
tbate-The Northern Blade

this my first story so there will most likely be a bunch of bad grammar. the cover isn't my image so if the crater wont it down just contact me and i will take it down .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... this story is about a man getting reincarnated in the beginning after the end with some wishes.

MadOtter · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

chapter 8

-POV Alea

As I stood in front of the boy named Max I felt a sense of nostalgia because he reminded me of my little brother.

My little brother died in a accident a couple of weeks ago so when elder Virion came to my asking me to test the sword skills of a child instantly thought that this was a ploy to get me to cheer up but I couldn't be more wrong.

As as soon as we got on to the training ground his hole temperament changed he went from a child who did't no anything about the world to the greatest swords master the world has ever seen.

I looked at him and said "you already know my name so what yours?" He then looked at me and said with a smile "my name is Max."

"Then Max let's have a good fight." I said

"That we shall." He said before getting in to a stance.

-POV 3rd person

As the two fighters got ready Virion raised his hand and then swung it down while simultaneously saying "go".

In the same instant the two Max disappeared from his position before appearing besides Alea swinging his mana infused blade which she put up her blade to block. When the blades meta purple and green aura expanded sending wind all around the area.

As the sword separated Alea quickly when on the attack with Max blocking her strikes with a reverse hand grip on the hilt.

Just then Max's hole aura changed and before appearing behind Alea at speed that surpassed his speed before. When he stepped it was like the world had went quiet until he shifted his sword and a purple flash appeared and Alea sword shattered.

-POV Max

It's been four days since the training with Alea i could tell that she didn't really try in the fight and the only reason I was able to get the upper hand is because she suppressed her core don to my level which is light red and my swordsmanship is at a higher level than hers.

In the days that followed I had a visit from Art and Tess the said that they had come to see my why I was asleep.

I ask Art about how he was going to tell his parents that he is alive. I ask him that because that was his main concern and didn't want to look suspicious by not mentioning it. He said that he had already told his parents that he was alive.

As I got up from my bed I went through my day as nominal.

And just like that three years passed

(AN sorry if it feels a bit rushed it's just that I have Lott more ideas for after this ark so it will be a lot better passing from the next chapter onwards. Thank you for reading)