
Tea Sipping Young Master

[ Note: Please do not read the last 2 chapters because they are just a bunch of crap made to fill the word count. Well, this novel has potential in my personal opinion but I think that I cannot continue it, at least not right now. ] What you will most likely get to experience; – Deep Philosophy – Political struggle – Mild SciFi – Warfare – Brilliant Strategies – Multiple POVs – Cosmic Horror —— "What is the qualification for ruling the world?" The voice which seemed to resonate from the deepest depths of abyss rang out. Soon, a reply surfaced — "Dignity. The dignity for people to govern one another." "A good answer. But my answer is different." "May I ask what that is?" "The willingness to destroy." "Destroy?" "The world... And even yourself!" — Amidst the chaotic expanse of the Universe, consumed by the relentless clutches of endless conflict, the eternal struggle between the Two Hegemonic Existences, the Eternal Empire and the Human Dao Alliance, engulfs all. However, a glimmer of hope arises in the form of an unknown man, named Luo Yin, whose destiny holds the key to a fateful turning point. In this cosmic maelstrom of destruction, where the cries of the Universe echo and the essence of humanity teeters on the brink of decay, the yearning for peace and salvation resounds louder than ever. As alliances fracture and factions vie for dominance, a sense of urgency drives those weary of warfare to seek an end to the bloodshed. Yet, concealed within the depths of the unknown, lies a revelation waiting to be unveiled—a revelation that could change the course of history forever. Will the fractured cosmos find a path to reconciliation, and will the weary combatants ever discover what lies beyond the horizon of their war-torn existence? ————————————————————— [ Synopsis is Still Under Construction ] [ This is a Work of PURE FICTION ] Was it confusing to read? Was it Interesting? Do tell... (*﹏*;) I am but a simple student right now as such I hope that readers understand if there's any delay in Chapters! Hope you all Enjoy!!

Dao_Ancestor_ · Fantasi
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63 Chs

Even The Virtuous Saints Sometimes Fall From Grace

Admiral Mu Kongdong nodded in agreement with a slight smile. "Indeed, the senior's words are astute," he said, acknowledging Li Mingze's observation.

Luo Yin, spoke up with a thoughtful expression. "It is indeed true. Some of us fight for our livelihood, while others fight with unwavering passion to protect our values and ideals. That, I believe, encapsulates the motivations of both Empire and Alliance Admirals gathered here today."

Li Mingze nodded, his eyes glinting with interest. "Well then, let me pose another question." He paused for a moment before continuing.

"Why not simply quit? If defeat is inevitable, why not concede?" he asked, fixing his gaze on the Admirals of the Alliance gathered in the Grand Pavilion.

Vice Admiral Jia Lin of the Alliance responded, his voice tinged with annoyance. "We cannot simply concede defeat without putting up a fight. The Alliance boasts formidable fleets and skilled Admirals. Underestimating our own capabilities would be a mistake."

Li Mingze's piercing gaze locked onto Vice Admiral Jia Lin as he posed a thought-provoking question. "Is that truly enough?" he asked, his voice resonating with conviction.

Vice Admiral Jia Lin found himself at a loss for words, unable to provide a suitable response.

Li Mingze pressed on, his voice firm. "What about the lives lost in this war? Who will be held accountable for the soldiers who have sacrificed their lives? Are you willing to shoulder that responsibility? Are you even capable of doing so?" he inquired, his words weighted with gravity.

Li Mingze's probing questions hung in the air, leaving the gathered Admirals of the Alliance silent and contemplative.

He continued, his tone unwavering. "Are you fighting for mere ideals or just for your own livelihood? In which category do you place yourself?" His gaze remained fixed on Vice Admiral Jia Lin, who struggled to find a reply.

Seeing Vice Admiral Jia Lin's struggle, with unwavering composure, Admiral Mu Kongdong interjected, his voice steady and resolute, "What Senior says is valid, but can Senior assure us that if the people of the Alliance simply surrendered to the Empire, their rights wouldn't be violated? Can you guarantee the preservation of their human rights?"

