
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Fantasi
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39 Chs

CHP28 The Hunting Trials Of The Covenant Part II

"Long time no see. SARGON"

"Bryant Ivar !!!", exclaimed Sargon & Reeve together.

There after the fog was washed away by the wind Sargon and his team could clearly see these individuals.

The first speaker among them was a young lady dressed in a Gothic bright color long Skirt paired with a red top. . She had pointy Dark Ears which supported her Elegant almost Regal Crownlike Golden Hairband. 

She had Light Indigo colored Smooth skin with the hairs of almost glowing light Azure Jade color. Down that in the middle of her Forehead was a small minimalist yet intricate, beautiful Design of Phoenix Dot which girls of Nashirah referred to as a 'Phoenix Bindu' .

However what stood out amongst all her foreign features was that she had a pair of Eyes that had Deep Golden Yellow Concentric Circles on the otherwise Light Purple Background with a Deep Black Pupils at its epicenter. There was no distinction between her Iris and her Sclera with both being a part of the same system. 

She was a Darvik. She was from the One of the Heroic Elderkin Race that had guided the Nashirah in the period of Darkness of the Draconic Reins. But that was now all in the past.

"Damn! So that's the Legendary Eye of Samsara which is so acclaimed in the Martial world of River and Lakes.", despite living in the capital of the Republic this was the first time he had laid eyes on the Darvik properly from head to toe in Full View because of the Segregation Nature of Darviks that preferred to make a living within their own communities.

The Other individual Man was also lightly unique in this Aspect.

He had Bright Golden Sun like Hair with already a Beard like stubble that was visible. His Blue eyes were however Deep and Calm like Jade and the Sea.Combined with his Olive Tanned like Skin he was literally a Blond Beast of Prey: Tall, Dark & Handsome.

He was wearing a loose collarless tunic shirt paired with a Loose Pants that went Baggier the further down it went.From the waist down he was covered by Pteruges ; a defensive Skirt-like luxury fashion item composed of Multiple Vertical Strips.

This appearance and the stubble showcasing the Initial stage of growing beard for a 12 year old boy meant only one thing.He was a Shunryu Human, One of the 4 prominent Sub-species of Human famous for being an Essence Body Cultivator.

The normal one among this group was our old enemy , Bryant Ivar, an Arch Demon with wings yet to flourish. A being with the mana pool second only to the Elves of the elderkins. 

Bryant Ivar was there standing wearing normal Pure White Shirt and Pants with Golden and Red Linings with his Blood Origin Wand on his own hand that was particularly tailored to the Fire Magicians. 

"Now Now Now. Shall we not entertain you puny Mudborns to return the favor of your lackluster performance back there. Truly what a DUll Idea for the Royal Hunt", Bryant snickered on these team without balance,"HERE I COME be ready to get your ass Whipped SARGooooN"

Suddenly the calm peace was broken and Air crackled with an imminent clash of elements.Bryant Ivar, wielder of flames , stood tall with his wand ablaze, casting flickering shadows across the background.



Two Chakrams were suddenly charging towards Sargon with each deflection and parry pushing him further back .

"They don't have a proper mage. Just half Mages. Let's Attack from a distance." , the smart Darvik young lady gave her suggestions , "Ronal, you act as a tank and block Close Range Attacks while I will support you through Mid Range. Bryant, keep on throwing them FireBalls ".

"Yes Devyani", the duo acclaimed and went to their acting positions.

On the opposite side Sargon and his team- Kalid, Suwevh and Reeve braced for a Trial they had not anticipated. They had let their Sense of Carefulness & Defense go down just cause Killing each other was prohibited. 

Sargon realized that he was especially at fault here since he was taking this trial with Joyful Laughing like Seriousness. Having been the most mature of the Group he had to take responsibility here.

While he was thinking of a counter plan they were still getting pushed back, this time the absence of a mage had truly left them vulnerable.

"Kalid, although you are water elemental, it is better for you to tackle Ronal- Shunryu Human instead of Bryant . Suwevh & Reeve you guys keep Devyani busy , attack her at close range but remember not to look into her eyes or else you may fall into illusions and even I won't be able to save you. ", Sargon Charged with a War cry, "Bryantttt, Here I come."

Kalid was the first to jump in towards Ronal with a huge swing that separated Ronal from the intact team formation that was maintained.

