

He wandered home hunched and cold, the ice crunched underneath his feet as he crossed the empty street. The keys clinked and jangled as he tried to grab them. He fumbled through the depths of his pocket, pushing past wrappers and polos. Finally he grabbed a small grey key and pulled it from his pocket. It was small in size but dense and heavy. He forced it into the lock and twisted sharply. He walked in and brushed the snow off his long jacket before placing on a hanger and wandering into the main room. Across from him was a sofa which was slightly torn and decrepid but well worn with affection. He sat apon it and stared up at his cream coloured ceiling. The vague patterns shifting as he stared, each bit of paint was a wave swishing and lapping up against another in the meaningless void that was his cream coloured ceiling. He hesitated then pulled his head off the back of the sofa. He got up and lumbered to the kitchen. "AH shetballs" he exclaimed as he rubbed his foot "ye feck'n door frame" and hobbled past into the kitchen. He reached to the top cupboard and pulled out some insta noodle which he popped in the microwave and set to 3 minutes. He sat on his sofa and turned on the TV. The news was blaring on about some stupid killer on the loose murdering random people without any connection between them. He sat their and drifted into space where blankness filled his mind. Finally he snapped back into reality. His brow furrowed. He checked his watch. 11:34. "huh thats weird" he said he looked over the sofa into the kitchen. The microwave was still humming but now he had 5 minutes left instead of three. He pondered... "ah shet" he shouted and instantly jumped behind the sofa as a flat disk buried itself in the arm of his sofa. He peered over to see a man in a black trench coat with a purple aura around his fists and forearms. He slumped back down and called " hey i know yer one of us types but i mean ye kinda stealin my look wit ye black coat n hat"


"look mate i know yer tryna look super spooky n eerie n all that, but i mean its making communication very hard plus my noodles are getin overcooked"


"oh feck it" he sighed and poofed into a cloud of smoke and reappeared behind the man holding a microwave before smashing it over their head. They blacked out.

If u hadn't guessed already the dude is scottish

And my chapters come out randomly so no promises as to when the next one will appear (probably when im bored)

Oh and notify me if u see any gramatical or spelling errors.

Or if the writings just trash

ralphharrigonicreators' thoughts
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