
Tales of Naruto Phenex in DXD

After suffering a heartbreaking betrayal from two of his closest persons, Naruto Phenex leaves underworld only to rise to the top of the world.

AculturedCitizen · Komik
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15 Chs



A pair of closed eyelids fluttered as the morning sun broke through the curtains and revealed the morning daylight. Continuing to flutter the eyelids eventually opened and revealed a pair of blue eyes that shined like sapphires and stared up at the blank white ceiling.

Tilting his head, the man looked at the alarm clock beside him and saw it read 08:30 before groaning. He grabbed a pillow and covered his face with it, trying to block out the sun.

After a few minutes of silence, he let a loud sigh escape his mouth before he sat up forward and rubbed the sleepers out of his eyes.

He was a young man in his early twenties with tanned skin and golden blonde hair that was kept short but was very spiky. He had a lean but muscular build that was built for both speed and power and at full height would stand around 6'1. Along his right eye was a scar that went vertical and stopped above his cheek while a few more scars covered his chest and shoulder with one in particular still looking slightly red, indicating it was relatively new.

He was Naruto Phenex, eldest son of the current Lord and Lady of the Phenex family, heir of the Phenex family, and one of the great heroes of the Devil Civil War.

Blinking and rubbing the sleepers out of his eyes, Naruto Phenex's gaze left his bed and traveled over to the window that showed the village of Giethoorn, Netherlands. He put on his plain white T-shirt and exited his room. And as soon as he did his face broke into a smile that can swoon any woman. He stretched his body and sat down on a big flat rock in a cross-legged style.

'Breathe in.... breathe out..... in....out.....'

This was his daily morning routine. Of course, he has no problem skipping it, but 'that' person made him promise to do it daily.

To completely get over 'her'.

To be honest he did overcome that grief a long time ago. It's when he met her. If it wasn't for her, he would probably not be alive. Meditating brings him peace, though it is very hard to attain in the current world.

A couple of teenage girls passed through his meditating spot and blushed heavily when they saw him. Of course, he didn't react to it because he has already gotten used to it in his 200 years of life. He just waved at them which made them blush even more

'Yare Yare Daze.....'

And just when he felt everything was peaceful, his face deadpanned and sighed.

"If there's one thing you are good at Azazel, it is finding-no, stalking me."

Naruto turned his face to his right to see a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs, and a black goatee. He is Azazel, the Leader of the Fallen Angles.

"Now now, that isn't a good way to say hello to a friend whom you met after a long time", Azazel said with a smile on his face.

"Uh uh, let me correct it. "A friend when there's something going on which only I can solve".

Azazel smiled, " Also that."

Naruto got up, " Come on in. If you found me in the middle of nowhere, then things are getting hot."

Azazel sighed heavily as he walked in. They both sat opposite each other on the couches. Azazel, who was smiling goofily when he came in turned serious all of a sudden and began to speak, "In the last decade there has been a group beginning to form that could very easily pose a threat to not only the Human World but the Underworld and Heaven as well. This group is a little different from the other sort of groups or factions that have been put together in the past."

Naruto nodded slightly while listening to what the man had to say.

"The group is not just solely one species but made up multiple divisions, each which has a different species of creature occupying it."

"Angels, Fallen Angels, Devils, Strays, Magicians, Yokai. You name it they have all joined this group," he spoke seriously before his eyebrows shot up in surprise when he heard Naruto chuckle.

"From the sound of what you're describing I think I am correct when I say you are talking about the Khaos Brigade?" he asked getting a bigger surprised look from Azazel.

"You know?" He asked as Naruto snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Of course, I know. You don't think I would not know about a group like that getting together. After all, their lineup consists of pretty infamous and famous profiles, or so I heard."

"But HOW do you know them?" Azazel asked as the blonde shrugged.

"They requested that I join obviously." His response got a shocked and somewhat fearful look all over which made the Phenex wave his hand casually, "C'mon, do you seriously think that I'll join that mixed-species band or whatever?"

Azazel let out a heavy sigh and leaned back. Naruto was the LAST person he wants on his opposite team, even worse with the group they are facing. Azazel trusted a very limited number of people and Naruto was one of them. Even Vali doesn't make the list.

"Not yet. I think your old amigos the, Four Satans are starting to take note. I have seen Sirzechs and Serafall sending a portion of their peerage out increasingly more recently on recon missions. The activities of the Khaos Brigade are starting to get observable."

"Not surprising," Naruto spoke before turning to look forward again. "So how is my old friend Sirzechs?" Azazel's heart skipped a beat when heard the blonde speak out "his" name. " I only kept up to date on my family's being? From time to time I check in on my friends but those two I have left alone for some time. Stabbed anyone else in the back lately?"