Taking this opportunity Sargon executed his Essence Subduing FlameSaber's 3rd Form : Bursting Flame Sweep towards the Duo of Bryant and Devyani further damaging their team dynamics . Kalid and Reeve used the opening and went all Heavy on the Darvik young lady.

This all happened in mere split seconds leaving some considerable damage to the unprepared Byant and his Team. This smooth execution was commendable.

"Let's Savor this One on One match Sargon", there was a tint of recklessness in Bryant .

Dad said to focus more on passing the test clearly without any hiccups or else I could have some trouble waiting at Home. FUck that Elder Brother Leo always taunting me. As Bryant was going through his inner monologue, his palm unconsciously had reached his right side of face. When he became aware he shivered from spine up.

What is he thinking, that I don't care about the Prestige of my House? I Shall achieve Vengeance and establish the honor of my House today .

"You are going to get slapped Hard for spoiling our Hunt", Sargon spit back the word along with a wrathful Flaming Saber.

The fighting slowly turned chaotic without any actual rhythm or tactics.

Kalid was doing his best to dodge or parry what seemed to be a simple punch or Kicks by Ronal.

While the side of Reeve and Suwevh was surprisingly more optimistic with them gaining the edge over the opponent with Devyani being barely able to handle all the short range twin sword attacks by Suwevh in addition to precise unending arrows. Her 3 Flying Chakrams's ability to lift off the pressure was, after all, limited due to these combined attacks.

Bryant and Ivar were however equally matched. 

Bryant approached the practice of converting mana into skills with unwavering focus. Utilizing his Blood Origin Wand, he channeled the essence of mana through intricate Hand Signals and Mudras. 

Uniquely, he infused his method with a Chanting Resonance technique. While chanting, Bryant synchronized the mana flows into harmonic vibrations, elevating the conversion process. This not only extended the duration of the mana's influence but also enhanced almost perfect execution of Low-level Magic skills .

Although Bryant wasn't having a conversation with Sargon unlike his teammates they were the ones talking more deeply for Actions speak louder than words.

His serious demeanor mirrored the depth of his commitment, as he seamlessly orchestrated the convergence of ancient techniques and contemporary resonance principles to master the art of spellcasting.

Combined with the Superior Quality Knowledge about the Mana Cultivation and his Hard work , Sargon was sure that if he got serious he could easily handle Bryant while simultaneously attacking & disrupting the tempo of Bryant's teammates.

Alas, sometimes one thinks too much of Oneself while belittling the others.

Sargon was slowly being pushed back. This was getting more and more dangerous for him who is monstrously effective in close range attacks while he was just your average kid with average talent in terms of long range mana Impact all thanks to there not being proper Martial SKills outside the body in the inheritance of Darth Reliance Master for beginners levels. 

Bryant was slowly getting more joyful with every passing clash between them. 

Nonetheless there was something in the back of his head telling to finish this single fight as soon as possible. Although he didn't expressed it, Bryant was surprised that some MudBorn Hybrid Creature could still go hand in hand with himself , who had been trained by experts since birth , has taken in huge amounts of Pills , Potions and Elixir to increase his Mana Well and strengthened his Mana Channels.

For the first time he was thinking that it was no fluke that he had lost in their early teen encounter. He couldn't exactly put fingers on it but there was something special about him.

Sargon even in this situation made sure to look for his team mates in between and analyze their situation. This further increased the vigilance of Bryant Ivar.

Kalid was also starting to show signs of exhaustion in his battle. Sargon appeared disturbed. For a moment these two had eye contact. Every message , every battle instinct was transferred between these sparking contacts of eyes.

"Sargon, let's get serious . You Northern Foreigner, taste this- Water Floods the Gate", Kalid's weight around the battle suddenly increased exponentially.

He charged forward with increasing momentum with Blades alone that had shown slow manifestations of Aura around.

Ronal would initially block these with ease but slowly after one too many parries and multiple dodges it was getting harder to get an edge over him.

On the other side of the Forest there were many clashes of the weapons with chakrams and Swords. Suwevh was successfully getting slippier and getting close to the young indigo skinned Darvik lady.


At the same time , outside the Trial area just near the entrance to Golden Covenant Ginkgo Draconic Forest there was Chief Supervisor from the Central Cathalos Faith , a Darvik Elder and one Knight Master with an Eye Patch observing the entire Forest with their Superior Senses amplified by an Array Formation.

"So, how is the overall situation ? What is the number of the compromised Initiates ?", the Chief Supervisor from the Central Cathalos Faith asked.