For a moment, Li Mingze turned his gaze towards the Admirals of the Empire, probing Luo Yin for an answer.

In reply, Luo Yin simply shook his head with uncertainty.

Li Mingze let out a weary sigh and fixed his gaze on Admiral Mu Kongdong, his expression contemplative. "Indeed, it's a complex dilemma. However, let's consider a hypothetical scenario. If the human rights of the Alliance were assured, would they be willing to concede?" he queried, his tone measured and thoughtful.

Admiral Mu Kongdong shook his head solemnly, his expression tinged with a hint of sadness. "They most likely won't," he replied with a resigned smile.

Li Mingze leaned in, intrigued to hear more. "Please continue," he urged, eager to understand Admiral Mu Kongdong's perspective.

Admiral Mu Kongdong took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding. "Well, even if the citizens of the Alliance were guaranteed human rights under the Empire in the event of surrender, it's unlikely that the Alliance's governing body would accept it," he explained.

Li Mingze furrowed his brow, puzzled. "But why would that be the case? Wasn't the Alliance originally founded centuries ago due to issues related to human rights? Why would they be against it now?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Admiral Mu Kongdong's voice held a somber tone as he spoke, his words carefully chosen. "It seems the senior has done his research thoroughly," he remarked, nodding in approval.

"You are correct. The Alliance was initially formed with noble intentions, driven by a sense of justice that coursed through the veins of its people. However, times have changed, and the current Alliance entity may not be much different from the Despotic Imperials."

He took a moment to pause, as if weighed down by the gravity of his words.

"The insidious nature of corruption often accompanies positions of power," Admiral Mu Kongdong continued, his expression grave.

"And when power becomes absolute, corruption can take hold in its most insidious and pervasive forms, leading to irreversible consequences."

He cast a glance around the room, his eyes locking with those of his fellow Admirals, as if to emphasize the severity of the situation.

"In such a scenario, surrendering to the Empire has no chances to ever take place, as the governing body of the Alliance itself may be so entrenched in corruption that it would naturally be unwilling to accept even the most favorable terms for the people's rights," Admiral Mu Kongdong concluded, his voice resolute.

Li Mingze's contemplative gaze held steady as he absorbed Admiral Mu Kongdong's words. "So, it appears that even the once virtuous leaders of the Alliance have not remained immune to the insidious grasp of corruption," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of disappointment.

Admiral Mu Kongdong nodded solemnly, his expression grave. "Indeed. Those in positions of power are often reluctant to relinquish their authority and opulent lifestyle," he stated, his voice tinged with cynicism.

"They become accustomed to the privileges that come with their positions, and the allure of wealth and authority can be all-consuming, blinding them to the welfare of their people."

He leaned in slightly, his eyes filled with earnestness. "It's a harsh reality, but power can corrupt even the noblest of intentions, tarnishing the once lofty ideals that the Alliance was founded upon," Admiral Mu Kongdong added, his words carrying a weight of wisdom born from experience.

Luo Yin concurred with a nod, acknowledging the unfortunate reality of human nature. "Indeed, it is a challenge to find individuals who possess true virtue. It is a pursuit that requires discernment and effort."

"Well, in any case, I wouldn't be joining an Imperial Nation where the right to make any and all decision for the masses ultimately falls into the hands of a single entity who is not bound by any laws." Mu Kongdong stated with a firm look on his complexion.

"Haha, It's only natural that you wouldn't be willing. No one, in this world would be foolish enough to throw their Free Will into an endless pit to live under a dictatorship." Luo Yin thought. "That is also a factor which further causes harm to Unity. The Alliance, although corrupted, doesn't allow any dictator to rise. I don't think that they will be willing to co-operate with me either."

Li Mingze, as though reading his mind, fixed his gaze on Luo Yin with a smile on his face, his curiosity piqued. "Well then, allow me to ask you, how do you propose we address this predicament? Surely, you don't wish for this seemingly war of futility to persist even further than it already has," he inquired.

In response, Luo Yin smiled and said, "None." He said, maintaining a diplomatic tone.

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