Azazel winced at the bitter tone he spoke in, mentally fighting over whether he should tell him about a certain piece of information. It was not known publicly around the world but many higher-ups were aware of the situation between the three devils.

"What was the last you heard about Sirzechs and Grayfia?" Azazel asked and noticed the twitch in the blonde's hand when he said her name.

"Only that he and Grayfia were living a happy life as the mighty power couple of the Underworld. About fifteen years or so I think."

"Then you should know they had a pretty big life-changing experience ten years ago," he said noticing his attention was now firmly on him.

"And what would that be exactly?" Naruto asked trying to keep his emotionless mask on his face.

Azazel sighed while rubbing the back of his head before he spoke. "They had their first born ten years ago. A little boy I believe," he said and quickly noticed Naruto look away and saw his right hand was firmly grasping the earth beneath him and making cracks in the ground.

After 90 years, he was not surprised that the wound still hurt. They fell quiet for a few moments as Azazel waited for the blonde to begin speaking.

"I see…..W-What…..What's the boy's name?" he whispered.

"Millicas. They named him Millicas Gremory."

"Millicas huh?" He said as his head gently nodded. "That's a…that's a good name....."Memories of him and Grafiya cuddling in their then-home flooded his brain for a fleeting moment. How they used to talk about how their kids are gonna be, what their names gonna be, how they would live happily for rest of their lives. And just as his mind began to dive deeper into his memories, suddenly he remembered a certain blonde's voice,

"I-I'am willing to be with you in life and death Naruto-kun, believe it."

Naruto slowly smiled, which surprised Azazel greatly. He looked at Azazel and continued,

"Any way were getting off track and that's not the reason why you came here after all. Why come to me with this information? Why me of all people?"

"Well, that's easy. I don't know what their ultimate goal is yet but whatever it is it can't be good, especially if members of the Old Satan Faction get involved," he said as Naruto got a dark look on his face.

"If the Old Faction even try I will put them right back into the hole that they dared to crawl out of."

"Yes but even you can't do it alone," Azazel told seriously. "From what I can tell they will target the Underworld eventually. Whether it's people or land a new potential war is brewing…The Underworld will need you."

"Since when did you start caring about devils?"

"I don't really," he said shrugging. "But many of my brethren live in the Underworld and you and I both know what war can cause. The pain, suffering, and death it brings. I don't want to see another war break out." Naruto nodded, understanding what the Fallen was saying.

"Meaning this could be the chance for our three sides to put our differences aside and make a real peace treaty and not this paper-thin cease fire that we have had for centuries," Naruto said noticing where the conversation was leading towards.

In response, Azazel nodded. "If we have any chance then the best way may be for the three factions to align."

They spoke for five more minutes as Azazel explained it to Naruto who was half listening and half thinking about the information he was being told. If the Old Satan Faction really were making a move then he wanted to make sure they got put down on a more permanent basis.

"You should be taking this up with the Satan's. Not me," Naruto said as he got up and began walking towards the door. As was about to exit, stopped and turned his head.

"But….I will keep my eyes open and I will at least think about the possibility of going back to the Underworld," he said. He turned around to walk away but stopped when Azazel now spoke up.

"In that case, you think you could do a favor for me?" He asked getting Naruto's attention again. He looked at Azazel for a moment before nodding at him to keep speaking.

"There's a kid I want you to look at who recently became a devil. Recently became a devil under Rias Gremory. He has a lot of potential and I have a feeling he is going to be right at the center of what's to come."

"You mean Hyoudou Issei?", Naruto asked nonchalantly.

Azazel, who was surprised to hear the kids' name asked, "How do you know him?"

Naruto still had the nonchalant look on his face, " Well it's been a while since I saw the last Draig's partner. Azazel, this isn't an anime world for a guy out of nowhere to storm the supernatural world and least of all that guy. I can fathom to think he may be of good use to that guy's sister in rating games but that's it. There are a lot of irregulars like him in this world and a lot of other people who actually worked their fucking life off to get strong. All I can see is that guy powering up while thinking about boobs. Well he is a good person besides all of that though"

Azazel widened his eyes and was silent for a few seconds before speaking out, " W-wow.... you actually studied him huh?"

Naruto smirked, " Well it's been a while since I saw perverts who have great powers in them. And that guy greatly disappointed me."

Azazel returned the smirk, "Well, let' see what's to come.", and then flew away.

Naruto smiled as he closed the door to pack his things.

Yeah.. I know , I know. I won't speak anything, I'm sorry.

I'm just gonna post my fanfiction account link: I reccoment you read it there.


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