"Haha! Truly Inverted it is in this trial. There are more casualties of the Initiates than being either plucked in the bud or Robbery of those damn downright heretical bastards from Heaven's Anarchist Society", replied the Male Elderly Darvik elder that was in charge of monitoring the Array formation.

"Haha these so-called Followers of Anarchy that revere OLD GODS are nothing but jealous and envy of our Faith's Status quo and superior principles.", replied the one Eyed Knight Master.

"Haha Brother Themistocles , It is also possible because there are higher concentrations of Blood of High Senators that are participating in this trial at this Central Capital Zone . These Bastards dare only to kidnap a mere handful Initiates this time", the Darvik elder further encroached, "What do you say Bishop Salamis ? "

Chief Supervisor Bishop Salamis understood the intentions of the Darvik elder and soon with a swing of his hand a Communication Talisman Token appeared. He activated the Talisman Device using his SpiritForce and soon was able to find out about the situation of other various Trial sites all over the Republic.

With a Dark face Bishop Salamis replied, "Elder Darvik Palin, it seems it is only around the Capital area we have similar good News while overall the republic the situation is worse than last year. These Heretical Terrorists."

"HMM. So it would be much harder to hide this incident. The World's balance is getting increasingly shakier for even the Heavens Anarchist Sect to lower themselves to this extent", while stroking his beard the elder looked at Hopeful sky, "Raab Guide us unto Peace".

"Let's focus our attention to grab as many of these Anarchist Poachers as we can. It would at least reduce our sense of impotency of being unable to give 100% full protection to our Junior. Let us Hunt with Blood", Knight Master Themistocles urged the group.


'Waaaaahhh !!!'

The young Emberforge Drake was wailing at his agony, getting increasingly more anxious to get out of this trap and One by one the Initiates present were now also getting aware of that.


Shunryu Young Male Ronal was now getting serious and attacking with all his might wanting to end things quickly.

Kalid and his sword were apparently no match for his barehanded attacks and was slowly getting outpaced and overwhelmed with the attacks.

"I am Ronal , the Son of Southern Duke of Aolong, current prestigious High Senator who sided with the Republic Revolution leading to you commoners even getting these Basic Rights of Decency.", Ronal uttered with his eyebrows lowered and knit together in anger.


A heavy punch landed on Kalid making him fly a few dozen steps away from his current position.

"My heritage is more close to this Land of Zagross than yours would ever be for we are the founders of the Republic", Ronal was showing anger for the first time.


"Look at your own ignorance, so pathetic. So learn some basic etiquettes before you enter House of Raab so that you won't shame us Warriors of Faith in the Future. ", Ronal exhaled his anger as he breathed, returning to his calm facade which was hiding his conflict within.

Their Fight continued as Kalid, although clearly in a bad shape, wanted to get back for this humiliation. 

"Ohoo Kalid. What happened to your Holy Self now getting agitated. Exorcize this Devil within dude. Hahaha '', Suwevh on the other hand was getting a laugh out of this situation finally relieved that his Friend was finally back from his holier than thou attitude.

"Let's get this over with and end this for all", Reeve Helena directed Suwevh's attention to end this for all as Kalid's situation was going to deteriorate with time.

"Just handle these Flying Chakrams."

"Emerald Arrows ", Reeve was unleashing her Arrow techniques she recently learned.




Three arrows unleashed one after another tangling those chakrams making sure they stayed on the ground for a few breaths as these arrows were imbued with the Aura of the Mirkwood tree

"Haha Got you!"Suwevh swept passed those chakrams and attacked Devyani.



"Huh !"

Devyani had one chakram converted into a Scythe that blocked the two Saber's charge of Suwevh.

"Haha. Do you think that is all I, Devyani the beautiful talent of Darvik race has only this little trick", Devyani proclaimed with a smirk while flipping her hairs with hands resulting in a serene beautiful scene.

Kalid also froze for a few milliseconds while Devyani also was pleased with her reveal thinking she proved her both beauty and brains.

"Now ", Sargon urged.


An arrow unlike others thrown with extreme speed and anger burst in the direction towards Sargon.

"Ahhhhh", Bryant was hit by that arrow.

If it was any other time it wouldn't hit but Bryant was preoccupied with Sargon . Also it contained the Anger of Reeve as well as her justice.

"Got you !!! Yahh Bitch", Reeve leaped from excitement as if she had reached Heavens from the Earth below.

Sorry for the Delay. Had some Personal Issues to go through.

Drakal72creators' thoughts