesn't have a name " Said Liz

" oh? How come I didn't think about that... Anyway, let's just name it Hope: The game of Life... This Vr game is Pretty much like the Real World Except the magic and GUI System they have in the Vr but that will all change as the " Guest " from other world are going to try and conquer this planet " said Tec

" How long Till they arrive? "Hope" already Trained these humans how to handle monster," said Liz

" I know... But that's not enough to survive when the first wave comes they will die immediately unless they are awakened but they might get lucky as the world will turn into a game soon "


" Anyway I'm going to meditate for a while... " said Tec as he stands up

" Okay I'm going to Us with the pets," said Liz as she changes her outfit with Magic

" Mmm see you later then. " said Tec as he walks towards their room and Liz then Teleports to Us