
New equip

He stored some of the meat in the fridge, although there was no electricity they would rot slower as they weren't exposed to the outside temperature. In the night, he'd open it to let the cold air preserve it longer. These were ones he'd cook over the next few days to feed himself between training.

As for the rest of it, he dried them under the sun to release any moisture from it, even though it wasn't efficient it was all he had. Then he would hang them up in a small hut made out of mud,there he would burn rambutan shells and branches under them. These would come out with a smoky and sweet flavor and would stop them from rotting over long periods of time, ending up like dried jerky he'd eat while hunting.

One of his issues now was that he didn't have any equipment to use, although he had gained so many materials like bones and hides, he hadn't used them yet.

Firstly, he was sure his spears were inadequate and could barely help him defend. Taking the boar beast leg bones which were still intact he thought of how to process them. Turning his head, he looked at panda who was laying on the floor with it's paws patting it's belly and it's one back leg twitching in satisfaction.

Coming close, he set a wrap trap under it which instantly activated just as it was about to turn to ask what Zhao Wei was doing. In an instant it was wrapped up again.

"Sorry man, if you eat, you need to work for it." Zhao Wei smiled kindly while carrying it.

In it's bundle it quivered and let out many of it's squeaks as if asking anyone to call the police and to report a kidnapping.

In 2 hours he'd had 5 bone spears in front of him, although he called them spears, they resembled spikes better than spears as it was just a clean curve from edge to edge on this thing. He'd only managed to gather 3 bones from the boar's body but took two more from the lizard's bones.

They were thinner than his wooden spears, at their thickest part in the middle, they were only as big as dollar coin. But Zhao Wei made a nice modification to them, on each spear on one of the edges, he'd carve a hook perpendicular to the edge of the spear, making it so that if he threw it and it pierced a beast, it's be difficult to pull out. Even if the beast did pull it out, it'd have taken a chunk of flesh with it.

Next he took one of his friend's left behind camping bags which was quite long, extending from the the top of the head all the way to the bottom a grown man's butt. Stripping the outer layer such as, pockets and zippers, he was left with a long pouch. He added bones to the corners to build something like a frame to keep the bag in a rectangular box shape.

He'd never skinned anything before, but he was able to practice and think up ways by using the two underling lizard's bodies for practice, Panda saw Zhao Wei doing this and vowed to never let itself be killed by Zhao Wei lest it get turned into a pouch after it's death.

Using the lizard boss skin which he was able to cut cleanly, he stitched it on the outside of the pouch. Any holes he couldn't cover with the material, he covered with the patches of skin he cut off in his trial and errors.

Once he was done, he covered the hole on the top and stitched it up as well, gaining a square compartment the size of his short spears, cutting the side of this leather compartment, he stitched two layers of skin on either side tightly, allowing them to overlap like lips in the middle.

He created this as a sort of quiver on his back for his short spears, the slit in the side was where he'd be able to take out or put in the spears as it would only open if enough pressure was applied and would allow him to roll in battle without the spears falling all over the ground.

Once he was satisfied, he reattached the pouches he had stripped before, though they now had layers of skin stitched on the outside. For one, it did make it more durable, as he was planning to use them for long trips and required them for battle, if they tore in the middle, he'd have a nuisance on him.

But if he was being honest, it just looked really cool this way. As a small time gamer, Zhao Wei had been scolded by his parents as he'd been addicted to buying skins though he wasn't any good at the game.

He added two straps to the side of the bag. This was just to hold the staff, although it was just a staff of wood, it had saved his life in battle, making him have an attachment to it.

The boar hide on the other hand could cover two and a half king sized beds and Zhao Wei had many uses for it. For halloween as a child, he used to make his costumes alongside his parents, so he could make a simple jacket and pants as well as a belt he tied on his waist. It didn't it him like it was tailor made, and it wasn't beautiful by far. but it made him comfortable to wear them as the thin fur regulated the temperature so that it was neither warm nor cold at any time.

A final touch was that he'd broken the lower jaw of the boss lizard beast which was the size of a parang [1], wrapping a long strip of boar skin on the end, he'd made a make shift short sword for himself to use in battle. The other, he'd use for cooking only.

Altogether, he now looked like a serious hunter with all the trophies hung around his body as equipment.

1. Parang is a medium blade weapon usually used to hack forestry to enter and exit the forest.

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